Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
30 minutes of jelqs should mean that you are quiet sore after that?
If not you might do less time but more intensity. You really should feel that you have done something and then you will get some reaction from your dick.(of course never break it)How often do you do this? every day? 1on1off?
Whats your PI’s after the exercise?(next day too) How does your EQ change?
I think 30 minutes is what the Newbie Routine advises to gradually build up to. I think I feel like I’ve done something when Jelqing entirely with OK grip, but there’s been posts about whether or not that’s actually a good grip to use (Since it impacts the CS, which isn’t so productive but provides a feeling of fullness) When Jelqing, I also press down into the public bone to get some extra blood to pump up before stroking upwards.
I know people report getting those small red spots on the glands, which I never once gotten.
2 on, 1 off.
In terms of PI, I’m honestly not sure. I think there’s some times a feeling of fullness just after. No pain. No morning/nite wood but that’s been the case long before PE, same with low EQ. Don’t really pay attention to change in flaccid look.
Originally Posted by James N
It sounds to me that you overworked. Jelqing should be no more than 10 minutes for a newbie or until you see gains. Pumping shouldn’t be introduced until your penis has been well conditioned with the newbie routine. I think you may have just toughened your penis up, making gains very difficult. I’d recommend a good month or more off and start from scratch. Let your penis get a good rest and start back up SLOWLY! Good Luck.
Pumping was this month, and I started off with less than 10 minutes.
(To clarify: Adding it into the routine)