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How to do manual stretch correct?


How to do manual stretch correct?

First of all, I have searched and searched myself but I still don’t just get it..
* How do I properly do manual stretches (SD,SO,R,L,SU)?
* Can you take your grip anywhere on the shaft just as it is not the glans?
* Does retracting foreskin means just pulling the foreskin behind the glans but not fully?
* Is there any difference you feel or see when you stretch the penis itself compared to the skin? Doesn’t the skin always get stretched but it is just a matter of minimizing it?

I know that the majority go by 1 inch behind the glans or just closely behind the glans but when I do that the foreskin rolls over my glans and my grip slips so easily, it is literally impossible for it to not happen. I just don’t get a good grip if it is closer to the glans and that is why I take my grip closer to the base, is that wrong? That is the only way I have been able to stretch so far, closer to the base or in the middle, but I am afraid I am doing it wrong and stretching the skin and not the penis and that every work out is to waste right now. I have no increase in flaccid and I am 3 weeks in my newbie routine.

If someone out there would please try to explain to me how to properly do these manual stretching with some tips and tricks I would highly appreciate it. I really want to learn how to do them the correct way! Thanks in advance.

Originally Posted by Lenny
This should help:

Jelqing & Stretching 101

I forgot to say thanks! I have read your link and many others and I guess some things you just need practice to learn, this was the case for me. I still find it hard but it gets easier and easier by each workout and now I think I can stretch quite ok, at least better than before. Straight down, straight out and to the sides is the easiest while upwards is challenging. I hold below the glans (1 inch) with an overhand grip. You’re supposed to have your grip on the skin right, because when I retract my foreskin there is a area under there just below the glans where there are no skin if you know what I mean.? Also when I pull it feels like my grip eventually slides down to just behind the glans and I can feel it against the glans and it feels just a little uncomfortable, in other words, I can feel it in the glans when I stretch.

I don’t get the “problem” with gripping it right behind the glands, I have been doing so and experienced no problems at all with erection or anything else. It’s just the most natural place for me to hold as I get the whole shaft stretched out at the same time. Just finished a 34min routine doing it this way in each direction including straight out. Just shake the fucker a little bit every time before starting a new stretch.

Originally Posted by Abdiel
I don’t get the “problem” with gripping it right behind the glands, I have been doing so and experienced no problems at all with erection or anything else. It’s just the most natural place for me to hold as I get the whole shaft stretched out at the same time. Just finished a 34min routine doing it this way in each direction including straight out. Just shake the fucker a little bit every time before starting a new stretch.

Are you circumcised? Do you retract the foreskin before gripping and do you grip the skin/under the glans without gripping the skin (probably a dumb question). Because if I retract my foreskin as much as I can, there is a area just under the glans which there is no skin as it is retracted back towards the base. My biggest issue is that the skin slides back over the glans and I loose my grip. I am starting to get a little hang of it now but still finding it hard.

Could you please explain a little more detailed how you are successfully doing manual stretching? What grip do you use, overhand? Do you feel anything in your glans as you are gripping it just behind it? Because when I grip 0.5-1 inch behind the glans it slides down to just behind the head and I can feel it pressing against the glans and it feels a little bit awkward.

I really need the help, thanks.

To the OP, if slippage is a problem while stretching, try wrapping your unit with a layer or two of toilet paper. I’ve found it helps tremendously with keeping a secure grip and getting a good stretch.

I got this tip from someone here, Firegoat, I believe, can’t take credit for it myself.

As said, I grab right behind the head, foreskin retracted(uncut, yes), always, overhand grip and go full force while using toilet paper to prevent slippage in case my hands get moist or sweaty. Been doing it this way always and never had any form of injury from doing so. We’re talking some years here, just so you know.

Actually going to try and get in as much manual stretching I possibly can/bother to for the next couple of months to see if my gains speed up, stretching all damn day and using an extender for a while after each stretching session to let it kinda heal in that elongated state.

Grabbing right behind the glans, especially for cut guys, poses long term nerve damage risks. It’s why no grip or device is supposed to affix there as a primary force conveyance.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I use baby powder & wrap my index finger over my thumbnail area when pulling out, down, BTC, & to the side. I do it with an A-stretch in place of normal upper stretches, too. It puts a bend in the shaft, redirecting the pull more into the side of the shaft than the skin, giving you less slippage. Twist your wrist a little when you do these, thumb down, pinkie side up.

Search for “Tips and Tricks of Manual Stretching” by Marinera.

"Penis Enlargement (PE) is a Personal Endeavor for Personal Enhancement to Progressive Excellence which takes Commitment, Consciousness, Comprehension, Competency, and Consistency to Succeed"


Originally Posted by Seneca 32
To the OP, if slippage is a problem while stretching, try wrapping your unit with a layer or two of toilet paper. I’ve found it helps tremendously with keeping a secure grip and getting a good stretch.

I got this tip from someone here, Firegoat, I believe, can’t take credit for it myself.

Just wrap the toilet paper around the skin for enhanced grip? Or between the glans and the skin when fully retracting foreskin?

Originally Posted by Abdiel
As said, I grab right behind the head, foreskin retracted(uncut, yes), always, overhand grip and go full force while using toilet paper to prevent slippage in case my hands get moist or sweaty. Been doing it this way always and never had any form of injury from doing so. We’re talking some years here, just so you know.
Actually going to try and get in as much manual stretching I possibly can/bother to for the next couple of months to see if my gains speed up, stretching all damn day and using an extender for a while after each stretching session to let it kinda heal in that elongated state.

Wow, I mean if it works it works I guess. But isn’t that more dangerous to not grab the skin but directly under the glans like that? Isn’t there some kind of nerve there and does it not hurt your glans doing it that way? Because I can imagine quite a lot of pressure on it while you are pulling.

It seems like you are well conditioned and that you can handle a lot.. May I ask if there is any particular reason why you are not hanging?

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Grabbing right behind the glans, especially for cut guys, poses long term nerve damage risks. It’s why no grip or device is supposed to affix there as a primary force conveyance.

So basically you’re advising against gripping RIGHT BEHIND the glans? Is it wrong to retract the foreskin fully and grab right behind the glans (not on the skin) if you know what I mean. What I have tried getting a hang of at the moment is to grab 1 inch behind the glans (on the skin) and then in best case scenario the skin will slide down just behind the glans and my grip will stay there. But I always feel a little awkwardness in my glans when I stretch, like I put pressure on it.

Originally Posted by Paul H.
I use baby powder & wrap my index finger over my thumbnail area when pulling out, down, BTC, & to the side. I do it with an A-stretch in place of normal upper stretches, too. It puts a bend in the shaft, redirecting the pull more into the side of the shaft than the skin, giving you less slippage. Twist your wrist a little when you do these, thumb down, pinkie side up.

Thanks for your tips man. You find baby powder to be much more effective than just using your hands as they are?

Originally Posted by Mac93
Just wrap the toilet paper around the skin for enhanced grip? Or between the glans and the skin when fully retracting foreskin?

I use a rubber glove. The better type you get at home depot or an auto parts store. It really helps with the grip and isn’t messy like a powder and not clumsy like toilet paper.

I’m circumcised and grip right below the glans using my thumb and index finger. I have alot of extra skin which i push towards my body before tightening the grip. That way I’m stretching the meat of my cock and not the skin.

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