Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer
The indisputable facts in my opinion are that we can not grow length on a linear curve….
We cannot? Which fact demonstrate that we ‘cannot’? What you can say is that most of PEers don’t grow length linealry, but saying that ‘we cannot’ is a circular reasoning.
Linearity is not relevant here, by the way. What you are trying to say, that gains stops or tends to diminish after a while?
This happens for muscular growth also: do you think through weight training you are exposing your ‘inner muscle’? You are weakening ligaments when your bicep grows?
Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer
…….There is hidden capacity and that is realized by exposing the inner penis and that hidden capacity is finite (for practical purposes)….
Again, you are just begging your beliefs. And which are those pratical purposes, out of curiosity? Is a 9” causing some specific issue to men?
Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer
……. This ability to expose the inner penis is readily apparent in obese individuals (longer erections experienced through weight loss), it is just an inverse relationship to PE techniques….
Obese people aren’t exposing a inner penis through PE : if one is obese and lose bodyweight, the penis covered by fat pad becomes visible - this has nothing to do with ‘hidden inner penis’, flow metrics, suspensory ligs elongation and all the other eccentric views you’re putting out.
Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer
……. I have been hanging for a long time with weights up to 25lbs and never have seen an increase in the pendulous penis ( or external penis - outside the body). My erection has increased by 2” which is very visually noticeable but in hanging mode there is no discernible increase from the first day I started hanging.
So most of hangers are lying? You’re the only one saying the Holy truth? This is what you are saying?