Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Rethinking how much size matters to women

At least some of the penis size choices in the stripper thread appear to be relative to vagina size, slightly bigger penises than they perceive their vagina size category to be—-have you noticed how at times in the thread when she likes less than 7 she also states she is smallish? Even zaneblue at Thunder’s said that about herself having a small vagina and preferring average size penises (though months later she decided she might not be small and said she can handle bigger better than she realised).

Originally Posted by motivated
That’s one way to look at it. But it’s also true that nearly 70% prefer a penis that is 7” or less! Given that the average size is somewhere around 6” (noting the controversies here), this means that the “ideal” for most women is well within our reach! So I don’t know if it’s a sick joke by God. God seems to want us men to work a little at it. But he’s made it very possible. Kind of like life generally.

I think the condom manufacturers have used much better testing methodologies to arrive at 5.75” for the average length than Kinsey did. Kinsey let guys measure themselves in private and report their sizes, and the condom manufacturers had paid women do the measuring so no one could lie about it. It’s pretty obvious to me why the condom manufacturers’ average size results are probably more accurate.

Regardless our opinions of these stripper size preference statistics may appear to be “glass half-empty, glass half-full” viewpoints, but I believe it really just depend on what your size is.

If you’re around 6” then you’re going to be focused on girls’ size preferences that exceed your own. Since I’m just over 6” long, the stats that are meaningful to me are:
65% of ALL THESE WOMEN favor a penis size of 7 inches or bigger (or 2 of every 3 women prefer a penis size bigger than my own).

..and this doesn’t even break down preferences into 1/4” intervals. Otherwise, the ones who voted for 6” might have instead chosen, say 6.5”, 6.75” and that 65 percentile (who prefer greater than my size) might actually be a bigger percentage.

If you’re around 7” then, yes it would certainly be comforting to know that nearly 70% prefer a penis that is 7” or less, or that only 30% percent favor one bigger than 7”. Unfortunately, I’m not 7” yet, so this stat is meaningless to me.

Originally Posted by motivated
Originally Posted by 24 Hours
If this is, in fact, a decent sample (which could be debated either way) then this tells you that 2 out of 3 women would ideally prefer something bigger than 7” long.

This is incorrect. According to the poll, only 32.64%, or approximately 1 in 3, prefer something bigger than 7”. And remember, this number really drops off after 8”.

I guess I assumed that the 7” category probably included 7.25”, 7.5”, 7.75”.
Let me rephrase: If this is, in fact, a decent sample (which could be debated either way) then this tells you that 2 out of 3 women would ideally prefer something 7” or longer.

How’s that?

Durex had guys measure themselves.

Lifestyles had a staff measure the guys and the average was 5.877” nbpel. Positive and negative points have been made about the study.

Originally Posted by beenthere
Durex had guys measure themselves.

Lifestyles had a staff measure the guys and the average was 5.877” nbpel. Positive and negative points have been made about the study.

Yeah it was Lifestyles I was referring to - that was the Cancun study, I believe.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Which was not random sample.

It was random in that they went to a nightclub and asked guys that were there to participate for a free drink and got (I believe) 300 men. Granted, small men might have declined.

Originally Posted by 24 Hours
It was random in that they went to a nightclub and asked guys that were there to participate for a free drink and got (I believe) 300 men. Granted, small men might have declined.

That method fails to meet the criteria for randomness in many ways.
The age group was mostly college men, with less than average fat pads. It was also skewed in terms of race and nationality. And as you pointed out, they only measured guys who wanted to be measured. Etc.
Random has a very specific scientific meaning, and the term can simply not be apllied to this ‘study’.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by 24 Hours
It was random in that they went to a nightclub and asked guys that were there to participate for a free drink and got (I believe) 300 men.

Did they given them their free drink before or after the study? That could make a world of difference!


Originally Posted by motivated
Did they given them their free drink before or after the study? That could make a world of difference!


:D Good point!

Originally Posted by mravg
That method fails to meet the criteria for randomness in many ways.
The age group was mostly college men, with less than average fat pads. It was also skewed in terms of race and nationality. And as you pointed out, they only measured guys who wanted to be measured. Etc.
Random has a very specific scientific meaning, and the term can simply not be apllied to this ‘study’.

It’s about as random as most polls that are taken today where people go to certain sections of cities and randomly select people to take a poll. Some parts of cities will skew in favor of certain types of people.

As far as fat pad - I’m assuming they did bone pressed, but maybe someone else can shed light on how they handled that.

Also, you forgot that it leaves out men who don’t drink. :D

But seriously, your points are well taken. This study is NOT completely flawless as far as randomness, but compared to studies that let guys state their own sizes, this is one of the more accurate studies in my opinion.

Originally Posted by beenthere
At least some of the penis size choices in the stripper thread appear to be relative to vagina size, slightly bigger penises than they perceive their vagina size category to be—-have you noticed how at times in the thread when she likes less than 7 she also states she is smallish?

Good point. Of course, it makes perfect sense. The infamous Kama Sutra even encourages this principle, that men and women should be paired according to the compatibility of the size of their genitals. Ancient wisdom!

Originally Posted by 24 Hours
If you’re around 6” then you’re going to be focused on girls’ size preferences that exceed your own. Since I’m just over 6” long, the stats that are meaningful to me are: 65% of ALL THESE WOMEN favor a penis size of 7 inches or bigger (or 2 of every 3 women prefer a penis size bigger than my own).

..and this doesn’t even break down preferences into 1/4” intervals. Otherwise, the ones who voted for 6” might have instead chosen, say 6.5”, 6.75” and that 65 percentile (who prefer greater than my size) might actually be a bigger percentage.

If you’re around 7” then, yes it would certainly be comforting to know that nearly 70% prefer a penis that is 7” or less, or that only 30% percent favor one bigger than 7”. Unfortunately, I’m not 7” yet, so this stat is meaningless to me.

No doubt this is correct. I am a hair over 7” BP, so I am encouraged by the poll. However, I was thinking of men in general—or of the “average” male penis—when I made the comment. It relates to the is God playing a sick joke question. The statistical ideal for women is not far above the statistical average for men (whether this is 5.877”, 6.0”, or 6.21328435597”). So, in my opinion, this statistic is very meaningful for you, as for most men. Gaining 2 or 3 inches in length is relatively uncommon. But men here are knocking out an inch very frequently. It’s kind of like learning: Women value men who earn a lot of money, and the statistical ideal male income for a woman is $60,000—which is above, but only just above, the national average of $45,000!

I doubt if women are very focused on measurements with 0.25” accuracy. Probably, there is a difference between 6” and 7” to them, but not so much of a difference between 6” and 6.5”. We are the ones who get excited about every 0.010”! Girth is probably a different story; here, 0.25” is a substantial difference.

As is regularly noted, we must also keep in mind that women don’t use a (more or less) standardized measuring method, as most of us here do. It’s not even clear if the various penis size studies do (e.g. the Lifestyle study). I doubt if women are measuring men bone-pressed, although men probably suck in their gut as much as possible when some woman approaches them with a ruler! And if the woman gave me the ruler to do the measuring, I’d jam it into my groin as far as it would go, and then some. And I would have done this even before learning about bone-pressed vs. non-bone-pressed measurements! But even though women probably don’t measure bone-pressed, there is reason to suspect that they, at least sometimes, use fairly “creative” measuring techniques. Consider this quote from the stripperweb poll:

“And just so we are clear; hopw exactly do we measure a penis? ‘Cause when I measured his iI measured the underside and the top side both then devided by 2 and got a rough estimate of total length overall. If that’s not right, oh well. He goes from my elbow to my wrist. And that is a little over 8”.”

From where on the underside? From above the balls or below? Given this method, many of us are already at 7” or above, non-bone-pressed even! It’s so hard to say. The moral of the story, as I see it, is this: We have to take all these measurements (penis size surveys, women’s comments, etc.) with a large grain of salt. Nevertheless, it does seem clear that many women like a bigger size, especially when it comes to girth. But the preferred or statistically “ideal” size is not that far above what most of us are already packing. Further, bear in mind that there is a range of size preferences—5” to 8” being the dominant category, but still with some women preferring less than 5” and others over 8”. Relatedly, there is a range of penis sizes—again, with the bulk of them being in the 5” to 8” range, though with some being below 5” and others being above 8”. In other words, God may have got the measurements spot on! For each of us, there is a perfect fit!

Originally Posted by 24 Hours
Let me rephrase: If this is, in fact, a decent sample (which could be debated either way) then this tells you that 2 out of 3 women would ideally prefer something 7” or longer.

How’s that?

Much better! :)

Here’s another fact that is reflected in the stripperweb poll: A number of women comment that a 6” or 7” (or there abouts) size is ideal for a long-term relationship—that is, for regular sex—but a “really large” size is great for the occasional screw.

So then, which size would you prefer, the smaller (though still ample) size for regular, relationship sex, or the bigger (indeed, huge) size for those women who want the occasional bashing?

I wish my dick came with a button to switch from one size to the other. Given that it doesn’t, I’d pick the relationship sex size, as I value relationship sex way, way above one-night-stands. Also, I’m more than happy to share my women with other men (in the appropriate context). So if they want to have a big dick in them from time to time, that’s fine by me.

Originally Posted by quattot
Para-Goomba, I checked out your other post. I agree with what you are driving at. I think I can best explain my position with recent examples. I have been seeing this women recently who is a devout Catholic. The first time we took our clothes off she thought I was huge. For the record I am not. 6.6” length 5.2” girth. However she has been with few partners and I was the biggest guy she has ever seen. “Made me feel real good by the way. Prior to seeing her I was with another women for about a month. She had been an exotic dancer when she was younger, now a realtor. First date we had sex. Before my clothes came off she wanted to know my size at dinner? It mattered to her a whole lot. She said she liked big cocks 9”. We still fucked like rabbits nonetheless even with my 6.6 power drill. However, my point is women who have had a lot of different partners become in my opinion more concerned with size than women who have had fewer partners.

Your girlfriend isn’t a devout catholic, she’s a sinner. If she was a devout catholic she wouldn’t be getting naked in front of you before marriage. People who show piety don’t do those kinds of things.

How about the discussion gets stopped at the fact that Women do care about size, but it all depends on her experience level.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

6” or 7” (or there abouts) size is ideal for a long-term relationship—that is, for regular sex—but a “really large” size is great for the occasional screw.

More proof that women don’t know what the fuck they want.

Horny Bastard


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