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Rockhard erections and morning woods are back


Rockhard erections and morning woods are back

Until a few weeks ago my libido was low and my spontanuous erections and morning woods seemed to have said goodbye to me. Since I have a girlfriend that I really care for I had to take some measure’s. When we made out with clothes on I just had a semi erection. While kissing she would also lay above me and I think she wouldn’t feel that much. I thought that she thought that I did not find her such a turn on, because of the semi. The feeling was and is there, but my dick didn’t go along.

I know that if she would be naked I would get an hard on, but somehow in order to get her naked I think that she would want to be sure how much I want her and that I am horny for her. So I started taking ginseng and gingko first. Also for the other benefits than the sexual area. A week later I have added muira puama capsule’s which are special for sex drive and erections. It works great. I also started pumping which also attribute’s. Further I spread the stress on my legs and mental activities like studying. When I have taken a few sprints or have walked or biked a lot on a day I do other non psysical stuff. I also spread the caffeine/energy drinks. When I have had a lot of it, I don’t deceive myself by talking a intensive workout in the evening, because I know I am going to lower my intake the next day. For me it seems like my erections are a good indicator of my energy level and balance.

Now I even get erections during the day. When I am going in the pump I can get rockhard without looking at the porn. I can’t remember the time when I was able to do that. My penis gets as hard that it alsmost hurts. It’s the same when I just started pe approximately three years ago. My last orgasm was almost two weeks ago, but I don’t think about ejaculating. The erections and (sexual) energy are great and I don’t want to spend it on my own, just to spray my girlfriend against the wall.:D

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Last edited by anon771 : 12-31-2008 at .

What would you attribute the most difference to? The muira puama, the pumping etc.? How much caffiene do you take?

Give us the brand names of the stuff you are taking and the amounts/dosages. For us older guys, we will have to double or triple your dosages. All the above questions are very important too for us to get similar results to you.

I am also enjoyed great improvement in my erections and morning wood. Good times

Originally Posted by Nostradongus
What would you attribute the most difference to? The muira puama, the pumping etc.? How much caffiene do you take?

I have started the sups at the same time as I started pumping, so I can’t tell. My caffeine intake isn’t even that much. But I have learned how much and when to take it in. I know how it affects me during the day, but also how it affects my energy level for the next day. Drinking coffee, or energy drinks in the evening, or the end of the afternoon is something I strongly avoid. Caffeine is only when needed to stay sharp at work when needed. If it’s relaxed at work I also adjust how much coffee I drink and will allow a gasping and yawning day. It depends on my emotional state. If I experience negative emotions I still take the coffee and try to monitor how my emotions affect my thoughts and behaviour to step in and adjust when needed. That’s easier with the clarity caffeine give’s. The connection with erections is that when I have given myself at work the whole day and have drank a lot of coffee in my perspective, I force myself to take it easy in the evening. To drink extra water in the end of the afternoon and eat more fruit and vegetable’s than normal. These things keep you in balance and effect your erection quality also.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Originally Posted by sta-kool

How old are you?


I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

And the brands and dosages of your supplement are what, Anon? I also find that the less I have on my stomach by the end of the day, the hornier I am. Eat a heavy meal and ouch, the horniness diminishes. Thats life in the senior years.

Congrats anon771! Sounds like you have the right idea. My demon is coffee! I’m 38 and have been drinking it since I was 5 or 6 years old. I am immune to it’s effects on energy, but not it’s damper on circulation and penile health unfortunately. Anyway, congrats and good luck!

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Do you think the Ginseng and Gingko helped? What are you thoughts on these supplements?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Yes, they help. I take them among others. If you ever doubt the power of supplements then get up in the morning before you eat, take 150mg of niacin on an empty stomach, wait 2-3 minutes and then call me back!

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Ginkgo is for bloodflow in general, which also attributes to the bloodflow in the penis. Ginseng is good for energy and will also have it’s effect on erections.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Originally Posted by sta-kool
How many milligrams of each supplement are you taking every day?

Muira Puama

Thank you in advance.

Ginkgo 200 mg
Ginseng 400 mg
Muira Puama 600 mg

Beside’s that I take a multivitamine and a zinc/magnesium/calcium (one tablet) a day.
It could be a bit too much on the supps. I have no bad side effects, but I am going to experiment by going down on the ginko to 120 mg and the ginseng to 270 mg, because those are the amounts which are allready in the Muira Puame capsule’s beside’s just the Muira Puama. I am getting a bit ashamed for my supp area in the kitchen. (Also fish oil, valerian and No explode)

The L’argine is something I would like to add, but I don’t think it’s good to have more erections. My gf gave me two orgasms today. So even without good sleep and two orgasms I can get an erection. So I am in my pump now:D

I have read somewhere on the internet that too much ginko, or ginseng can give headaches. Today I added the libido forte extreme, because I was really dead in the morning. I had the beginning of headache’s and I haven’t drank any alcolhol yesterday and never get head aches out of tiredness. Adding the libido forte was not needed.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Last edited by anon771 : 01-01-2009 at .
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