Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Sorry about that Thunder.

Thank you for this information. I will try it for my penis enlargement exercise.

Hello Mem. Just wanted to know your opinion some issues :

- My unit does not seem to handle the extra occasional sessions and gets very ” tired “. Any advice?

- What are your thoughts about the Velcro wrap thing post workout?

As always , thank you so much!



Tired is good imo. Hangers talk about this a lot as “fatigue”. Reading the hangers forum is not in any way a waste of time for manual PEers. This routine and the stretching in it is very similar to a hanging routine. I don’t know the proportion of hangers who also do a girth routine (at least jelqing) but I would have thought that a fair number do. Certainly a lot of the long time members have talked (if infrequently) about their girth routines.

The important thing is that the body is very good at adapting to stress. If you do manual labour, the body gets used to it quickly and strength is build up in the tissues to help you endure the work. I think the tissues in the penis respond in a very similar way; if you are consistently applying the same stress in the same way it can learn to cope and growth slows. If you are reaching a fatigued state either in the stretching or the girth routine I think this is generally a good thing (if you aren’t pushing it too far). It shows that you are doing something your penis cannot cope with.

I always found I grew when I was hitting fatigue, when the penis was sore (not painful, just sore) for a great deal of the day. The other reaction I would get is that my penis would require stress, it would call to be put under stress. I don’t know if that makes much sense.

I have no experience of the velcro wrap. I’ve certainly wrapped but I didn’t include it in my routine. Maybe someone else can help you out on that.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thank you for the quick response Mem. Great as always. I just had an idea ” getting tired ” was a bad thing since it gets harder to get a 100% erection and at the end of the workout its rather ” limp ” and weak. So I thought I was overdoing it.

You might be overdoing it. Only you can judge that. Finding it hard to keep an erection at the end of a session could be an indicator of so much (overdoing it, boredom, wrong time of day, too close to sex etc.).

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hmm… I might be overdoing it.. since I´m finding to keep my erections 100% strong.. and thus loosing 1cm in lenght simply because I cant get it rock hard. At any given time.

But it was for overdoing it that I took a break , though I haven´t stopped PEing for that long , so I don’t think I lost the gains. I´m just having a very hard time keeping a 100% rock hard erection , heck , I can´t even maintain it for like 5 seconds. What are you thoughts Mem? Sorry for all this trouble…hope you understand.

I’ll rename this thread the Hello2/Mem PM discussion thread ;) It seems everyone else PMs me about this routine for some reason. It’s nice when people post in a thread if they have something to say (so that it benefits others). Though if it were my preference it wouldn’t be this thread.

I always found that it was harder to keep an erection and soreness would increase as on days progressed in a routine. Then the rest days would get me back up to full strength and no soreness. You should always measure at the end of a rest period anyway. If I were you I’d just throw in a rest day when you feel you really need it and carry on.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Got It. Thanks again mem. Sorry for all the trouble :D

Memento, I think I’m going to start this routine again. I say again because I tried it a couple of years ago when the thread was still fresh and I think I got it wrong. I used to use one of them rolls of aluminium foil and place it across the TOP of my thighs and pull my penis over and down, which I guess is just an aided A stretch. Having just finished reading the whole thread though, I now see that the whole point is to create an expanded force over a larger portion of the penis as oppose to a small point force that I did before. I will do everything you said in your routine, but at a lower level, bar the stretching, so that I can gradually increase the intensity. Can I just ask- does anyone use a cup or someting like that, I think I read someone did, because wouldn’t that spread the force over even more of the tunica? A last point- so you sit on the chair with your piece basically hanging over the side, then you put the container under and close to the base of your penis, pull over and down, easing into it until at full stretch, then release the tension slightly without losing any length. Is this correct?


I’d worry about a standard china cup breaking and sending shards into my dick. Maybe that’s just me. In shape terms a cup would be very similar to all the other cylinder type things people use. If you can heat the cylinder, even better (groa suggested that*).

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Oh actually yeah your right, I wasn’t sure about the dimensions but I found a vitamin container thats 2.5 inchs diameter like you said and it feels about right. When I pull it doesn’t feel like there is any particular tension in my penis but I know there is because it wont stretch anymore which is good because I can hold thte stretch for about 5 mins. Is this normal? Do you think it would be better to reach under your leg with everything in place and pull with an overhand grip, or maybe this would hurt your back after a while as it will always be hunched. Do you use an over hand or standard grip? Do you pull back the skin and grip 1/2 inch behind the glands or just below the glans?

Personally I always felt the tension, that’s how I was able to judge whether I was getting a good stretch. Heating well first and pulling into the stretch slowly can help with that.

Sure, the weak link is the grip, this is what limits how long a stretch can be maintained if you are stretching straight armed, using the torso to exert force.

>Do you think it would be better to reach under your leg with everything in place and pull with an overhand grip, or maybe this would hurt your back after a while as it will always be hunched.<

It’s good to experiment but this is something I’ve never experimented with. It’s an entirely different stretch to the one I describe but go with what works for you (if it works).

>Do you use an over hand or standard grip?<

Overhand. A standard grip would be hard to impossible using a straight arm, the effort would be much more in twisting the body rather than forcing the shoulder down.

>Do you pull back the skin and grip 1/2 inch behind the glands or just below the glans?<

I always retracted the foreskin, and applied the grip a little behind the glans using t-shirt material wrapped around and behind the glans to provide a grip and prevent the glans from being over expanded or stretched weirdly.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


I’ve been doing the stretch for 2 days now- one quick thing, do you find that your penis turtles slightly after finishing the stretch or do you have a longer flaccid?


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