Starrted Hanging!
This past Monday I began hanging. I have two hangers: 1) the Captian’s Wrench that I made with the instructions on this site 2) the Bib Starter Hanger. My expereince thus far has been great. I haven’t had the chance to really try to adjust the Bib, so I tried the Captian’s Wrench first. I was amazed at the ease on getting it on and how it works. I have been using 5lbs. I haven;t even used the clamp around it as it stays on without it. I think once I begin moving up I will have to. No pain, no problems, I love it.
As I write this, I am wearing my Bib. Wife is gone so I have some privacy. Thus far, so good. Took a few minutes to adjust, but it seems to be working great. Hanging 5 lbs. Nice and snug! I can even walk around some if need be. Think I am going to love it, especially as I go up in weight!
I will be keeping detailed records and I will let you know the success in four to five months.
By the way, I am fifty, and I am hoping my ligs will stretch easier!
They both work,