Thunder's Place

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Clamping: Advanced Empirical Discussion

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
So you are implying that getting erections will prevent losses of gains? Seems to fix my Cialis + EVO routine as a gain inducer quite well, although I’m not so sure it’s true. Very interesting, nonetheless.

Yes. Strong erections. It keeps the penis active. Its the same way with any bodypart. If you don’t keep it active and don’t use it for 4-6 weeks (like a decon break), when you work it out, I’m sure your strength and size will be lower than before. Either way, I believe post-decon size will come back after starting PE again.

Clamping & Pumping update:

Clamping after pumping is quite interesting. My first reaction is that it is unusually uncomfortable (skin seems unusually sensitive). However, there is no question that I had the largest clamped off girth after pumping. If girth gains are due to total penile enlargement under clamp, then this should add to gains (Big Girtha’s theory, assuming the penis is just one part and engorgement is engorgement no matter where and how).

I have yet to pump after a heavy day of clamping.

I must say, my biggest fear of pumping is that it is much too relaxing and easy. It is probably the easiest PE I have done and the most comfortable, and I am afraid getting used to it would lead to less rigour in my clamping sessions. For that reason alone, I’ve decided to set a rule whereby I don’t pump until I finished my clamping for the day. I pumped for 2.5 hours yesterday (1x30, 1x60, 1x60 - able to do this because of overly conditioned penis from clamping, and used low HCG, not for newbies).

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Clamping & Pumping update:

Clamping after pumping is quite interesting. My first reaction is that it is unusually uncomfortable (skin seems unusually sensitive). However, there is no question that I had the largest clamped off girth after pumping. If girth gains are due to total penile enlargement under clamp, then this should add to gains (Big Girtha’s theory, assuming the penis is just one part and engorgement is engorgement no matter where and how).

Glad to see you have incorporated pumping. You have observed similar to what I did, clamping AFTER pumping. I did it like that for several months, I did get greater expansion that way, and stayed plumper most of the day following my morning routine. I (maybe) gained 1/10” girth doing it like that for 7 or 8 months. Thing is, I’ve determined it is mostly false/fluid buildup plumpness. Please do try your pumping AFTER clamping also. You will likely note less clamped expansion, at least 25% less expansion, but if my theory is correct, and it is not just my own personal anatomy/dick, you will see girth gains pretty quick.

I know it appears initially, the more overall expansion, the more likely there will be gains (makes sense). I thought that for a long time also. That is true in some cases, but in this case I think it really has to do with the TYPE of expansion attained. I’ve learned that the expansion I get without pumping first is much more intense. Way “tighter” feeling, almost like my dick is in danger of exploding. It is not just tight skin that is pre-softened by pumping first either. Shit, my veins have really come out also now too.

Several weeks into my switch over to my current routine, I’m chasing another 1/4” girth gain (not quite cemented). Like I said before, there is definitely something to this…

By the way, how is that Cialis working for you? Like it?

Another suggestion for clamping and pumping in the same routine, at least for comfort’s sake. If you have not tried one yet, I highly recomment Monty’s Air Clamp. Very comfortable, and gives great uniform constriction. I’m using both types of clamps now since I suspended my pumping (temporarily?). I go 50/50, usually use the cable clamp for my sessions early in the week, then move into the Air Clamp later in the week when I get more fatigued/sore and closer to my rest day(s).

I second Beretta on the air clamp.

I mentioned it in my progress thread for this experiment that I am using it the entire time. It is optimal for clamping. Plus, there really is no difference. I have regular clamps too. They both do their job of cutting off blood flow for clamping. The only difference is the air clamp is much more comfortable and I feel cool using it haha. Like a doctor taking my penis’s blood pressure.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)


I agree. I pumped for 2 days. I have now came to the conclusion that pumping may have detrimental effects on clamping. I could feel this soft fluid like build up in the penis. The lymph glands are also overly active (this is unavoidable, I am not talking about huge fluid build up, but some will occur). Anyway, I determined that clamping after pumping was inferior to normal clamping. I could be surprised to find some unusual growth from the combination, but I highly doubt it.

Now as for pumping at the end of the day, I am not so sure about it. The effects may well carry on into the next day’s clamping, which is why I have now suspended pumping temporarily. If gains from clamping halt to the extent that messing around with pumping couldn’t cost me anything, then I may retry this and check it out. But for now, its not worth the risk.

Where can I find this air clamp exactly? I have no problem with my clamp because I wrap heavily, BUT, the clamp axle does squeeze into my ball sack, which is the only uncomfortable part of clamping really.

Pumping sucks when combined with clamping - this is my first impression. To be updated when clamping stops yielding benefits, I intend to then experiment further.

Finally, I haven’t received the Cialis yet. I am waiting for it though. Once I get that, I intend to begin the OLF/OLR routine, since I no longer will be messing around with pumping.

Originally Posted by Thick Cock
I second Beretta on the air clamp.

I mentioned it in my progress thread for this experiment that I am using it the entire time. It is optimal for clamping. Plus, there really is no difference. I have regular clamps too. They both do their job of cutting off blood flow for clamping. The only difference is the air clamp is much more comfortable and I feel cool using it haha. Like a doctor taking my penis’s blood pressure.

PM me a link, if it helps prevent ballsack clamp stabbing, haha.

LV- You don’t necessarily have to quit pumping, I’d give it a little more of a chance. My recommendation however is to do it after clamping, and definitely do SHORT sets and at LOW pressure. Maybe a couple 5-minute sets at no more than 5hg. Until you are used to pumping, you will see more fluid buildup, and especially if you go longer sets and anything over 5hg. Something to experiment with anyway…

Air Clamp is available from a Thunder’s member. His name is Monty. He is a good guy to deal with. He has a site to sell his PE devices, it is http://www.pewe … m/products.html

Originally Posted by Beretta92
LV- You don’t necessarily have to quit pumping, I’d give it a little more of a chance. My recommendation however is to do it after clamping, and definitely do SHORT sets and at LOW pressure. Maybe a couple 5-minute sets at no more than 5hg. Until you are used to pumping, you will see more fluid buildup, and especially if you go longer sets and anything over 5hg. Something to experiment with anyway…

Air Clamp is available from a Thunder’s member. His name is Monty. He is a good guy to deal with. He has a site to sell his PE devices, it is http://www.pewe … m/products.html

I use 2-3 for pressure. I realize there will be less build up with time, but the effects of pumping are visible now, and I am I’d say 70% sure that a pumped penis gets less benefit from being clamped (from my very short experience). This had turned me off pumping until I can take the risk of lowering gains. God knows, there could be some unforseen codependent effect, but its not worth risking now as I am still gaining from clamping.

Also, the issue with pumping after clamping is that I’m quite sure the pumped penis effect won’t leave over night. If I use much shorter sets it might, which is what I intend to do. When I said I’m off pumping for now, I meant off it in a serious routine manner. I will probably pump for 10 minutes on most nights just for the hell of it, but I don’t expect gains to be derived from that.

Thanks for the link Beretta. I’ll check it out.


Originally Posted by sparkyx
Just for the sake of this thread, its probably better to minimize the variables and just use clamping. Once you see the effectiveness of this approach, others can apply it to different methodology. I like what I see so far.

Good point. That would be important if someone is trying to test the effectiveness of OLF/OLR on clamping.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Good point. That would be important if someone is trying to test the effectiveness of OLF/OLR on clamping.

Not for clamping, but to test the validity of the OLF/OLR approach. In any experiment its always best to minimize the variables. By just using one method of applying force, you help restrict the variable to the time,force and recovery which will allow for a more accurate read on those variables. If you start mixing PE methods you are adding variables that can certainly make getting a read on the results of the time/force more difficult. Certainly if you find validity of this OFL/OLR approach, it will be interesting to then experiment with the different PE methodologies, and see the results. It may well be that it will be more effective for some methods than others or it may work equally well with all of them. AGAIN, if you find this approach is effective, then

I think I had mentioned I had experimented with what I call the “wave”. I did that because I saw at times ramping up and down I would occasionally see “flashes” of enhanced effectiveness. However, I was never able to really get consistant results, just occasional indications that “something” was in that approach. Thats why I’m really watching with interest in this thread, you guys may have cracked the “code” to consistent gains…but time will tell.

Last edited by sparkyx : 07-25-2009 at .

Originally Posted by sparkyx


I think I had mentioned I had experimented with what I call the “wave”. I did that because I saw at times ramping up and down I would occasionally see “flashes” of enhanced effectiveness. However, I was never able to really get consistant results, just occasional indications that “something” was in that approach. Thats why I’m really watching with interest in this thread, you guys may have cracked the “code” to consistent gains…but time will tell.

“Wave” gives really the idea of the basic concepts of this approach.

What I think will be really hard, is to find the right amount of intensity. It’s hard to find an objective measure of intensity for different techniques. It’s also hard to find, for a given technique, a correct measure of intensity.

For example, in hanging we could define a 100% Load as the max weight one can hang for a given amount of time, or for the minimal amount of time (that’s it, any time >0). Then, use the % of that max weight to obtain

Work = ((% of max weight) x Time Under Tension) .

It should also make sense to consider rest between sets : if two PEers are doing both 3 sets daily, but the first is doing them spaced several hours, while the 2d spaced only few minutes, probably the outcome will be different. So we could have:

Intensity (of work) = ((% of max weight) x Time Under Tension))/(total rest between sets).

So to have :

a) (relative) Load = % of max (weight, pressure etc.);

b) Work = Load x Time;

c) Intensity = Work/(rest time).

Then, find the correct manipulations of those variables over the course of weeks, months and even years. Not an easy thing, but my guess is that this is the key for optimizing PE gains.

Very interesting topic, and one I will be following closely. I have been clamping consistently for about 7 months with little gains, The only changes I’ve made is to increase TUC and frequency of sets. I have seen some gains as both were increased and would actually be a good candidate to experiment with your hypothesis. I had actually planned a clamping marathon this weekend to shock my system and hopefully break the plateau that I’m at, and then do 3-4 sets a night through the week to maintain gains and recover, then repeat next weekend possibly and see how that works. I am very interested by the hypothesis that increasing TUC may be the most important variable. I will now monitor my TUC very closely to keep it as consistent as possible and increase it during the future months/years.

I was thinking about trying a non-linear approach using the OLF/OLR method, keeping my TUC around 12 minutes initially and tracking my progress. LV I know you believe that 18 is an optimal TUC but I was thinking that starting at a lower but still long enough time, e.g. 10-15 minute range would also be interesting to track.

Lets say I do a 3 week non-linear program using 12 minutes TUC throughout. Measure my EG before and after the 3 week program then repeat the 3 week cycle. If my gains are less or non-existant after the 2nd cycle, or 3rd cycle in comparison to the first time around then I could increase my TUC by 1-2 minutes and repeat the 3 week non-linear cycle to see if that alone elicits gains and helps break through the plateau. As we continue to plateau after x amount of cycles we could continue to increase TUC to allow gains to continue. Of course it would be easier to do this starting at a lower TUC but it also needs to be a sufficient amount of time to give gains, thats why I thought 12 minutes might be a good time for me.

It could be possible that using 18 minutes TUC and the non-linear OLF/OLR method could be so successful for some people that no increases in TUC would be necessary, but with my tunica of steel I would like to have the ability to increase TUC after exhausting all possible gains with a lower one if possible.

Then: 5.63"x4.25" ---> Now: 6.50"x4.44"

The Man, 7 months of clamping with little gains. IMHO, you must be doing something wrong.

So I have a few questions for you, actually a bit more than a few :)

1.What clamp do you use?

2.What kind of wrap do you use?

3.Could you describe the way you attach the clamp, what erection level you use, kegelling, pushing the clamp deeper inside the body, how do you get engorgement?

4.Do you (still) get any spotting/discoloration?

5.How would you rate the intensity of your clamping sessions, do you get alot of engorgement and internal pressure?

6.Do you get any fatigue feeling at all at the moment?
Did you ever get that fatigue feeling when you were new to clamping?

7.How did your routine look like, 2on1off, sets a day, TUC etc. and how did you increase this as months went by?

8.When did most girth gains occur, how many months in?

Maybe we can diagnose the problem here.


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