I am curious as to what the general consensus is on the perfect length for sex. It seems that most people on this forum almost disregard length past a certain point as it pertains to sexual pleasure. Maybe it’s in my head because I want more girth, but has anyone had experiences with partners who had stronger orgasms as they went past 7 NBP?
I always thought length was a “close” second to girth for a women’s sexual pleasure, but the more I read, the less important it seems for sex, and the more for ego? So what is better a 7.5 NBP X 5.5 or 6.5 NBPX6?
My experience with my increased length gains have been good and bad, if my girlfriend is real horny, and I am going deep with 7.25 NBP it’s pretty exhilarating for her. Much more so than my previous 5.75-6 NBP. Has anyone else found that significantly increased length made sex a lot better, or is truly all about the girth?