Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

If you are attempting to stretch with a bent arm, this might be your problem. You need to be using the muscles of the upper body and a straight arm, using body position to increase tension. The weak point is the grip but that’s the same with all manual stretches.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I agree with memento you have to use a straight arm , I can hold mine for over 2 min easy. Couldn´t before because I was benting it.

I’m going to give this a try, or at least what I glean to be the essence of the routine. 1x2 times per day of stretching using v/inverted v stretch methods over rounded objects if possible. Girth work once per day.

I’d like to think that in 6 months I can hit 8 inches NBPEL. Having an easily verifiable 8 inch penis that can be whipped out nearly on demand isn’t bad. Yeah, it may not be the biggest ever, but it’s certainly noteworthy!


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

Thanks guys,

I might have been using a slightly bent arm, I will try to re-adjust tonight.

As for the stretch itself, how intense is it supposed to feel compared to an A-stretch with full force? Since the duration of this inverted V-stretch is much longer than a quick A-stretch, one would believe that it is not as intense.

Just need some guidelines…

The A-stretch is a different stretch, it uses a slight twisting of the shaft and it targets the root of the penis. So you may feel an A-stretch more but whether it’s doing as much is another question. Rather than considering whether you ache or not as a whole, consider where the ache is and how widespread.

I don’t think there’s much to be gained by pulling as hard as you can. You need to relax the tissue as you stretch by easing into the stretch and backing it of a touch when you reach the maximum extent (not so that you lower the extent but so that you lower the tension). Continual heating is also important.

This is repeating a bunch of stuff from earlier in this thread.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks memento,

It makes sense!

Originally Posted by memento
Continual heating is also important.

I´m sorry by this you mean a infrared lamp? ( sorry for the dumb question ).



No problem. Remember to ignore me if that makes more sense.


I’ve never owned an infrared lamp. I used to use a hot water bottle during stretching. I like the low tech approach. If you read back to near the start of this thread you’ll find this post which is pretty good:

Wt282 - Mem’s Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks mem. :) I´ll look into the water bottle thing :)

Last edited by Hello2 : 10-31-2006 at .


Thanks for the advice regarding the stretching. I`ve been doing them properly now I think. A straight hand made all the difference. Still my grip suffers and I`m only able to hold for approximately 60 seconds, even though I may make 90 seconds now and then. No worries though as I will probably be able to increase in time.

Anyway, I`m not sure if this is like swearing in the church, but what do you think of adding cable clamps to the routine or even substituting some of the jelqing with clamping?

Mem how warm is the water you use in your bottle? and how do you use it? just rub it in your unit from time to time? during stretching and jelquing? Hope you can help me out. Seems a lot cheaper then the infrared lamp.

Thanks again for all the help Mem.



Clamping goes way over my personal risk/reward ratio maximum, so I’ll leave that to you.


No I just held the bottle over my dick (hot water bottles bend nicely). Normaly that meant wrapping the thing while it was very hot (T-shirt or two) and slowly removing bits of wrapping through the session as it started to cool. Hot as possible without burning is a good bet. I only used this during my session, I did a proper hot wrap (facecloth) before the session.

That’s me though. Figure out what works best for you and do that.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento

Clamping goes way over my personal risk/reward ratio maximum, so I’ll leave that to you.


No I just held the bottle over my dick (hot water bottles bend nicely). Normaly that meant wrapping the thing while it was very hot (T-shirt or two) and slowly removing bits of wrapping through the session as it started to cool. Hot as possible without burning is a good bet. I only used this during my session, I did a proper hot wrap (facecloth) before the session.

That’s me though. Figure out what works best for you and do that.

Erm Mem .. sorry about the dumb question.. how can you do the inverted stretch or jelq with the bottle wrapped up in a Tshirt? Don’t laugh , I´m just plain dumb and my head is constantly air born. Thanks again.


You can’t jelq with a bottle, or if you can I never figured out how.

With an inverted v-stretch you just pull the stretch and drape the bottle over your penis and up your body a little, warming the top of the shaft and the ligs. The heat transfers without a problem to the bottom of the shaft. Use your spare hand to hold the bottle if necessary.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
You can’t jelq with a bottle, or if you can I never figured out how.

With an inverted v-stretch you just pull the stretch and drape the bottle over your penis and up your body a little, warming the top of the shaft and the ligs. The heat transfers without a problem to the bottom of the shaft. Use your spare hand to hold the bottle if necessary.

Got it . What about warming up your unit after the stretch? I got my gains doing a night routine of 20min inverted stretch 15-20 jelquing. I add another stretching session in the morning now and going to start the horse squeezes as well . Makes sense warming up after the stretch right? how long would you think it would be best? Thanks once again Mem , you´ve been a great help.



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