Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Girth - The Downside

Roughly the same stuff as when you left, I think :D

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

My post-PE stats were 6.5 BPEL x 6.25 MSEG before a 3 year long break (due to bipolar depression and being so low emotionally and mentally that I gave up sex and PE). Due to size anxiety issues I’ve had my whole life, (even with my post-PE size), I’ve only had sex with strippers or prostitutes, and there were a lot of them (over 250), once I had achieved my 6.5 x 6.25 dick. Please understand that I’m not bragging at all about the number - compare that to 0 “normal” girls (I’ve been so scared about being made fun of for having a “perceived” small dick), and hopefully you’ll understand my perspective. I’ve discussed it at length in another post, but back to this discussion.

In all my encounters, very few could take more than my just my head during BJs. Only two could actually take the whole length, most likely due to the girth. A lot of them said things like “My jaw hurts, I can’t go any longer, or Can I just lick it”. I’ve never really enjoyed blow jobs anyways, so it wasn’t an issue for me. I actually felt bad about them getting sore, so it was really bothersome most of the time thinking that they weren’t enjoying it. However, I did enjoy the times that teeth were gently scraping my head, as it added an intense “pain” sensation that heightened my enjoyment.

Most girls had to take it extremely slow during the vaginal penetration. I always brought lube with me when I knew I would be having sex that day, and all of them were appreciative of the lube. I’d say over half of the girls, once properly warmed up, seemed to really enjoy the girth and were able to take the whole length of my unit with fast strokes. A few were hesitant to have sex with me, but due to my size insecurities, I couldn’t tell if they were serious or just trying to stroke my ego for a larger tip. Only a handful refused vaginal sex, settling for manual stimulation, which I enjoy more than vaginal anyways (tight grip at the base and slow strokes). Almost every one of them was surprised at the size of the girth when they first felt it hard through my shorts, and compliments came from most girls (women - I say “girls” but all of them were at least of legal age, if not much older). Please understand that I’m not bragging at all - actually just the opposite. With my size insecurities, I never knew if they were being truthful or just “working” me for more money. I was so nervous with each encounter, I couldn’t ejaculate at all. Sex would last the full hour, sometimes two or three hours, and the girls did get sore and had to try and finish me with their hands. Had I been able to ejaculate like normal, I think that most girls would have been happy with the experience without complaining about soreness. Just my opinion..

Only two girls ever wanted anal. I’ve never wanted anal, and was glad that it never happened. I love licking assholes while I’m eating them out, but the idea of anal penetration just doesn’t appeal to me. :)

So in my experience, a girth over 6 inches was almost exclusively positive. The few times it was an issue was so few and far between, it’s nearly insignificant. Again, these were “professional” working girls, so I’d bet that some of these girls had seen and done larger penises than mine. Looking back now, I think there was some initial “shock” the girls felt when feeling my unit for the first time because of the girth. I really liked that at the time (when I would let myself believe them), so I am now beginning the newbie routine again due to the loss of the gains I had in the past. I’m aiming for a 7 inch BPEL x 6.5 EG. I think this size is perfect for me (that would be a 1.5 inch lenth gain) but may be too large for some “regular” girls. I’ll know if, when I reach that size, I can overcome my size insecurities and have sex with one of them. It would be great not to have to pay for it each time..

The “actual” size of my unit back then was really large compared to most guys, which I now know and understand. I just couldn’t see it then due to my lifelong poor self image.

Bottom line, if you want an EG over 6 inches, I say go for it! Just be prepared for the possible negative comments or experiences that may arise. For me, the negatives were far outweighed by the positives.

Thanks to all who read my post. I’m still nervous about posting on here.

Ya all info as long as it’s given in a respectful manner seems to be well received here at Thunder’s. That’s what I love about this forum!

Started 11/2014 6" BPEL x 4" MEG (Ballpark #'s)

As of 01/2017 7 1/2" BPEL x 4 7/8" MEG

18 Month Comparison Pic

Great results

I agree completely with what you say by a 6” Girth.
Hi all, Its been two years since I logged in. I logged in now to share my results. If this is in the wrong spot please move it.

As my name says I was 6 inches long and a six in girth at max while clamping. When I was limp I can almost stretch it to 7 inches. It sat at about 4 inches by its self

Now the good news for me thanks to thunders. I now have a 7 inch hard and 6 inch girth with no clamping. I sit at 5.5 inches limp

If I clamp I can get it to 7.25 inches and 6 3/8

I can stretch it to 8 inches.

I love hearing now from girls its perfect, Some get sore to start with but with in a few days gets used to it. Definitely need foreplay. Most woman say they love a fat one when they see it. Also great feeling when they say its bigger then their rabbit.

If I was to give one word of advice it would be to heat before any stretching if you don’t you are wasting your time. I found a perfect way to heat. A jar. Keep adding hot water fill it 3/4 of the way stick your thing in it seal the jar against your fat pad and relax.

Good luck all and keep PE ing

What methods did you guys use to get real girth gains? How do you measure the girth? By forcefully or lightly clamping down a measuring tape?

Recently I have been doing twists while erect. Not enough force to tear the skin, but enough to feel sore throughout the day.

I haven’t any goal in mind, just to preserve what I have.

I find that twisting for 30 seconds each way four or five times while edging is enough to feel soreness and the expansion is really good and lasts for a half hour or so after the session.

I use both hands to grip into the tunica and avoid just gripping skin.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I have plans to build a jelqing/rolling machine buy haven’t got my hands on geared dc motors yet, which excercises give the most girth?

Hi GeorgeGeorge. Have you done the newbie routine yet? If not this is a good one:

Linear Newbie Routine

It contains jelqs, which are excellent for gaining girth. It is hands only. No devices.

Once you have done 3 months of newbie, there are more advanced girth exercises.

But newbies should stick with the newbie routine, and save advanced exercises for later. It is too easy for a newbie to injure himself with the advanced exercises.

Originally Posted by jbrandon
My post-PE stats were 6.5 BPEL x 6.25 MSEG before a 3 year long break (due to bipolar depression and being so low emotionally and mentally that I gave up sex and PE). Due to size anxiety issues I’ve had my whole life, (even with my post-PE size), I’ve only had sex with strippers or prostitutes, and there were a lot of them (over 250), once I had achieved my 6.5 x 6.25 dick. Please understand that I’m not bragging at all about the number - compare that to 0 “normal” girls (I’ve been so scared about being made fun of for having a “perceived” small dick), and hopefully you’ll understand my perspective. I’ve discussed it at length in another post, but back to this discussion.

In all my encounters, very few could take more than my just my head during BJs. Only two could actually take the whole length, most likely due to the girth. A lot of them said things like “My jaw hurts, I can’t go any longer, or Can I just lick it”. I’ve never really enjoyed blow jobs anyways, so it wasn’t an issue for me. I actually felt bad about them getting sore, so it was really bothersome most of the time thinking that they weren’t enjoying it. However, I did enjoy the times that teeth were gently scraping my head, as it added an intense “pain” sensation that heightened my enjoyment.

Most girls had to take it extremely slow during the vaginal penetration. I always brought lube with me when I knew I would be having sex that day, and all of them were appreciative of the lube. I’d say over half of the girls, once properly warmed up, seemed to really enjoy the girth and were able to take the whole length of my unit with fast strokes. A few were hesitant to have sex with me, but due to my size insecurities, I couldn’t tell if they were serious or just trying to stroke my ego for a larger tip. Only a handful refused vaginal sex, settling for manual stimulation, which I enjoy more than vaginal anyways (tight grip at the base and slow strokes). Almost every one of them was surprised at the size of the girth when they first felt it hard through my shorts, and compliments came from most girls (women - I say “girls” but all of them were at least of legal age, if not much older). Please understand that I’m not bragging at all - actually just the opposite. With my size insecurities, I never knew if they were being truthful or just “working” me for more money. I was so nervous with each encounter, I couldn’t ejaculate at all. Sex would last the full hour, sometimes two or three hours, and the girls did get sore and had to try and finish me with their hands. Had I been able to ejaculate like normal, I think that most girls would have been happy with the experience without complaining about soreness. Just my opinion..

Only two girls ever wanted anal. I’ve never wanted anal, and was glad that it never happened. I love licking assholes while I’m eating them out, but the idea of anal penetration just doesn’t appeal to me. :)

So in my experience, a girth over 6 inches was almost exclusively positive. The few times it was an issue was so few and far between, it’s nearly insignificant. Again, these were “professional” working girls, so I’d bet that some of these girls had seen and done larger penises than mine. Looking back now, I think there was some initial “shock” the girls felt when feeling my unit for the first time because of the girth. I really liked that at the time (when I would let myself believe them), so I am now beginning the newbie routine again due to the loss of the gains I had in the past. I’m aiming for a 7 inch BPEL x 6.5 EG. I think this size is perfect for me (that would be a 1.5 inch lenth gain) but may be too large for some “regular” girls. I’ll know if, when I reach that size, I can overcome my size insecurities and have sex with one of them. It would be great not to have to pay for it each time..

The “actual” size of my unit back then was really large compared to most guys, which I now know and understand. I just couldn’t see it then due to my lifelong poor self image.

Bottom line, if you want an EG over 6 inches, I say go for it! Just be prepared for the possible negative comments or experiences that may arise. For me, the negatives were far outweighed by the positives.

Thanks to all who read my post. I’m still nervous about posting on here.

Your not small at all. You are BIG, in girth. That’s what these ladies were alluding to and they aren’t lying, compared to the population your probably top 2 or 3% for girth, they dont’ see that many that thick.

The length is around average but on some studies might be a little more even.

you have a mental problem. you have a big cock.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Hi GeorgeGeorge. Have you done the newbie routine yet? If not this is a good one:

Linear Newbie Routine

It contains jelqs, which are excellent for gaining girth. It is hands only. No devices.

Once you have done 3 months of newbie, there are more advanced girth exercises.

But newbies should stick with the newbie routine, and save advanced exercises for later. It is too easy for a newbie to injure himself with the advanced exercises.

It’s hard to do these exercises where I’m at daily, the thing is that I can workout for 1-2 days a week.
Given the relation of hormonal response during physical workout of your muscles and assuming that the same thing happens when you jelq or whatever, the exercising sequence should have specific timing and intervals , for angiogenesis 10-15 reps are needed or more and with high sets , following this protocol you should take days off to heal, there’s the contrary protocol of working out everyday with lighter loads but this will only increase the fluid in the muscle cell giving temporary gains , if the same thing happens with your dong you should follow the first protocol. Imagine now jelqing 100-200 times , that will sure give you huge biceps but I’m not into that shit anyway. Secondly comes the nutrition aspects I know you all like injecting stuff in your dong but I prefer using a transdermal gel I’ve made, so far the most positive effect comes from using arginine, the next thing I could use would be nucleic acids but I don’t want to go too far, this shit costs money.

Seriously now I don’t know if it’s me but this gel is the most helpful thing I’ve ever tried , take note that I never followed a program , this gel helps heal subcutaneous veins and generally helps with everything , I’ve used half a drop of it two times that’s all.

The machine I want to make is a rolling machine for the dong. The jelqing machine I’ve designed takes a lot of money to make and I don’t know how well it might work.

Last edited by GeorgeGeorge : 11-12-2015 at .

I am shooting for a girth of 6” - 6.4”. We’ll see how it works out in the bedroom, but this is of lesser importance. Atleast when I die I go to my grave hung.

Dry jelqs. No more than 30 slow ones in the beginning and no less than 150 slow ones when you are advanced, but no more than 200 cause you will fuck up your dick. They are very intense.

Girth and length kickstarters. You need about 50-60 % erection, to achieve a balanced growth, in my opinion. If you only need girth go up to 70% erection.

If you heat every 30 reps, for a minute or two, results will be even better.

All manual.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Like manual gear?


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