If you have a bit experience with woman’s You will Know it’s not right, There is nothing called Ideal, Because your GF may accept 7 inches, But another girl may only take up to 6, So ideal size for your eyes, but technically Not for her vagina, Most of us want a bigger one, And most of us never heard any complaint from any one, Never think girls are too nice Not to say that ohh you suck!, A Simple word Your not sexy to a decent woman Or bitchy one, Will hit you back with your gay, Because they know where your ego is :D , So 10 inches is not ideal, and 5 inches is not ideal, IN between them is not ideal, The ideal is to be a good Driver And knows how to use it, if you have 5 to 6 inches girth, and your GF complaint that your small, Kick her out of the roads of your brain, It’s not worth it, and doing PE for any reason other then the sake of the health of your penis and to your self is not worth it, 10 inches ideal with a girl Who can take 6 inches depth! Where is the ideal in this ! I’m not trying to make any one feel better, I’m just trying to explain it , And in the end It’s your penis, You know your life style, So getting a comment from a hooker that your small or comparing your self to porn stars, Who pump 20 times between each position plus Viagra, Then looking at your unit and say I’m not right down there, or compare your gains to another person here and say ohh he gain why I’m not, And jump into clamping hanging and jelqing all the the same time, Then you don’t need Big penis, You seriously Need a DR. NO Offense TO all it’s just my opinion
Start July 07 2011 = Length 6.5 Girth 5.3 ---> 07 / May / 2012 = NBPEL 7 In / BEG 6.2.5 In / MEG 5.8
Goal : All the way --- And no this is not my photo :D