Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

I wouldn”t worry about a little turtling as long as everything is fine 1/4-1/2 hr later (and maybe then you measure longer than normal).

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Do you think the evening session is more for girth or did you decided it helped with length aswell?

thanks again.

I have been doing the stretch in the morning for the whole of last week, but have always found that I am a little pushed for time after. Do you think that doing the stretch in the afternoon as oppose to the morning will have a negative affect? I will still do the evening routine - about 4-6hrs later. As long as I do the full time every day it should be okay right? I know someone has asked this before but I was hoping that a more definitive answer may be available now, or perhaps someone has done the stretching in the afternoon and gotten good results?


When I warm up with the cloth like you said, there seems to be more blood in the head when doing the stretch-do you find this aswell? The pressure build up kinda makes me worry about discolouration

Memento this is my first post so please bear with me I have a couple questions if you don’t mind

Memento- do you edge? Just wondering. If so, when did you do it within this routine or does it not matter. Thanks


You have to fit any routine to your day. If you want to use this routine as a template, that’s cool, but treat it as a flexible starting point.

I would have thought the average person could back the morning routine into the evening routine with an hour or two gap or place the morning routine at the end of the evening routine and do them one after the other. Whether that would effect things is hard to tell, it’d be the same amount of work but the idea of spending more time in the post workout extended state would be reduced. It could even be of benefit to do the stretching afterwards.

Yes a wash cloth hot wrap tends to increase the blood flow and this effects the glans. The glans can be squeezed to reduce blood if required but you may find that a little bit of blood in the glans actually helps the grip. T-shirt material (or similar) wrapped over and behind the glans prevents them expanding too far and provides for a solid grip but some temporary colouring might be caused at the tip of the glans.

No I never edged as part of a penis enlargement program. What’s the point it’s not going to do anything. Running a bit of blood through the penis after a session is a good idea but a final hot wrap should do that.

I hope that helps but you should experiment yourself and decide what works for you rather than using my experience as too much of a guide.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks Momento, I appreciate it as you have helped me a lot lately and so many people have gained from this routine by following it exactly so thats what I am going to do. Lately I’ve been doing the stretch at about 4pm and the jelqing at 9pm but I’ll change it on Monday. One last thing, you wrote: 15-20 mins of jelqing- how long did you allow the strokes to last 3 secs or longer and what grip did you use for the majority? I’m currently using 5 second strokes with a standard OK grip and doing about 70 reps, but if I go for 15 minutes this will increase to 180 reps which is more than double what I was previously doing, do you think this is too much. I know you say to discover for yourself but I will try to make sure this is the last piece of guidance I ask for. Thanks again.

>and so many people have gained from this routine by following it exactly<

I’ve seen no proof of that. I know a couple of people have talked about gaining from it but that’s it as far as I know. Also I have no idea whether they followed it religiously or whether they modified it. In the end you need to modify these things, and judge how well it’s working first by the response of your dick and second by the results.

>One last thing, you wrote: 15-20 mins of jelqing- how long did you allow the strokes to last 3 secs or longer and what grip did you use for the majority?<

Yeah around 3 seconds sounds about right, judge it by how well your penis responds to the jelqing. If 5 seconds works best for you, then do 5 second strokes. I would find that too long but there’s no point in doing a 3 second stroke if you don’t manage to marry grip to erection level to make that stroke length work. I switched direction based on erection level, overhand down when the erection was fading a little and standard up when it was closer to the upper limit.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


Originally Posted by memento
I’ve seen no proof of that. I know a couple of people have talked about gaining from it but that’s it as far as I know. Also I have no idea whether they followed it religiously or whether they modified it. In the end you need to modify these things, and judge how well it’s working first by the response of your dick and second by the results.

Just wanted to chime in really quickly about this. I gained about 1/2” from this routine; 1/4” in a month on my first go and then another 1/4” after a decon break. The fact of it is that 40 minutes of exercise a day is just too much for my penis to handle.

It is a great routine and the extended duration inverted stretch really is one of the best I’ve come across. I gave up on following Mem’s routine to the letter but still use the stretch and still do girth work as part of my routine. The two ideas are really good ideas but they have to be adjusted to fit you. The main difference is now I just wing it and go for 20-30 minutes of quality work throughout the day. By quality I mean 100% focus on the task at hand, holding the stretch as it should be and stopping as soon as I can no longer concentrate. It’s working well for me so far.

I think this was mentioned earlier in the thread, but where did you put your balls so that they weren’y in the way and so that the skin doesn’t stretch, because I’ve been doing the stretch for a while and have noticed a definite increase in turkey neck (pissed) and definitely don’t want to get any more.

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm


I don’t think the stretches cause turkey neck easily, it’s much more likely a result of jelqing. The stretches are more likely to stretch the skin from the glans to the cylinder.

Where you put your balls is probably a matter of experimentation but try moving the cylinder further away from the body, if that works for you. If not there’s always the option of pushing them up into the body I guess.


You’re quiet these days (or I’m not reading in the right places). You’re right, of course, a routine is simply a recipe and everyone needs to mould the recipe to their personal taste and circumstances. The important thing is to understand what is working and what isn’t and build a routine based around the stuff that works (taking into account some things work in a combination type way). I’m a great fan of doing as little work as possible as long as it doesn’t effect gains and you are so right about quality beating quantity any day.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


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