Thunder's Place

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Benefits of Heat in PE

Would you care to elaborate on that?

Why the Smithsonian? Because you could walk around it for a week and not see the whole thing.

Originally Posted by The Smithsonian
Would you care to elaborate on that?

Links to articles and sources will be posted at the bottom. This is a bit long and full of science.

" The reason why cryotherapy, or the use of ice as treatment, works for improving flexibility is a bit confusing. The accepted theory is the reverse of what you might think. Essentially the cold will cause vasodilation, or the widening of your blood vessels. Vasodilation allows for greater blood flow and higher temperature inside the muscle. This has a soothing effect on the musculature, which in turn reduces its resistance to being stretched."

"When you apply ice to an area of your body, it does create vasoconstriction to the superficial blood vessels, or blood vessels near the surface of your skin. At the same time, it increases blood flow underneath the superficial area to prevent heat loss. This helps reduce a muscles resistance to stretching."

Results from study:

"We found differences in the responses among subject groups. Supine hamstring flexibility after stretching with ice was greater than both stretching with heat and stretching alone. Scores after stretching with heat and stretching alone were not different."

Conclusions from study:

"The results of our investigation suggest that the application of ice may provide enhanced short-term improvements in flexibility over heat or stretching alone. Further research is necessary to investigate the possible mechanisms for these improvements and to determine whether similar results can be obtained with other muscle groups."

So that’s a pretty long read if you are still here .This is not an anti heat or warm up thread. The penis is complicated beast. Heat has been working great for years. Heat works on the penis by softening the ligaments ,soft tissues, and collagen allowing easier deformation when we stretch, hang, pump, or extend our ligaments. But we ar talking about cold And muscles. So what are it’s effects and how does this relate?

The penis is full of smooth muscle and it what relaxes and expands to cause an erection to happen. Jelqs,clamping,pumping, Live types of girth work stretch and expand smooth muscle in the penis.

" Vasodilation refers to the widening of blood vessels.[1] It results from relaxation of smooth muscle cells within the vessel wall" relaxation of the smooth muscles is what allows erections to happen and the principal that Viagra works.

This means in short we should be able to get more and easier expansion with pumping in cold water due to the increase in vasodilation , and increased lack of resistance from the smooth muscle.

The other benefits are is that expanded soft tissue in the pump like ligaments from being heated would be quickly cooled down but held in an expanded state this in theory helping to cement the expansion.

Other benefits is that it helps with healing. If you are the type to do PE every day especially girth this might be extremely beneficial against fatigue and injuries.

Cold seems to help greatly with discoloration, due to the vasoconstriction on the skin, and it’s effects against brushing and swelling.

It has proven effective against lymph fluid build up by alternating hot and cold.

Cold on the testicles has proven to increase testosterone .

Icing Isn’t Just for Injuries: Cryotherapy Improves Flexibility - Breaking Muscle

Comparison of Stretching with Ice, Stretching with Heat, or Stretching Alone on Hamstring Flexibility - PMC

Vasodilation - Wikipedia

Most people seem to be using IR but Ultrasound has a very useful property of being absorbed more by dense protein/collagen (see below) whereas I believe IR I believe more targets the water. This is precisely what you want if you are trying to target the tough collagenous sheath and ligaments that limit size. With IR you are heating the skin, arteries, nerves, etc. I wonder if many using IR are actually reaching the 104-113 optimal collagen plastic stretching temperatures in the studies. I believe the skin would get to discomfort levels before deeper collagen layers whereas US would prioritize the collagen.

On a separate note IR is divided into near and far ranges. Far is above around 1100nm and is what is used for heating like in IR saunas and heat lamps. Near infrared is around 850 and doesn’t not give much heat but does speed up cell metabolism and tissue healing so a separate near infrared light would be useful for recovery. Infrared heat lamps usually only emit about 10% in the near infrared range so not a very significant source. 660nm red light also shares many similar properties with 850nm and is interchangeable particularly with shallow treatment areas.


http://www.elec … rasound-therapy
As the penetration (or transmission) of US is not the same in each tissue type, it is clear that some tissues are capable of greater absorption of US than others. Generally, the tissues with the higher protein content will absorb US to a greater extent, thus tissues with high water content and low protein content absorb little of the US energy (e.g. Blood and fat) whilst those with a lower water content and a higher protein content will absorb US far more efficiently. Tissues can be ranked according to their relative tissue absorption and this is critical in terms of clinical decision making (Watson, 2008).

New Absorption Diagram

Although cartilage and bone are at the upper end of this scale, the problems associated with wave reflection mean that the majority of US energy striking the surface of either of these tissues is likely to be reflected. The best absorbing tissues in terms of clinical practice are those with high collagen content – LIGAMENT, TENDON, FASCIA, JOINT CAPSULE, SCAR TISSUE (Watson 2000, 2008, Watson & Young, 2008, ter Haar 1999, Nussbaum 1998, Frizzel & Dunn 1982

The application of therapeutic US to tissues with a low energy absorption capacity is less likely to be effective than the application of the energy into a more highly absorbing material. Recent evidence of the ineffectiveness of such an intervention can be found in Wilkin et al (2004) and Markert et al (2005) whilst application in tissue that is a better absorber will, as expected, result in a more effective intervention (e.g. Sparrow et al 2005, Leung et al 2004).

The physiological effects of ultrasound are almost identical to those of Pulsed Shortwave and Laser therapy – the key difference however, is that ultrasound energy is preferentially absorbed in different tissue to the other modalities – as summarised in the adjacent diagram.

Originally Posted by dihard
Most people seem to be using IR but Ultrasound has a very useful property of being absorbed more by dense protein/collagen (see below) whereas I believe IR I believe more targets the water. This is precisely what you want if you are trying to target the tough collagenous sheath and ligaments that limit size. With IR you are heating the skin, arteries, nerves, etc. I wonder if many using IR are actually reaching the 104-113 optimal collagen plastic stretching temperatures in the studies. I believe the skin would get to discomfort levels before deeper collagen layers whereas US would prioritize the collagen.

That’s very interesting. I never liked IR much but Ultrasound sounds great how you laid it out here..

Practically what Ultrasound device you are thinking about that we could use for our purposes?

I would go for a table top unit like they have at PT places. I don’t think the cheap <$100 handheld ones have sufficient power.

From what I’ve read 1mhz units are good for 2-5cm and 3mhz 0.8 to 1.6 cm. This is the only point I’m confused on because I don’t know if that means the 1mhz would literally skip over the first two cm. This doesn’t make sense to me how the energy would skip over the first two cm and only start working after that. If this were true the 1mhz unit would only heat the opposite side and keep the near side cool, which I guess wouldn’t really matter as long as you kept that in mind. If 1mhz reached shallow and deep that could be ideal because they are cheaper (~150) and also because the higher max depth means you’d be able to heat both sides simultaneously which would be helpful to maintain temp. If not then 3mhz would be the better choice but the entry level units seem to be twice as much on ebay. I’ll have to research this a bit more, or maybe a PT on this forum could chime in on the 1mhz range issue and if/why it does/doesn’t affect the first two cm.

Another nice thing about ultrasound is there is research available about the rate of tissue warming which allows more precision of heating. For example this table I copied down from the same site above:

Intensity W/cm^2 1Mhz C/min 3Mhz C/min
0.5 .04 C .3 C
1 .2 .6
1.5 .3 .9
2 .4 1.4

I would still of course add a safety margin and increase very gradually.

Hello guys, I just come across this on other website and it gets me curious, It is about warming up after our PE session…

“For one reason or another, some men “warm up” after a workout in hopes they’ll increase the benefits that heat provides. This isn’t recommended. A chief reason the warm up is so important is that it increases the elasticity of your penis. Increased elasticity, however, is not what you want at the end of your workout. Post workout, the goal is to keep your penis in an enlarged and stretched state. Applying heat to your penis counteracts this goal.

Instead of applying heat to your penis after a workout, try applying cold. Many men find that it helps boost gains and keep the penis in a stretched state. For a cool down, apply cold to your penis using a cold wash cloth, a cold pack that has been sitting in the fridge (not the freezer), or some cold water. Keep the cool down applied for one to two minutes. Just make sure it’s not too cold, or your penis is liable to contract and shrink up.”

What do you guys think about this?

"If you desire one thing for so long, it is a given that you will miss other things along the way. That is how it is... that is life."

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
yeah ice cold water pumping.Entering pump erect into ICE water. Feels good. The theory behind it is sound.
I don’t like cooling down in a flaccid state. Feels not good and counterproductive.

So you think it can work? I never saw anything like this in here at thunder, that’s why I’m in doubt.

"If you desire one thing for so long, it is a given that you will miss other things along the way. That is how it is... that is life."

All theories sound good, but unless someone has proven results, they will be nothing more than theories.

I think there are too much theories, and too little practicing of the theories

Originally Posted by dihard
I would go for a table top unit like they have at PT places. I don’t think the cheap <$100 handheld ones have sufficient power.

From what I’ve read 1mhz units are good for 2-5cm and 3mhz 0.8 to 1.6 cm. This is the only point I’m confused on because I don’t know if that means the 1mhz would literally skip over the first two cm. This doesn’t make sense to me how the energy would skip over the first two cm and only start working after that. If this were true the 1mhz unit would only heat the opposite side and keep the near side cool, which I guess wouldn’t really matter as long as you kept that in mind. If 1mhz reached shallow and deep that could be ideal because they are cheaper (~150) and also because the higher max depth means you’d be able to heat both sides simultaneously which would be helpful to maintain temp. If not then 3mhz would be the better choice but the entry level units seem to be twice as much on ebay. I’ll have to research this a bit more, or maybe a PT on this forum could chime in on the 1mhz range issue and if/why it does/doesn’t affect the first two cm.

Hi diHard,

mhz is a frequency. If you would look at a sine graph with its wave form plotted, you would see that 3mhz wave crossing 3 times vs 1mhz only crossing once. I’m not sure how this heater technology works, but I would imagine it’s along these lines. The 3mhz would have a higher definition for heating.

PE rules!!!

Sept ‘17: 5-3/4” BPEL X 4-1/8” MSEG

Now: 6-1/2” BPEL X 4-5/8” MSEG

Originally Posted by thegoat
All theories sound good, but unless someone has proven results, they will be nothing more than theories.

I think there are too much theories, and too little practicing of the theories

We know what heat does with regards to tendons and ligaments, and in that regard yeah heat while stretching then remaining stretched out while cooling down would be a good thing.

But what is it that is growing when your dick grows via PE? What is increasing? It is cell size, cell count, smooth muscle?

No doubt this question has been asked before but I did not find it with the search function.

You answered your question. As long as you are growing, do you need to know the precise mechanism? Use heat and you will grow. I’m not sure why we need to make things so difficult.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


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