Thunder's Place

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PE is complicating my life.

I have the same problem. I work out-of-town alot, and sometimes have to share a hotel room with someone. Usually it is with the same person, so I know his habits now.

He drinks, and sleeps like a rock when he finally goes down except for the constant beer piss breaks. Unfortunately, he goes to bed quite late, so I have to do stealth PE from about 11:00 P.M. to midnight most nights. I have a bag I keep my lube and pump in, and I slide it into the bed when he is snoring. I then proceed to pump while laying on my side facing away from his bed. You can actually jelq under the covers by bending one leg at the knee, and nothing can be seen in a dark room.

I have been doing this for over a year now off and on when I have to have a hotel roommate. My gains are convincing enough now where I’m about to say screw it, and tell him that after he goes to sleep, I’ll be taking the bathroom over for at least 1 hour, so he’d better get his pissing out of the way before he goes to sleep, or else he’ll be disturbing me during my pump time, which includes internet porn on the PC! I don’t think he wants to go there.

What it comes down to is, you either have to let your current living conditions limit your PE, or figure a way around it so you can be consistent enough to gain. That’s what I had to do. Or you can go hardcore and just do it, and maybe your brother would have to go sleep on the couch or something. That’s what I’m about to do (go hardcore).

Another thing, try taking a green tea supplement with some caffeine in it. It will help you stay sharp during the day. If you are young, 6 hours of sleep should be plenty for you to function properly. I’ve lived on 5 to 6 hours all my life, and I’m 43 now. I work 50-60 hours a week in the industrial field as well. Fast food shouldn’t wipe you out like that unless you’ve been playing video games your whole life! Suck it up, and keep your eye on the final result. That should give you the motivation to press on.

Good luck, and I hope this advice helps in some way. You can do it.

Wow ginzo, that is true dedication. I would be too nervous to do it with someone else in the room, especially a co-worker. A giant pat on the back to you (as long as I deliver that pat before 11pm).

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


Originally Posted by boner7484

How old are you? Maybe it’s time you thought about getting a better job and moving out.

I’m 23 and you’re right, I should have a better job and a place of my own by now. That’s my own fault though. If I had applied myself in college, I might actually have the skills to find a good paying job.

Originally Posted by Demerit1

Quickbeam, I’m not in the same boat as you are since I learnt about PE after moving away from my fam’s place, so this might sound odd, but why not just straight out tell them about PE-ing? Honestly, you could save so much time by doing the exercises at a reasonable time and you won’t have to stealth. Because honestly, the way I see it, they could possibly disagree with you doing this, but hell, they’ll get over it. They won’t be coming into your room trying to take your hand away from your unit, right? And just do it when your bro is not there. Or just reserve the bathroom for a bit. Watcha think?

I was asked by my college not to return because of PE. It’s an ultra-conservative college that frowns on a lot of things. My dad was pretty angry about the reason that they wouldn’t let me come back. Telling them about PE is out of the question. Both of my folks are against it.

Originally Posted by ginzo41
I have the same problem. I work out-of-town alot, and sometimes have to share a hotel room with someone. Usually it is with the same person, so I know his habits now.

He drinks, and sleeps like a rock when he finally goes down except for the constant beer piss breaks. Unfortunately, he goes to bed quite late, so I have to do stealth PE from about 11:00 P.M. to midnight most nights. I have a bag I keep my lube and pump in, and I slide it into the bed when he is snoring. I then proceed to pump while laying on my side facing away from his bed. You can actually jelq under the covers by bending one leg at the knee, and nothing can be seen in a dark room.

I have been doing this for over a year now off and on when I have to have a hotel roommate. My gains are convincing enough now where I’m about to say screw it, and tell him that after he goes to sleep, I’ll be taking the bathroom over for at least 1 hour, so he’d better get his pissing out of the way before he goes to sleep, or else he’ll be disturbing me during my pump time, which includes internet porn on the PC! I don’t think he wants to go there.

What it comes down to is, you either have to let your current living conditions limit your PE, or figure a way around it so you can be consistent enough to gain. That’s what I had to do. Or you can go hardcore and just do it, and maybe your brother would have to go sleep on the couch or something. That’s what I’m about to do (go hardcore).

Another thing, try taking a green tea supplement with some caffeine in it. It will help you stay sharp during the day. If you are young, 6 hours of sleep should be plenty for you to function properly. I’ve lived on 5 to 6 hours all my life, and I’m 43 now. I work 50-60 hours a week in the industrial field as well. Fast food shouldn’t wipe you out like that unless you’ve been playing video games your whole life! Suck it up, and keep your eye on the final result. That should give you the motivation to press on.

Good luck, and I hope this advice helps in some way. You can do it.

I’m 23 so I don’t know how 5-6 hours would affect me. It is not the fast food; I wake up tired. Something else, my breakfast usually consists of a cup of milk. Maybe that has something to do with it?

How did your college find out you were PE’ing? And on what grounds could they kick you out. I am guessing it was probably a religious school, but surely students have masturbated there and not been thrown out. Most people would think jelqing was beating off, unless they were thunders members. Maybe the College Dean is a one of us?

Last edited by sta-kool : 05-14-2010 at .

Originally Posted by quickbeam1213

I was asked by my college not to return because of PE. It’s an ultra-conservative college that frowns on a lot of things. My dad was pretty angry about the reason that they wouldn’t let me come back.

You didn’t do it in front of the Principal did you? ;)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I would not tell your parents but why not go to another school that does not care if you PE. I know USF would not mind. LOL

Originally Posted by quickbeam1213
I’m 23 so I don’t know how 5-6 hours would affect me. It is not the fast food; I wake up tired. Something else, my breakfast usually consists of a cup of milk. Maybe that has something to do with it?

You definitely need more food than that if you’re working on 6 hours of sleep and heading to a job. I frequently work for 7 hours after sleeping about 6 hours, but I have a proper breakfast each morning. When you wake up your body is badly in need of nutrients, it’s craving food. This doesn’t mean you eat bacon and bad food, but cereal, eggs, you need something to get you through the day. At 23 years old, with a little caffeine, you can work on 6 hours but you need the fuel to do so. I can’t stress the importance enough.

As for school, find a new one. Education is far more important than PE. Sounds like you were going to a very odd, possibly religious college? If they knew about PE, and then your parents found out, I can understand not wanting to tell them. What are your current measurements? If I was in your position I would be inclined to put PE on hold, get a better job, finish school and possibly move out (school takes the priority though).

You can always resume PE after you have a degree and your life is progressing, but a big dick won’t get you a degree or a stable future.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


Hmm 6 hours of sleep sounds good enaugh for me but I suppose it depends. How about waking up at 8 or 8:30? Half an hour more makes a difference.

Wake up: 8:30

Shower: 8:45


On bus: 9:12?

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

When do you have to leave the house in order to get on the bus?

90 minutes is a long morning ritual in my world. I usually have 20 minutes after I wake up and then I`m out the door for my commute to work. You can eat on the bus or mix yourself a nutritious shake of oats, milk and whey that is quickly consumed.

If so, you can probably perform half of your routine in the morning (stretching or jelqing).

Then do the other half in the evening.

Most of us has to make sacrifices in respect to PE since we really don`t have much time either. I know how tough it can be when sharing the house with someone. I live on my own now and it has made my PE life much easier, but I still face the issue of not having enough time, so I also typically sleep 6- 6 1/2 hours in the weekdays.


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