Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Importance of rest days

Importance of rest days

Do you guys find rest days to be an integral part of your growth, The reason I ask is because Wadzilla had a post where he interviewed a guy who gained a lot, and he ne ver took rest days.

Starting stats: 7.6 bpl x 5.875 - 6 g

Hoping for: 9 bpl x 6.25 g

Originally Posted by downtownbill
Do you guys find rest days to be an integral part of your growth, The reason I ask is because Wadzilla had a post where he interviewed a guy who gained a lot, and he ne ver took rest days.

I have found that rest days have helped me keep negative PI’s under control. In a forum this size, there are bound to be those who can gain without taking any rest, but my guess is that most people aren’t like this.

You grow when your tissue is at rest. For most of the population, rest is critical for tissue repair. Overworking the tissue is much worse than not working it enough and can not only limit gains but can bring on injuries. These injuries can have a very negative impact on your penis, EQ, and overall health (both physical and psychological). You should always watch your PI’s, both negative and positive, and listen to your body.

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Good posts, 9_in_richard and Invisible. Nothing to add.

Originally Posted by 9_in_richard

You grow when your tissue is at rest. For most of the population, rest is critical for tissue repair. Overworking the tissue is much worse than not working it enough and can not only limit gains but can bring on injuries. These injuries can have a very negative impact on your penis, EQ, and overall health (both physical and psychological). You should always watch your PI’s, both negative and positive, and listen to your body.

OK, but isn’t the tissue ‘at rest’ most of the time? I.e., even if you PE two hours a day, you are still ‘resting’ over 90% of the time. I’ve often pondered this (believe it or not :-)

If growth hormone, oxygen rich blood flow, etc have little to do with repair and recuperation in penile health, then you could theoretically be correct in a sense. These are things that are more prominent after reaching a point of the deeper relaxation during sleep. GH is released, circulation is improved and tissues are more relaxed. I know that upon rising in the AM, my cock hangs heavy and thicker than it does during the days activity.

I believe that often times, this being no exception, that we compare the breaking down and rebuilding (healing) of tissue, whether it be smooth muscle tissue, expanded cavernosa, ligament strain, white muscle fiber, red muscle fiber, etc to what we know about stress on the body from a strengthening and/or trauma stand point. To change your body, you have to push it beyond it’s normal limits. You have to change it’s routine or it quickly attenuates. This is true for building a bigger bicep, this is also true for PE. When you stop seeing bicep gains from a 10 rep set of 45’s, you increase reps or weight.This sparks new growth. When you stop seeing length gains and/or PI’s at hanging 5lbs for 10 minutes, you increase the weight or add sets. This sparks new growth. If you over-train you see negative effects, ie loss of size, more turtling, injuries, loss of erections,etc. If you rest, these areas recover over that rest period.

There will always be different camps and different trains of thought. There will always be people who grow quickly and those who grow at a much slower pace. There will always be trivial arguments over which ways are better and which are not. I know that if I don’t rest, I plateau and don’t grow in weight training and/or in PE (over-training kills both efforts).

If a newbie asks the importance of rest, I think it would be very irresponsible as a veteran PE’er to advise him that rest is irrelevant to gains and is unnecessary. The end result will, in all likelihood, be less than impressive gains (if at all) and injuries. It would be very interesting to poll the veterans here and see how many of them with 1”+ gains never take rest days through the week. I am guessing that “most” successful veterans of PE understand it’s importance and implement rest days and decon breaks in their routines. Just my .02

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Your dick grows during the rest period, this is been the case with me.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I think that it’s important to remember here that PE is very young, vastly unexplored and a great deal like sociology and psychology in the respect that is mostly based on theory, blind faith and control group studies as well as information gathered in random polls. We are all pioneers in a sense and are striving to learn, understand and grow together (no pun intended). Any one member that claims to have definitive answers to all of the questions regarding manual, chemical and/or mechanical PE and it’s effects on you as an individual, is frankly “blowing smoke up your ass”.

No one here is omniscient nor are they an undisputed authority on PE. Some members have more medical knowledge that they can apply to tissue growth and regeneration, some have more athletic training and can offer input on it’s relationship to strains and stresses, some more supplementation knowledge in regard to stimulation of blood flow and recovery, etc., but no one can claim rights to knowing all of the facts, all of the variables and give you definitive answers as to what will work for you as an individual.

Some members may be able to clamp, hang, jelq and beat their dick into submission 12 hours a day, seven days a week and get gains. I would, however, have to say that, in my “unprofessional” opinion, that person is the exception and definitely not the rule. Always do what feels right and the minimum that is required to attain the goals that you have set for yourself.

Just my .02

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

So, 9_in_richard, do you follow a set schedule for rest days, or do you monitor PI’s and take rest days when necessary? I must say, you wrote some well worded responses on this thread. I’ve been around PE for a number of years, but I still contemplate the issue of rest days.

Ok, so if our bodies grow (muscle) when we sleep, then why does our dick grow at different times than the rest of our body?

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

I don’t agree with the belief that I’m ‘exercising’ my dick and then it ‘grows’ during rest. Instead, I believe that I’m actually stretching the tough collagenous fibers of my penis by placing them under repeated stress throughout the day – every single day. And, when these fibers are not under stress they heal - not grow. I also believe that my body resists this elongation by laying down more collagen during the healing process. That’s why I try very, very hard to not take too much time off between PE sessions.

Then (4.5 nbpel x 4.75 mseg)

Now (5.625 nbpel, x 5.25 mseg)

I currently do as Kojack mentioned and monitor my negative PI’s. Sometimes I can hang for ages, on consecutive days and still get good/better morning wood and a bigger flaccid. Leading me to believe that I’m doing something right.
Though I haven’t had many Negative PI’s lately I still throw in the occasional rest/masturbation day to see how my dick is doing without anything beforehand.

Rich, very nice posts.
You seem very dedicated to the knowledge and theory of PE and are not JUST here to get a “bigger dick to fuck your lady right”, as seems to be the case with some members.
I would also like to know how you manage rest days.

Originally Posted by Dick Builder
I don’t agree with the belief that I’m ‘exercising’ my dick and then it ‘grows’ during rest. Instead, I believe that I’m actually stretching the tough collagenous fibers of my penis by placing them under repeated stress throughout the day – every single day. And, when these fibers are not under stress they heal - not grow. I also believe that my body resists this elongation by laying down more collagen during the healing process. That’s why I try very, very hard to not take too much time off between PE sessions.

So, if these fibers don’t grow, how do your penis become longer? Are you saying that your approach is wrong?

When stretching connective tissues using methods like hanging and manual stretching, rest days are counter-productive. Any time not under tension is counter-productive. Results can be achieved with rest but optimally the tissues would always be under tension. Issues like time, privacy, pain, and life outside of PE are obviously factors that trump the tension card.

PE methods like jelqing clamping and pumping are different.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Originally Posted by lostracco
When stretching connective tissues using methods like hanging and manual stretching, rest days are counter-productive. Any time not under tension is counter-productive.

Any proof?

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