Let’s take things right back to basics. What are penises for, from an evolutionary point of view? Squirting sperm into a uterus, obviously. Penises have been ‘designed’ by evolution to fit vaginas, so while both organs vary a good deal in size, it would be a bit strange if the average penis wasn’t a good fit for the average vagina. Of course a lot of women are going to prefer dicks that are a bit bigger than average to those that are a bit smaller, but unless you’re talking about a true size queen then the owner of an average-sized dick should be perfectly capable of having mutually enjoyable sex with the owner of an average-sized cunt, providing the said dick works properly.
I remember reading about some big survey about women’s feelings on dick size, and rather than ask about length in inches (which, as I’m sure we all know, most women don’t have a clue about) they asked how women felt about their current or previous partner’s size. About 85% were either “very satisfied” or “satisfied”. And out of the remaining 15%, presumably at least were “unsatisfied” because the dick in question was too big for them to have enjoyable sex. The idea that the average penis is somehow inadequate for most women is ludicrous.