More great info dicker. Still haven’t had time to review the book, but I am caught up now on posts.
Doing a little research, tropocollagen bonds are bonds between single collagen molecules. Tropocollagen is the smallest unit of collagen, about 300 nm long, arranged in a thin triple helix strand. Tropocollagen assembles into collagen microfibrils in a winding assembly, in which the end of one tropocollagen is bonded to the beginning of the next. They are parallel, but each starts at the end of the next, and only a small portion, 5-10% is overlapping. The overlapping portion is bound together by what I understand to be a cross-link. So cross links are present in all collagen fibers, as I understand it now. The cross links are not collagen themselves, just a peptide bond. Fibers can be strengthened by having more cross-links than normal, but all fibers contain cross links. The tropocollagen assembles in a helical pattern like this to form microfibrils. The microfibrils assemble similarly to form fibrils, and fibrils make fibers. Fibers assemble into tendons, ligaments, fascia, and for our purposes the tunica.
So breaking a tropocollagen bond would mean causing micro damage at the smallest level, in other words tearing the cross-links within microfibrils. Perhaps the word choice “melting” is in reference to a tropocollagen bond which is opened (broken) under the presence of heat. Otherwise I think they all mean the same thing. When a bond is broken, it’s broken, it’s open, it’s melted, it’s gone. Tearing the gross structure at higher forces - could mean tearing all the bonds through an entire fiber so the fiber breaks. Or it could be referring to breaking the tropocollagen in its helical sturcture, as opposed to the bonds (cross links) from one tropocollagen to the next. Or it could mean breaking bonds between higher level fibers, like the bonds between microfibrils, or between fibrils.
It took some searching but I just found information on ‘tendon healing’ and ‘ligament healing’. Sorry I don’t have links but if you read through the top search results, you’ll find that IPR healing DOES occur in tendons and ligaments, even for micro-damage at the smallest level. This is because an ECM exists within all collagen fibers. Previously this tissue was not thought to regenerate itself in the same way it does during a skin injury. One interesting thought that comes up for me, is that scar tissue within skin is a bad result. The scar tissue aligns itself in only one direction, along the axis of the wound closure. Whereas in healthy skin, the collagen matrix is omnidirectional. Our target tissues in PE are already uni-directional though. In theory, it’s possible that the end stage of tissue remodeling within the tunica results in a tissue very, very similar to the initial structure. The only mention of healing time I saw was approx 1 year to finish remodeling. Another interesting thing I saw was about SRT (soft tissue release) being counterproductive during the first week or two of P-phase. But after that time it was shown to accelerate repair. In other words, massaging the unit or FG rolls could be beneficial during the latter halves of rest periods.
I will have to read this book, sounds like a great resource. I’m not sure how much I can say without it being gross conjecture. I think higher forces likely tear these bonds at a much higher rate than lower forces (to notice PE growth we’re probably talking about breaking millions, billions, or trillions of these bonds). I also think we should be open to the idea that what is considered “injury” in a tendon or ligament may not disrupt the function of the tunica in the same way. I used to be resistant to this idea, but have now embraced it. Whether the damage is at the micro level, or a higher level, I do believe permanent PE growth happens from what the book calls “permanent damage” to these collagen fibers. Permanent damage to me means permanently bigger in our context - if given the chance to heal.
Targeting the smallest level microfibers with low intensity, long time, heated workouts reminds me of Bib’s theories. It makes me think of tropo-bonds breaking at the smallest levels, slowly but surely. And as they break, more of the force is passed on to the remaining bonds. And then they break. And so on, until some of the higher structure bonds (fibrils and fibers) are breaking. Maybe force is increased slightly along the way to target the higher levels bonds. As long as they are broken sequentially, from weakest and smallest structures, to strongest and biggest structures, it will be a kind of controlled damage that Bib talked about. Never shearing the molecules themselves, but always breaking the next strongest bond. Kind of a clean break so to speak, that is perhaps more easily repaired.
I have officially reached babbling. Very glad to have found confirmation that IPR occurs in tissues fully comprised of connective tissue. Good night.