Originally Posted by xyz123
ED is psychological i.e stress, anxiety and depression.Testosterone levels are high.
Not had any tests for venous leakage etc
Cheers, Rob
Read up about reverse kegels.
They are basicly the opposite of kegels as in Pushing your pelvic floor out.
When you are tense cause of stress then the pelvic floor msucles are constantly contracting.
Then lacking the power to pump and maintain the errection.
A full errection needs pelvic floor relaxation.
Try this:
When you stretch do it very gently and while you do it take note of your pelvic floor and if it resists the stretch.
Apply a reverse kegel as in relaxing the muscles to the point where you have no resistance from the muscles vs. the stretch.
Might take some tries.
After you managed to relax the pelivic floor it makes sense to introduce focused kegels. This will help you perform jelqs.
Grip your base with an ok sign hard enough to constrict but soft enough to be able to let blood through.
Now pump blood with kegels in. As in contracting the msucle on the udnerside of the dicks base(think piushing forward with the contraction)
Once you have enough blood in you can jelq up and repeat pumping blood via kegel in.
Also dont masturbate to porn too often. It trains the body and pelvic floor in a wrong way creating ED.
Any questions? ask..