Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Hey was thinking of graduating to this routine or a variant of it once I finish the newbie routine. I was wondering if anyone thought that using monkeybars auto v stretch device for the vac extender might be an easy way to produce the same v stretch effect as the one outlined by memento?

Hi Memento,

I’ve read this entire thread, and I’m still having trouble feeling a good stretch with the inverted V-stretch. What I’m doing:

I used a piece of shirt, like you said you do, as a grip aid. Then I grab the end with an overhand grip (palm facing down). I’m thinking I’ll have to use baby powder or rubber gloves because I still can’t hold my grip that long (and I’ve been playing guitar six years, go figure).

Then I placed a can of Axe between my legs, on my wood chair, and slowly eased into the stretch. Didn’t get much, even pulling as hard as I could. Also, the angle seemed pretty low because the can of Axe (body spray, about 2-3” diam) was lower than my dick base level.

So then I tried a padded drum stick a la the TP tutorial vids, and I still couldn’t feel much stretching at the base or anywhere else (and I’m really tugging hard here). I did like the upward angle a bit better though.

Lastly I tried sitting on my bed, and stacking a few books on the floor, and putting the last one with it’s binding up (about a 2.5” Dictionary) and stretching over that. Still about the same results.

I literally “dicked” around with the inverted V-stretch for 3 hours last night, really trying to get it right. I’m thinking it might just not be for me, but I think it has potential that I’m just not getting yet.

I guess if you have any more pointers specific to where I’m struggling I’d appreciate it. I also know you can only keep repeating the same stuff to new guys like me over and over, so I understand if you don’t have anything more to say about the inverted V-stretches (if you or someone else could post a pic or hand drawn diagram, that would be great).


Believing you can is half the battle.

I have just started this routine, 5 on 2 off, following it to a T. Have been 6.5 x 5.25 for about a year, lets see if I can finally break the plateau.

One quick question: Is this the following the correct form for the inverted V-stretch? Or am I doing something wrong?

(13.5 KB, 533 views)

Hey Ron, like the pic.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


I don’t know. Maybe someone who knows this device will chip in. Personally I think an empty pot and a bit of t-shirt is very effective and likely to be cheaper. Sometimes you don’t need to pay for stuff and the free variants are better quality and more efficacious.


I also play guitar but I tended to use my pick hand most (though I switch).

To me it sounds like you are dooing everything right. Sometimes thigs take a little while to click and then they just work. I’d recommend heating, a slightly larger diameter can maybe (and shorter probably), and easing carefully into the stretch.


Nice pic, reminds me of John Lennon’s work. All looks good expect that you are looking for something that you can put between your legs (hence the short container thingy) rather than over them.

That said, as Bingo mentioned, the video uses a drum stick over the legs (likely to break in my opinion - ugh splinters), others have used baseball bats over the legs. So find out what works for you. Naturally using something that sits on the legs rather than between will change the angle the dick is stretched at from the base. Whether or not this will effect the efficacy of the stretch is maybe debatable but I’d warrant that there are many other factors that are likely to have a bigger impact.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

It seems a lot easier to have a fulcrum across the legs, because my legs get tired from clenching something between them. Across the legs gives me a great stretch, haven’t tried between the legs. I’ll experiment both ways. Do you prefer one over the other? When compared to a between the leg fulcrum, an across the leg fulcrum would be even more geared towards tunica over the ligs, no?

Hey Mem, check out the girth growth, did everything except the hanging, intense especially the 440”s which I eventually abandoned. If I had’nt had the stupid sciatica I probably would of grown thicker, perhaps longer. As it was I used the routine to regain length despite the NSAIDS, pain killers and just having the intense pain of sciatica.

Have you ever had Sciatica?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I’m getting ready to re-commit to this routine this coming week (after a very long hiatus - mixed in with some half-hearted sessions).

This is a really good routine.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
I’m getting ready to re-commit to this routine this coming week (after a very long hiatus - mixed in with some half-hearted sessions).
This is a really good routine.

It is a good one,intense,not for newbies though, of course your not a newbie, but I was thinking you should ease into it.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole

It is a good one,intense,not for newbies though, of course your not a newbie, but I was thinking you should ease into it.

Oh yeah, I’ll actually go like a newbie for 7-10 days. It will probably take me 3 weeks or so to really get into the meat of this routine.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
Oh yeah, I’ll actually go like a newbie for 7-10 days. It will probably take me 3 weeks or so to really get into the meat of this routine.

You have had an incredible growth history, good luck on further growth. “Life begins at 40”

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Thanks Memento-I’ll start thinking of that stretch like playing guitar too: You can’t just get good at it overnight. I’ll keep at it.

Ron- Thanks for sharing the pic! Heheh

Believing you can is half the battle.


No need to clench. Luckily there is something to keep the container/pot/whatever solidly in place: namely your dick. If you went for something spherical you might need to clench. I prefer the one outlined but go with what works for you. If the suspensory ligs aren’t under strain I’m not sure it matters how far extra you angle the stretch up, the fundiform will be under strain in most situations I think (though anatomy is not my strong point).


Nope, never had that (to my knowledge). Nice gains.

Hi Wad.


Yeah it took me a long time to learn how to jelq properly too. Seriously you think you’ve got it down early on and then you find that there are so many ways of making it better. Just kegeling between strokes makes a difference. I think it also took me a long time to figure out how to stretch well and what was a good stretch and what was a bad stretch.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I promise I won’t hijack this thread and make it the “BingoDog PE log,” but I will say I did the inverted Vs this morning and got a better stretch.

I used 3.5” PVC pipe, as memento suggested I try a larger diameter cyclinder, cut & sanded so it’s only about 3” long. It fits nicely between my legs. I wrapped it with a pair of silk boxers to keep my skin from sticking to the pipe, and gave cocko a good pull.

I’m trying to follow this to the T now, but I had to switch grips every 1-2 minutes instead of 3 for the full 20 mins. I just used cotton boxers for my grip aid this time, but I’ll keep experimenting with that. It’s tempting to go on and do a bunch of other stretches, but I’m trying to remember less might be more.

I also tried playing tug of war with my own dick by doing a few kegels while holding the stretch.

I’m going to keep playing with this stretch; I think I’ll get it. Today was my first day with the UN-bastardized memento routine so tonight I’ll be doing the girth exercises.

Thanks for all the help with this. I’m pretty sure all the rest of my questions about these exercises will have to be answered through (careful) experimentation and patience.

Believing you can is half the battle.

Lovely word bastardised. One of my favourites. I think any routine has to some extent be bastardised. There is potential for missing out on gains through fervent application of routine with religious zeal rather than using the routine as a template and adjusting it to maximise potential for yourself. I guess there is something to be said for understanding before modifying but then I’m not sure I understand this routine; it just developed, in what I have to assume is a fairly similar manner to many other people’s routines. Yeah experimentation is the Frank Zappa (or possibly his band).

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


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