Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Personally I think a post session warm wrap is a great idea. Heat and massage, good way to end a routine.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
Personally I think a post session warm wrap is a great idea. Heat and massage, good way to end a routine.

You didn’t get it Mem . My main session at night is 20 min inverted stretch - 20 min jelq. Using the constant heat information would it be beneficial to do so something like this :

warm up - hot wrap
20 min inverted stretch while keeping heat as you said.
5 min constant heating session. - this is what I´m asking.
20 min jelq.
end session - hot wrap.

Thanks once again!!


Originally Posted by Hello2
You didn’t get it Mem . My main session at night is 20 min inverted stretch - 20 min jelq. Using the constant heat information would it be beneficial to do so something like this :

warm up - hot wrap
20 min inverted stretch while keeping heat as you said.
5 min constant heating session. - this is what I´m asking.
20 min jelq.
end session - hot wrap.

Thanks once again!!


It will most likely be a positive benefit.

Both for massaging the penis and increasing blood circulation and for mentally preparing for the jelqing.

So if you have the time which you probably do since 5 minutes isn`t much, then go for it!;)

Btw, do you not have any problems with erection levels after 20 minutes of stretching?

Personally I know that most of the time I am not able to get a good jelq session if I do it immediately after stretching.

Originally Posted by Renholder
It will most likely be a positive benefit.

Both for massaging the penis and increasing blood circulation and for mentally preparing for the jelqing.

So if you have the time which you probably do since 5 minutes isn`t much, then go for it!;)

Btw, do you not have any problems with erection levels after 20 minutes of stretching?

Personally I know that most of the time I am not able to get a good jelq session if I do it immediately after stretching.

I got 1,60 cm lenght doing the night session only so I´m not going to change it. Until I´m sure I can´t get anymore of it.

Taking a break now , my unit is tired. Keep you guys posted.

Going back to work soon. Hope the gains keep coming!


Horse jelq squeezes are amazing!! they seem to boost my lengh gain again , and I´m getting some girth as well. Feels like I´m getting a baseball bat effect though , witch is strange , since I start at the bottom as possible. Any advice? Thank you.

If I went palm up instead of palm down I could always get further down.

I’ve been trying the inverted V stretch like you described. I have a few remarks.

-My balls always get in the way of the cilinder. Also there is alot of skin from my ballsack over the curve of the cilinder. Is this normal?

- I’m not sure where the pressure has to be put. You were talking about the fascia around the ischiopubic ramus, so this is where the penis is inside the body at the beginning? I get more of a stretch in the middle of my external penis, probably because that’s the place where the penis bends over the curve of the cillinder. But when I sit straight with my arms straight I get a little more stretch around the “beginning” of my external penis and at the “end” of my internal penis. I guess you use a cilinder instead of a drumstick so the penis bends minimal over the cilinder (whereas the penis would bend almost 90 degrees over the drumstick). Is this correct?

Motivations: - The smile on your girlfriends face when she pulls it out - You never have to hear "DEEPER!" (and if you can) - Getting to see a mouth stretched around your cock and 2 hands req to work it - All of your girlfriends girlfriends knowing your big - Knowing you're the biggest she's been with and she'll always remember you in her life - Watching pornos and being so unimpressed

I will definitely be using that routine after I am sure my penis is conditioned enough for that.

Thank you, memento, for sharing such a masterpiece!

However, what do you think of this "Aladdin’s bottle" (warmup method: the Aladdin’s bottle) as a warm-up method?


Horse squeezes should if anything mitigate against the baseball bat effect, as you are compressing the glans and upper CCs.

Long grass makes an interesting point about jelqing though it’s not one that I’ve found fits with my experience. Certainly a combination of palm up and palm down is probably a good idea, maybe varying the amount of each as required to ensure a full workout.

Baseball bat effect seems to come from jelqing at alow erection level (or allowing the erection to flag for too long) and/or not adjusting the grip to the erection level. It should be obvious if the upper part of the penis is getting a more effective workout.


>My balls always get in the way of the cilinder. Also there is alot of skin from my ballsack over the curve of the cilinder. Is this normal?<

It’s relatively normal, I think for a certain amount of the scrotum to be in contact with the cylinder. There are many things you can do with your balls: push them up into the body, ensure they are either side of the shaft with careful placement, allow enough space for them to sit behind the cylinder, etc.

Comfort is an important thing. You might try playing with the cylinder size to see if you can find one that works better for you.

>I’m not sure where the pressure has to be put. You were talking about the fascia around the ischiopubic ramus, so this is where the penis is inside the body at the beginning? I get more of a stretch in the middle of my external penis, probably because that’s the place where the penis bends over the curve of the cillinder. But when I sit straight with my arms straight I get a little more stretch around the “beginning” of my external penis and at the “end” of my internal penis. I guess you use a cilinder instead of a drumstick so the penis bends minimal over the cilinder (whereas the penis would bend almost 90 degrees over the drumstick). Is this correct?<

Yes, it was certainly the case for me that this stretch effected the external penis, rather than say the A-stretch which hits the internal base of the penis (I’m not sure to what effect). I’m not surprised that you are feeling it beyond the contact point with the cylinder. I guess the main reason to use the cylinder is that it manipulates the way the force is applied both by splaying the penis out on the cylinder at right angles to the force and by modifying the way the actual acting force can be applied (try the same stretch without the cylinder to see what I mean). I think you can effectively use the (curved) edge of a chair or almost anything that allows you to manipulate your body to provide force consistently but I found a short cylinder worked best for me (you don’t want something so long that your legs get in the way). I found the drumstick idea too severe. This stretch is trying to be fairly uniform, not to overuse the idea that stretching a small portion is easier with because a lower force is required, but to try and apply the force required when the penis is not overly contorted.

Old Gus,

This thread was simply one I knocked out quickly to make people read my other moderatorly (not a real word but it should be) threads about forum related stuff that they were ignoring. Nothing here is new or innovative, it’s just what I used. That means it might not work for everyone because not everyone will apply it as I did and maybe others will not respond even if they do. The title is of course a piss take on some others I’ve seen here.

I’ve used the Aladdin’s Bottle. It’s pretty intense, so much so that I’ve come close to burning my dick with it. That aside It think it’s a much better method, if used with caution, that just dunking the dick in a cup as some guys do, because you can stand it being hotter. It’s like a mini sauna. I prefer the standard hot wrap method because the way I used to do it was with minimal water in the face cloth and therefore steam (much like a towel in a Chinese restaurant) as the heating component (as with Aladdin’s bottle) but beyond this, massage could be performed whilst heating.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hmm my gains seem to have stopped now , should i change to something else for a couple of weeks then come back to this routine? ( since I got the best gains so far with it ) or should i keep at it? thanks!

What’s an Aladdins bottle?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus
What’s an Aladdins bottle?

From the description in the link above its taking a plastic bottle with a large enough neck/opening to insert your penis in. You would partly fill the bottle with really hot water but not all the way to the top. You then insert your penis with the bottle pressed into your pubic bone creating a seal. The steam inside the bottle acts as a sauna and gives your member a great warm up supposedly.

I personally do hot soaks and just dunk my unit into a cup of hot water and this works really well for me.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics


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