Originally Posted by sparkyx
I think I had mentioned I had experimented with what I call the “wave”. I did that because I saw at times ramping up and down I would occasionally see “flashes” of enhanced effectiveness. However, I was never able to really get consistant results, just occasional indications that “something” was in that approach. Thats why I’m really watching with interest in this thread, you guys may have cracked the “code” to consistent gains…but time will tell.
“Wave” gives really the idea of the basic concepts of this approach.
What I think will be really hard, is to find the right amount of intensity. It’s hard to find an objective measure of intensity for different techniques. It’s also hard to find, for a given technique, a correct measure of intensity.
For example, in hanging we could define a 100% Load as the max weight one can hang for a given amount of time, or for the minimal amount of time (that’s it, any time >0). Then, use the % of that max weight to obtain
Work = ((% of max weight) x Time Under Tension) .
It should also make sense to consider rest between sets : if two PEers are doing both 3 sets daily, but the first is doing them spaced several hours, while the 2d spaced only few minutes, probably the outcome will be different. So we could have:
Intensity (of work) = ((% of max weight) x Time Under Tension))/(total rest between sets).
So to have :
a) (relative) Load = % of max (weight, pressure etc.);
b) Work = Load x Time;
c) Intensity = Work/(rest time).
Then, find the correct manipulations of those variables over the course of weeks, months and even years. Not an easy thing, but my guess is that this is the key for optimizing PE gains.