Thunder's Place

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Broke my right hand how can I do any pe


Broke my right hand how can I do any pe

I just finished a 1 month break 2 stop myself from overtraining(clamping) & I broke my right hand(cast) now it looks like I won’t be able 2 jelq for 3 months straight, I’ve already started noticing alittle lose in girth & I don’t want 2 do, I don’t want to lose all my girth that I worked so hard to gain

Started - 6 X 4.9

Currently - 6.2 X 5.5

It must have taken you an hour to type your post…kidding. I think you’ll be fine with your left; it will just take some getting used to.

Say hello to my big friend.

Can you do 1 handed jelqs?

Started - 6 X 4.9

Currently - 6.2 X 5.5

Ahahh yah I’ve gotten pretty good with typing with my left & use the mouse with my left hand, all in all I think that the best thing about this all

Started - 6 X 4.9

Currently - 6.2 X 5.5

Look on the bright side, using your non preferred hand for 3 months will probably straighten your curve if you have one.

Start Jan08 7.20 X 5.35 BP ----> NOW 9.75 X 6.50 BP

8.75NP 6.8BaseEG. The Krod Pics thread

Bump I guess, there gotta be better advice then this

Started - 6 X 4.9

Currently - 6.2 X 5.5

I can jelq with both hands, why can’t you?

Start: 5.75 inch BPEL 4.75 inch girth BSEG (Nov 1 2007)

Current: 7.4 inch BPEL 5.4 inch MSEG 5.75 inch BSEG (Oct 24 2009)

Goal: 7 inch NBPEL 5.5 inch EG=> New Goal: 7.75 inch BPEL 5.75 MSEG

Use some devices maybe light clamping if your keen.

Originally Posted by Aznteddy
I can jelq with both hands, why can’t you?

Because he broke one of them?

Are you in a relationship with anyone, Bruce? I know everyone advises you to separate fun (sex) and work(PE) but could you involve your significant other in a little recreational PE?

Alternatively, you might need to concentrate on just stretching for while. How long have you been PEing? Are you ready to move into more advanced things like clamping, hanging, etc.?

Only takes one hand to work a pump.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by DonkeyBruce01
Can you do 1 handed jelqs?

Yes you can do one-handed jelqs.

So use your left hand.

Like gprent says, pumping is good too:

Vacuum Pumping 101

There’s a member here named Fow that everyone knows. He has artritis and says he’s made great progress jelqing with one hand. I don’t know why it (one handed jelqs) wouldn’t benefit you, especially since it will only be for 6-8 weeks.

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