-5 to 10 minute warm-up (e.g. Rice-sock)
-2.5lbs to 5lbs (Test at the lighter weight first, stop adding weight if there’s any pain)
-reduce weight if needed during subsequent sets.
-3x or 4x 20 minute hanging sets (don’t be afraid to end your set early if something feels wrong
Week 01: 3x sets 2lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 02: 4x sets 2lbs Max @ 20m each (only adding sets)
Week 03: 5x sets 2lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 04: 6x sets 2lbs Max @ 20m each (privacy time maximized)
Week 05: 6x sets 3lbs Max @ 20m each (only adding weight)
Week 06: 6x sets 4lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 07: 6x sets 5lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 08: 6x sets 6lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 09: 6x sets 7lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 10: 6x sets 8lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 11: 6x sets 9lbs Max @ 20m each
Week 12: 6x sets 10lbs Max @ 20m each
I´m having trouble understanding. Apparently I don’t speak English as well I thought I did.
Is a set considered 3 repetitions?
As in hang for 20 min then 10 min rest then hang again for 20 then rest 10 min then hang again then rest?
So basically one would need a minimum of 4.5 hours in the first week
And by week 12 one would require 9 hours per day?
Can anyone clarify this?