Thunder's Place

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Angled pump, flacid girth, erection level question


Angled pump, flacid girth, erection level question

I’ve recently brought my pump out of hibernation. Never really used it because I wanted to start with manuals. Now that I’m in a place where I feel a minimal pump is ok, I have a few questions.

Firstly, my erection angle is high. It points up to the ceiling. This causes the cylinder to be fairly uncomfortable. I know I’ve seen angled cylinders. Anyone have experience with those and can suggest brands?

Secondly, my semi erection is maybe slightly girthier than my normal, non clamped erection. What is the consensus regarding erect vs semi erect pumping? I remember an old Post speculating that if your semi was girthier than your erect penis it had something to do with elastin…possibly too much elastin?

Lastly , to those who pump, what’s your hair routine. I find that shaving all the way down, if not done daily, leaves it like sand paper. No good for sex I mean. I’ve also got hair on the shaft. Do y’all pluck those? Will a pump get a good deal with a little hair?

On a side note, have any of you found underwear that is more like going commando? I’ve seen some but they are expensive. Is it just me or are clothes being cut smaller now?

The only angle pump I trust is the velseal easy angle option. That is from pumptoys.

Honestly, I have never held an erection the entire time I pumped. I would not think about it too much. Going in erect is as much thought as I put into it.

You probably should at least trim the hair to a short and manageable length. Pubic mounds with a lot of course, long and thick pubic hair are the biggest problem. I have had cosmetic laser removal of my hair which did not totally remove it but it has made it thin enough to where it does not compromise my seals any longer. So trimming it is the best I can offer as a tip.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I cut angles into two of my cylinders of about 10-15 degrees, made them a lot more comfortable in my opinion.

Thanks for the tips TG.

Capernicus, what’d you cut them with? Hack saw? Then sand down? I have a jig saw that may work. I’ve got one of those silicone cushions too so I guess the edge doesn’t have to be perfect.

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Thanks for the tips TG.

Capernicus, what’d you cut them with? Hack saw? Then sand down? I have a jig saw that may work. I’ve got one of those silicone cushions too so I guess the edge doesn’t have to be perfect.

Problem with the cut is you’ll create an opening that is not exactly whatever diameter you started with, being slightly wider and more oval, when measured from top to bottom anymore and may compromise your fit. Keep it in mind.

I wouldn’t hack it. I would maybe Jig it, cut off wheel it or circular saw it if I had a grinder blade. Cut off wheel or grinder I like better here. Then, you can sand it down with progressive finer grit. That’s what I would try, if I wasn’t going to try and heat smooth it out like you do when you heat and cut glass tubing in a lab. I don’t know what kind of heat is needed for cylinder plastics and wouldn’t want to melt, scorch or set fire to your tube by saying to use a torch since I don’t know what level of heat to recommend.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Problem with the cut is you’ll create an opening that is not exactly whatever diameter you started with, being slightly wider and more oval, when measured from top to bottom anymore and may compromise your fit. Keep it in mind.

I wouldn’t hack it. I would maybe Jig it, cut off wheel it or circular saw it if I had a grinder blade. Cut off wheel or grinder I like better here. Then, you can sand it down with progressive finer grit. That’s what I would try, if I wasn’t going to try and heat smooth it out like you do when you heat and cut glass tubing in a lab. I don’t know what kind of heat is needed for cylinder plastics and wouldn’t want to melt, scorch or set fire to your tube by saying to use a torch since I don’t know what level of heat to recommend.

Ok. Good point. In fact, you think a Dremel tool with a grinder would work? I’ll probably just sand then use that silicone cushion, hopefully it’ll stretch.

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Ok. Good point. In fact, you think a Dremel tool with a grinder would work? I’ll probably just sand then use that silicone cushion, hopefully it’ll stretch.

Dremel should do it. I ain’t mastered or owned a dremel tool to know its capabilities but I imagine it can do the job just fine.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Secondly, my semi erection is maybe slightly girthier than my normal, non clamped erection. What is the consensus regarding erect vs semi erect pumping? I remember an old Post speculating that if your semi was girthier than your erect penis it had something to do with elastin…possibly too much elastin?

Hey guys. Any thoughts on his question about elastin?
I’m a bit curious on that topic, as I have the same issue.

JUN-01-17: BPEL 6 1/4" MEG 4 1/4" || JAN-20-18: BPEL 7" MEG 4 3/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7 1/2" MEG 5.0" --> Long Term Goal: 9x6

My Progress thread: Oldjake's Progress Report

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Firstly, my erection angle is high. It points up to the ceiling. This causes the cylinder to be fairly uncomfortable. I know I’ve seen angled cylinders. Anyone have experience with those and can suggest brands?

Pumping will soon stretch the base support ligaments of the penis, when you get your “newbie gains” during the first 6 months as you gain some length. That should lower your erection angle quite a bit. If it is so uncomfortable now that you can’t wait, then a hacksaw or dremel should work but it might make yohr tube less usable later.

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Secondly, my semi erection is maybe slightly girthier than my normal, non clamped erection. What is the consensus regarding erect vs semi erect pumping? I remember an old Post speculating that if your semi was girthier than your erect penis it had something to do with elastin…possibly too much elastin?

To get size gains you will need to pump in a way that makes your erection larger than its normal erect size. So just pump until you feel a stretch and your knob gets glossy (indicating full erect size or larger). That generally occurs at about 5.5 to 6 inHg vacuum.

Pumping at less than erect size is a waste of time in my opinion, that would be like doing a sports stretch at less than the full muscle length, and expecting the muscle to get longer and longer over months! Nobody would do that.
It’s also good to have a gauge and keep careful control of vacuum, but you did not say if you have a gauge.

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Lastly , to those who pump, what’s your hair routine. I find that shaving all the way down, if not done daily, leaves it like sand paper. No good for sex I mean. I’ve also got hair on the shaft. Do y’all pluck those? Will a pump get a good deal with a little hair?

Re the hair on the shaft and near the base shaft; I trim with clippers and no attachment, but set to max length. That cuts the hairs at about 1/8” in length. That length allows a good pump seal and the hairs are short enough to not be very visible, ie looks good, but long enough to be soft and not irritate during sex etc.

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
On a side note, have any of you found underwear that is more like going commando? I’ve seen some but they are expensive. Is it just me or are clothes being cut smaller now?

Just shop around for cotton boxers that are a bit elastic (not like silk boxers). If you get the right size you get a bit of support to reduce flicking when you walk (so you can stay decent in public!) but they won’t stop the gravity hang so you still get the benefits of that. They will shrink a bit after a few washes, so get the next size up from the size that feels perfect in the store!

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Thanks for the tips TG.

Capernicus, what’d you cut them with? Hack saw? Then sand down? I have a jig saw that may work. I’ve got one of those silicone cushions too so I guess the edge doesn’t have to be perfect.

I used a band saw but a hacksaw would work fine if your handy with it.
Then just sanded it smooth, used sandpaper to radius the edge then went through the grades of wet and dry paper up to about 2000 using soapy water.
Finished of with car polish or T Cut.

Modified cylinder base

Pictures here.

I keep my hair a little trimmed but not short at all. I NEVER shave, yuck!

I get a great seal with this method:

- Lube the inside entrance of your cylinder about an inch or an inch and 1/2 with a thickish layer of KY Jelly (or generic version from Walmart etc.)
- Lube your penis.
- Dip the entrance of your cylinder in a glass of water to “activate” the KY
- Slide your penis in the tube and pump

The water “activated” KY in the mouth of your tube will “bond” with your lubed penis and give you a great seal.

Petitfaun and Lampwick taught me how to do this here:

Newbie can’t get a perfect seal — is continually pumping the pump ok?

A little more detail in that thread if what I wrote here isn’t completely clear.

Last edited by sta-kool : 04-04-2018 at .

Originally Posted by sta-kool
I keep my hair a little trimmed but not short at all. I NEVER shave, yuck!

I get a great seal with this method:

- Lube the inside entrance of your cylinder about an inch or an inch and 1/2 with a thickish layer of KY Jelly (or generic version from Walmart etc.)
- Lube your penis.
- Dip the entrance of your cylinder in a glass of water to “activate” the KY
- Slide your penis in the tube and pump

The water “activated” KY in the mouth of your tube will “bond” with your lubed penis and give you a great seal.

Petitfaun and Lampwick taught me how to do this here:

Newbie can’t get a perfect seal — is continually pumping the pump ok?

A little more detail in that thread if what I wrote here isn’t completely clear.

Well I trimmed up but it feels prickly to me. Just don’t want chaffing during sex. I will keep this method in mind. Thanks!

Originally Posted by RomeoPlus
Pumping will soon stretch the base support ligaments of the penis, when you get your “newbie gains” during the first 6 months as you gain some length. That should lower your erection angle quite a bit. If it is so uncomfortable now that you can’t wait, then a hacksaw or dremel should work but it might make yohr tube less usable later.

To get size gains you will need to pump in a way that makes your erection larger than its normal erect size. So just pump until you feel a stretch and your knob gets glossy (indicating full erect size or larger). That generally occurs at about 5.5 to 6 inHg vacuum.

Pumping at less than erect size is a waste of time in my opinion, that would be like doing a sports stretch at less than the full muscle length, and expecting the muscle to get longer and longer over months! Nobody would do that.
It’s also good to have a gauge and keep careful control of vacuum, but you did not say if you have a gauge.

Re the hair on the shaft and near the base shaft; I trim with clippers and no attachment, but set to max length. That cuts the hairs at about 1/8” in length. That length allows a good pump seal and the hairs are short enough to not be very visible, ie looks good, but long enough to be soft and not irritate during sex etc.

Just shop around for cotton boxers that are a bit elastic (not like silk boxers). If you get the right size you get a bit of support to reduce flicking when you walk (so you can stay decent in public!) but they won’t stop the gravity hang so you still get the benefits of that. They will shrink a bit after a few washes, so get the next size up from the size that feels perfect in the store!

Thanks for the tips. Yeah the thing is I’m wearing large size now but my waist is like a 33 or 34. I have no idea how bigger dudes wear these. It’s like everything is cut small. I’ll have to shop around.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
I used a band saw but a hacksaw would work fine if your handy with it.
Then just sanded it smooth, used sandpaper to radius the edge then went through the grades of wet and dry paper up to about 2000 using soapy water.
Finished of with car polish or T Cut.

Modified cylinder base

Pictures here.

Thanks for the link. Looks good!

Originally Posted by Lilhelp
Well I trimmed up but it feels prickly to me. Just don’t want chaffing during sex. I will keep this method in mind. Thanks!

I don’t trim up much at all, not like the gentleman who trims to 1/8”. I go for a natural look, so you may not need to trim at all.

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