Gained length, lost girth srs - panic mode
Hey gents.
I’m freaked out right now because I have gained about 1/4 inch from high tension ADS with my ESL40 over the last few months, but I have lost girth. I’ve measured many times on many occasions and I have lost 1/8 inch in MSEG and BG.
This isn’t supposed to happen I thought. And it’s not just right after I finish wearing it for the day. My dick is slightly thinner now all the time.
Please tell me this isn’t so. Have I permanently deformed my penis? Like those Africans who hang weights until they literally have a 12 inch pencil? That never goes back.
Everyone says they gain or stay the same and can’t find anyone who says they have lost girth.
My EQ is great btw. So it’s not like I don’t get totally hard anymore. Is this common? Will my dick beef up again or am I screwed? I don’t want to hit my goal of 7.5 NBP and end up with a really thin dick that I have to girth up for another year. What if that doesn’t even work? What if I never get my girth back. This is a nightmare. Finally have gains after a year and I’m consistently thinner now. Great.
Please help.