Originally Posted by ImNormoEquipped
Exactly! According to the information provided by Solvay, an optimal power level would be >200 W/cm². However, most of the NIR pads mentioned in this discussion do not exceed 100 W/cm². If you know of a good NIR pad that meets this technical requirement while maintaining a good quality/price ratio, please let me know!
As for the LEDs, unfortunately, I can’t be of much help my knowledge in that area is quite limited. That said, you’re conducting a really interesting experiment, and I’d love to stay updated in the future when you decide to put it into practice!
The pads are all the same basically. With only 2 850nm LED’s every few cm(+1 660nm), leading to a low mW/cm²(milliwatts!). Some beauty products have higher but very expensive.
Ordered now 12 pieces 10Watt 850NM" that have 9 LED’s on a 2x2 cm platine. I plan to put 4 on the top and bottom sides of the Pump and 2 on the left right sides, along the length of 20cm. I put the calculation into chatgpt and it gave me 477 mW/cm². Don’t know if its correctly calculated.
I paid ~85€ for that. The smaller the stretched length the less someone will pay lol. If I need more I can just add more platines to cover the whole pump.
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