Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

I just logged on to ask if there was any use for ADS in a manual routine as well

PE START (11/10/07) 6.0 NBP x ~5.1 CURRENT (3/07/08) 6.75 NBP x 5.5 - 7.25 BPEL

1/4" with Noose extender (11/06-03/07) - Zero gains with Vac-hanging/Extender and ADS (05/07-11/07) -

1/2" gain with modified Vac-Extender (/w spring loaded compression bars) and manual routine since 1/10/08. ----- Having erection issues? Get off the aspartame! I did and a couple months later my cock is hard as a rock!

bump! Anyone use an ADS during a manual only routine? Is it beneficial or not? I hung and ADSed all summer long to no gains myself.

PE START (11/10/07) 6.0 NBP x ~5.1 CURRENT (3/07/08) 6.75 NBP x 5.5 - 7.25 BPEL

1/4" with Noose extender (11/06-03/07) - Zero gains with Vac-hanging/Extender and ADS (05/07-11/07) -

1/2" gain with modified Vac-Extender (/w spring loaded compression bars) and manual routine since 1/10/08. ----- Having erection issues? Get off the aspartame! I did and a couple months later my cock is hard as a rock!

I never used an ADS with this and honestly cannot be bothered. I don’t think you’d have to worry about any negative effects with one, though. Try it out and report back.

I have constructed a device which works well for me. My biggest problem is in being consistent with ANY of the routines I do, but with New Years rolling around I’m assigning myself to a 30-day trial run. I’ll try to describe my method, but since it involves using both hands, photos are pretty difficult.

I started with a “pipe” attachment that came with a high-pressure power washer I owned. The pipe is about 18 inches long and has a circumference of 2.25 inches (probably 3/4 inch in diameter). It fits perfectly across my thighs, allowing for the fulcrum effect when I am stretching with both hands. Pretty comfortable, but this is where I improved on the original:

I bought a 12 inch section of foam pipe-insulation and wrapped around the center portion of the pipe. It leaves 3 inches of unwrapped pipe to rest on my thighs on either end. I place my penis over the insulated center of the pipe, grip and press downward and outward to get a stretch. Using my other hand, I grasp the foam insulated portion of the pipe and rotate it away from me. This causes the insulated portion to add an additional stretch on the underside of my penis. I can hold this stretched position for some time…pressing down with my left hand and arm on my penis while maintaining the traction grip on the foam-enclosed pipe with my right hand.

A video would have been much easier than my wordy description above. Maybe I’ll try for that in an upcoming post.


You know, I keep coming back to this routine. Every time I come back to it I manage to snag a quick 1/8” but then I have the same problems jelqing and my gains grind to a halt. For whatever reason, my CC and CS have a tendency to stiffen up while I’m jelqing instead of that nice spongy texture I seek after. I can’t work with it at all.

Does anyone else have this problem? Care to chime in?

I’m not sure what you mean. Are you talking about a feeling that they are thickening (and that this goes away)? Are you talking about your erection level being too high after a while?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Mem just started the routine this week but love it so far. If I do an inverted V stretch for a while then a normal straight out stretch I can get an incredible stretch. It’s like I can feel myself getting bigger.

Then: 5.63"x4.25" ---> Now: 6.50"x4.44"

Cool but it’s all about the gains. Judge this routine by the gains you get from it, if any.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
I’m not sure what you mean. Are you talking about a feeling that they are thickening (and that this goes away)? Are you talking about your erection level being too high after a while?

It’s not exactly a feeling of thickening, although the problem does usually go away if I take extended time off. The first word that popped into my mind was ‘rigid’ when I first started to have this issue. I’ve measured during these periods and my length always holds but girth decreases slightly. Everything is hard but it’s just not ‘plumped’ completely. Really and truly I think I’m overtraining just a touch and I’m lying to myself about the quality of the erections in order to keep pushing.

I’ve noticed I get this to a lesser degree during jelqing sessions longer than ten minutes. I’ll go for five minutes and then do a set of horses. The jelqing that goes on between that set and the next set of horses is unparalleled. All tissues are spongy, the blood pushes nice and I have no problems maintaining a perfect partial erection. Every horses/jelq set thereafter is rigid but not really erect.

The stretching part of this routine is perfect but I keep stumbling on the jelqing. I think the second half of my next stab at this is going to look something like:

5 min hot wrap
2-3 minutes ‘warm up’ jelq
2 minutes horses
5-10 minutes jelq
3-5 minutes sadsak
5 min hot wrap


Is the fulcrum meant to be pushing upward while pulling straight out, or are you simply using the fulcrum to bend the penis over while pulling downward. I guess I’m also wondering if it is a dual or single fulcrum stretch. Dual meaning the fulcrum is being raised (by the legs) at the same time the stretch is being pulled down (or straight out). Thanks.



Do you ever intersperse the horses in the jelqing more frequently (like stopping every 30 seconds for a horse)?

So you think it’s harder because you’e losing your erection and jelqing at a lower erection? If not does your tunica feel ribbed when it feel hard?


The penis flows around the pot or can or whatever supporting at least half the length and the direction of the stretch is downward.

Your explanation of dual fulcrums makes no sense. If the pot were not effectively resisting (or “pushing up”) the force from the downward stretch there would be acceleration.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento

Do you ever intersperse the horses in the jelqing more frequently (like stopping every 30 seconds for a horse)?

I’ve tried it, but that leads to the rigidity coming on faster.

So you think it’s harder because you’e losing your erection and jelqing at a lower erection? If not does your tunica feel ribbed when it feel hard?

Not exactly; I can return to a full blown erection with a little bit of stimulation at any given point during the session. It’s almost as though the blood is getting ‘trapped’ near the base of the penis and in the first couple inches of shaft closest to the pubic bone.

My tunica does not feel ribbed when hard neither during problem times nor otherwise normal times.

Thanks mem,

I guess by dual fulcrum I meant that there would be an additional force upward in addition to the resistance that was created by it just “being there.” I think in my scenario the fulcrum would have to be above the legs so by raising the legs more resistance would be created. That’s NOT how you use it though…after reading more. You prefer the hand vertical as opposed to horizontal for the grip? Also, any particular reason this can’t be done 2x/day but without the girth routine…I get bad lymph buildup with girth work and length is my only goal. Is it only effective in the prescribed way?



I find that strange and can’t offer an explanation. Sorry. Maybe someone else will chip in. I’ve certainly felt harder/tougher before but it’s always been a presage of growth in spurts.


If you are pushing up with your legs or not the force up must be the same as the force down otherwise there would be movement. So raising your legs doesn’t seem to add anything other than complication.

>That’s NOT how you use it though…after reading more. You prefer the hand vertical as opposed to horizontal for the grip?<

Yeah without a vertical hand you are more reliant on the strength of the wrist (rather than just using the muscles of the wrist to align with the forearm).

>Also, any particular reason this can’t be done 2x/day but without the girth routine…I get bad lymph buildup with girth work and length is my only goal. Is it only effective in the prescribed way?<

I think it’s probably much more effective with the girth routine even simply to gain length. I think the two are symbiotic but give two stretching routines a go and see how you fare. It’s more important that you mould it into a routine that works for you than you stick to it rigidly.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


Tried this for the first time today…the stretch that is. I realize there is a learning curve for any new exercise, but I am having the following difficulties:

1) Where do my balls go if the pot is up against my body (on top of the pot…or just crush the bastards into my crotch)?
If I’m doing this right..I’m sitting on the edge of my seat with one side of the pot at the very edge and the other side flush against my body.

2) How can you possibly hold the pulling hand vertically. It would seem to have to come from beneath the seat for that position to be possible?



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