Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

More thoughts on how growth occurs.

Gjurob - it’s not theory, it’s gibberish. That’s why you don’t understand it (nor does anyone else).

Shilow, how about some references to fluid dynamics then - apart from the lalala, show us the “little study” you refer to.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer
Your wrong, the penis is similar to a balloon. The distensibility of the tunica and expandability of cavernosal tissue have direct correlations to the intercavernosal pressure and the volume of blood that can be held in the chambers. A little study in the fluid dynamics of the erection will show the efficiencies that can be gained through PE and the resultant increases in volume.

Let’s say the thin rubber of a balloon is analogous to the tough collagen tunica, and an persons lung pressure is analogous to the blood flow to the penis. According to you, the natural blood pressure and blood flow in/into the penis is enough to expand this tough tunica layer, causing expansion. That would be more like a 2 year old blowing up a hot-water bottle.

These enhanced “fluid dynamics” would only be as a result of tunica expansion, which is caused(in the case of girth orientated exercises) by manually inflated internal pressures.

The erectile pressure is in large part responsible for erection size and quality (this can be affected by injury or a whole host of factors that would limit your career best size, we have all experienced “blue balls” or if your in a body position that constricts your erectile process, or temperature factors (fucking your gal in a cold pool will do nothing for your erection size). Other limiting factors would be your suspensory physiology or tight ligaments will hinder additional exposure of your inner penis.

We can always improve our flow dynamics but it is a very, very slow process after a period of time. You can enlarge veins and arteries but it only happens over long periods of time, so technically we can grow indefinitely but it is at an infinitesimally slow pace. The good news is that you can discover 3 years after any noticeable increase another increase. There are articles footnoted on this site referring to the erectile system and all things revolving around your member. But I guess one more can only help, speaks to the engineering/biomechanical principles that result in the male erection.

Dude do you not realise that you are talking about gains from EQ increases? For any gains beyond that, the tunica must be re-shaped somehow. It is tough fibrous tissue and needs high internal pressures or high(relatively) external pressures to expand/stretch.

Thanks for the article. Very interesting read on ED and the mechanism of erection. Interesting application of Hooke’s Law too. But nothing to do with the mechanism of enlargement (except in the case of someone who’s EQ had dropped off through age or disease etc., as previously noted).

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

There is unrealized size in the unconditioned penis, before undertaking PE disciplines the penis is in an unconditioned state. This hidden size is what can be realized and the tunica has the ability to expand further, it is elastic, after all. If your venous valves shut-off prematurely you will realize a smaller erection, jelqing exercises allow for the chambers to achieve a greater level of expansion. It is analogous to a fresh rubber balloon and one that has been inflated many times, the rubber is weakened and it is more susceptible to increased expansion under the equivalent pressure. In a sense we weaken the resistance of the tunica by the excessive pressures induced by our hands and clamping and the like, this restructuring allows for a greater inflow of blood under the same pressure gradient.

The article does not go into penis enlargement aspects per se but the engineering principles that influence an erection are critical to understanding what variables in the equation can be altered to produce a larger erection or better quality erection. For example the flow metrics of the erectile system, with a simple increase in the inflow of blood (larger pipes) at the same relative pressure actually makes a significant improvement in the efficiency of the plumbing. As the erectile system is improved it results in larger and healthier erections.

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer

….. It is self-evident if you examine the history and the facts. …

If you need to examine history (?!) and facts to proof this theory, then it isn’t self-evident. Just to say.

Anyway, which are these facts that should demonstrate that we are pushing out the inner penis?

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer

There is unrealized size in the unconditioned penis, before undertaking PE disciplines the penis is in an unconditioned state. This hidden size is what can be realized and the tunica has the ability to expand further, it is elastic, after all. If your venous valves shut-off prematurely you will realize a smaller erection, jelqing exercises allow for the chambers to achieve a greater level of expansion. It is analogous to a fresh rubber balloon and one that has been inflated many times, the rubber is weakened and it is more susceptible to increased expansion under the equivalent pressure. In a sense we weaken the resistance of the tunica by the excessive pressures induced by our hands and clamping and the like, this restructuring allows for a greater inflow of blood under the same pressure gradient.


Those are your suppositions, but I can’t see anything supporting your views.

Also, why the ‘unconditioned’ penis should have an ‘unrealized size’? Why there should be an hidden size? For what mother nature should have provided men with a penis that is in most of cases ‘unrealized’?

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer


The article does not go into penis enlargement aspects per se but the engineering principles that influence an erection are critical to understanding what variables in the equation can be altered to produce a larger erection or better quality erection. For example the flow metrics of the erectile system, with a simple increase in the inflow of blood (larger pipes) at the same relative pressure actually makes a significant improvement in the efficiency of the plumbing. As the erectile system is improved it results in larger and healthier erections.

Make clear those mysterious equations, would you mind?

Have you realized that, in your views, all PE techniques could be replaced by erection enhancer pills? How come this doesn’t happens?

And how you explain that people that is stalling in gains from, let’s say jelqing, starts to have again gains when give a try to another technique? And once this technique stops working, going back again to jelqing or what they were doing before, starts working again? How this fit with ‘flow metrics’?

The indisputable facts in my opinion are that we can not grow length on a linear curve, the penis does not respond like “silly putty,” and slowly stretch to the floor. Other popular theories would allow for a linear growth curve but that is just not the case. There is hidden capacity and that is realized by exposing the inner penis and that hidden capacity is finite (for practical purposes). This ability to expose the inner penis is readily apparent in obese individuals (longer erections experienced through weight loss), it is just an inverse relationship to PE techniques. Also, in my experience I have never visually seen an increase in my pendulous penis under load. I have been hanging for a long time with weights up to 25lbs and never have seen an increase in the pendulous penis ( or external penis - outside the body). My erection has increased by 2” which is very visually noticeable but in hanging mode there is no discernible increase from the first day I started hanging.

If all length gains are from “pulling out the inner penis”, then how do you explain that I’ve gained 1.5” of BPEL without ever doing a single length exercise? Also note that when jelqing, I put a compressive force on my shaft- so my jelqs are not stretching the shaft in any way.

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer

The indisputable facts in my opinion are that we can not grow length on a linear curve….

We cannot? Which fact demonstrate that we ‘cannot’? What you can say is that most of PEers don’t grow length linealry, but saying that ‘we cannot’ is a circular reasoning.

Linearity is not relevant here, by the way. What you are trying to say, that gains stops or tends to diminish after a while?

This happens for muscular growth also: do you think through weight training you are exposing your ‘inner muscle’? You are weakening ligaments when your bicep grows?

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer

…….There is hidden capacity and that is realized by exposing the inner penis and that hidden capacity is finite (for practical purposes)….

Again, you are just begging your beliefs. And which are those pratical purposes, out of curiosity? Is a 9” causing some specific issue to men?

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer

……. This ability to expose the inner penis is readily apparent in obese individuals (longer erections experienced through weight loss), it is just an inverse relationship to PE techniques….

Obese people aren’t exposing a inner penis through PE : if one is obese and lose bodyweight, the penis covered by fat pad becomes visible - this has nothing to do with ‘hidden inner penis’, flow metrics, suspensory ligs elongation and all the other eccentric views you’re putting out.

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer

……. I have been hanging for a long time with weights up to 25lbs and never have seen an increase in the pendulous penis ( or external penis - outside the body). My erection has increased by 2” which is very visually noticeable but in hanging mode there is no discernible increase from the first day I started hanging.

So most of hangers are lying? You’re the only one saying the Holy truth? This is what you are saying?

Last edited by marinera : 10-07-2009 at .

I do not know how it would be possible to gain 1.5” without stretching or hanging but it is logical that you would gain some length from purely girth exercises since you will improve elongation as a corollary to corporal expansion. Just how much length you could gain would probably vary across individuals. If you truly have gained 1.5” without stretching or hanging, I would find that incredible and almost improbable.

Why do we have hidden capacity? There are many things in the human body that are underdeveloped or not at optimal function. People that swim underwater for extended lengths of time have developed their lung capacity, the list is quite endless. For obese people, they do in fact uncover “inner penis,” just because it is covered in flab does not mean it is not hidden or it is not an inner penis. I am not fat but I lost 12lbs and gained 1/4” of penis, if you have plateaued and you could lose a few pounds it is great for PE.

I gained 2” by hanging, I am a strong advocate of hanging. I am merely saying that from the first day I started hanging until today that in the hanging regiment the length of my penis (flaccid) has not changed. This just supports the inner penis theory since my flaccid shaft length has not changed over the years.

In the study that I referenced above one of the interesting aspects was addressing the question of when does the erectile forces shut-off or the valves close and stop the in-flow of blood. Initially, they thought the veno-occlusion and compressive forces of the erection were shut-down due to restrictive forces of the tunica pressing against the engorging corporal chambers. They discovered that this was not the case and that the tunica was more expandable and was not the determining structure in valve shut-down. So, it does give hope to people hitting a wall with girth increases and it does make sense from a practical point-of-view. It also stands to reason that you would want to maximize the volumetric capacity of your chambers and do what you can to expand blood inlets and carrying tissue.

Originally Posted by marinera

This happens for muscular growth also: do you think through weight training you are exposing your ‘inner muscle’? You are weakening ligaments when your bicep grows?


Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer


Why do we have hidden capacity? There are many things in the human body that are underdeveloped or not at optimal function. People that swim underwater for extended lengths of time have developed their lung capacity, the list is quite endless……. .

They aren’t exposing their ‘hidden lungs’, they are changing the structure of the lungs and growing them - exactly what you denying we do with PE, uh?

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer


I am merely saying that from the first day I started hanging until today that in the hanging regiment the length of my penis (flaccid) has not changed. This just supports the inner penis theory since my flaccid shaft length has not changed over the years.



Many people have a bigger increase in flaccid size than in erect size, so this denegate your ‘theory’. And: if you were really exposing your ‘inner penis’, your flaccid length should become bigger as well. The flaccid length increase nor can prove neither disprove your ‘telescoping’ hypothesis.

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer


For obese people, they do in fact uncover “inner penis,” just because it is covered in flab does not mean it is not hidden or it is not an inner penis. ……….


So in your views weakening ligaments makes people more skinny? You have strange notions about human anatomy, I have to say.

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer


In the study that I referenced above one of the interesting aspects was addressing the question of when does the erectile forces shut-off or the valves close and stop the in-flow of blood. Initially, they thought the veno-occlusion and compressive forces of the erection were shut-down due to restrictive forces of the tunica pressing against the engorging corporal chambers. They discovered that this was not the case and that the tunica was more expandable and was not the determining structure in valve shut-down. So, it does give hope to people hitting a wall with girth increases and it does make sense from a practical point-of-view. It also stands to reason that you would want to maximize the volumetric capacity of your chambers and do what you can to expand blood inlets and carrying tissue.

In the study you referenced, were they inquiring penis growth through PE? Further: were they studying healthy people or people with ED?

And I still I’m waiting for your ‘flow metric equations’ that should demonstrate that penis can’t grow.

Originally Posted by marinera
You have strange notions about human anatomy, I have to say.

That is quite the understatement! You sound more like an academic everyday, marinera :D .


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