Originally Posted by wangchun
Sparky, I wanted to ask this now while I’m thinking about it. I’m going to read the whole thread but it takes some time. What do you have to say about about trying to specifically gain length or girth. Do you (or anyone else) have any specific advice about either PIs or specific exercises to target one or the other. The reason I ask is that I’m an average to easy length gainer but a hard girth gainer. Actually the girth gains aren’t bad but they’ve basically only came during two periods - when I first started PE and when I restarted it several years later. From what I’m saying the answer for me might be frequent decon breaks but I’m worried that girth growth might only work for me after looong breaks. Anything helps!
Love your avatar, that guy cracks me up!
I think EQ is EQ. The difference is how your stress your dick to produce the wanted gains. Mostly girth requires more compression or squeezing of your penis, and in general I think that tends to me more stressful and therefore usually needs more time to recover…but thats a very broad generalization.
In general, its good to work up to a real good EQ level and let that be your baseline.
So, for example, lets just say you decide to clamp. Your baseline is frequent and very hard nite wood, occasional morning wood. You find you get hard easy, no porn needed and stay hard easily, very little stimulation needed.
So now you decide 3 sets of 5 minutes of moderate to high pressure clamping is what you are going to do. You do it and when you are done, you find you can’t get a good hard erection, its about 90 % erect, even with porn. That nite you notice no nite wood at all. The next day, you can get hard, but it is more difficult and you aren’t fully hard.
Is this over training? Maybe, maybe not. I think you need to see when your EQ returns to its normal baseline, how long it takes and what is the result or gains from it.
So to continue, you lay off completely, because you know until your EQ returns to its baseline, you haven’t fully recovered from your PE session, so it makes no sense to hit it again until its fully recovered.
So, after 3 days off, nite wood comes raging back, actually harder than before and more frequent. During the day, you are getting a few spontaneous hard ons and your flaccid hangs fuller during the day. When you measure your bpfl, you find that you may have increased 1/8 inch, but because its easy for that to be within your margin of measuring error, your not sure.
This is an ideal scenario, but illustrates the concept in action. Now, you may have less dramatic swings, not as much decline of EQ or not as great increase, but the concept is the same. You may find that only one day rest is needed before you EQ returns to baseline or no rest at all is needed.
After kicking this concept around for a while and getting feed back from others, I think most guys have to push the PE enough to get at least a small decline in EQ to have stimulated gains. HOWEVER, a big drop in EQ tends to indicate too much trauma…but really you have to experiment for yourself.