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Thickwall cylinder + pump from amazon

I definitely agree with what you say Ecto, but I’m curious to see if others have gained from being less expanded than their full erection outside of the tube. It wouldn’t make sense to me, but so much things don’t make sense in PE I know my belief is not relevant (when one jelqs he rarely exceed full size and yet plenty gain from jelqing).

It does help a lot fg.
I’ll give it a try.
For now 6.5 hg is the max pressure I’m enough at my ease with (bigger expansion than at 5hg). Depending on how I feel I’ll repeat 2)a) and 2)b) from time to time during the second set.
I’ll add manual girth work / clamped edging (great expansion after a pump set) depending on how I feel too,

For those who may find later use in the thread, I just noticed I need to really pull the scrotum away when I create the seal.

I believe the little “trick” I found to exceed my BPEL (I only used it three times during the first few days) has sent me on the sidelines. Basically I , standing, just let the cylinder hang. I think it is the main culprit for the discomfort I feel quite often in the dorsal veins when squeezing or sometimes pumping.

I’d like to know what you qualify as bad edema? I know lymphocele should be avoided, but do you end up with a much thicker skin?
I’m asking since at the end of my session when I exit the tube I have a thicker skin, and I’m sure I could go on for a while without lymphocele showing up (skin would be even thicker though). Do you think after a certain while the thicker skin is worth the inner pull?

I tried condom pumping and felt a nice pull, yet the expansion appear smaller than my erect size, I don’t think it matters as long as I feel the shaft is worked. One downside is the base of the condom which led to discomfort right where it pressed the dorsal veins (this could be only a previous damage ).

On a side not the customer service from thickwall is excellent!

Walter Im only experienced in waterpumping.
Im just stepping into “normal” pumping.

What I know is that edema will prevent your tissues like the smooth muscles to expand and the edema will fill the space instead.
Thats why many “show” pumpers with oversized tubes dont gain real size as they only pump edema.

But some then report they gain when they pack the tube.
This is cause the wall of the tube constricts the space where the edema can form.
Thus all the pull is on the penis tissue like the smooth muscles.
When you get edema you did enlarged something that isnt used to be enlarged…the skin.
Smooth muscles and the veins purpose is to expand so they are happily taking it.

So the thicker skin doesnt mean you will have that much inner pull. Its faux girth that expands nothing but skin.

So when you condom pump you might get less measurable expansion but the expansion you get is quality expansion.

I think when I let the cylinder hang it put far too much pressure on the dorsal veins and led to continuous discomfort ever since.

I know about edema, my question is whether or not this edema which isn’t lymphocele and goes away in a few hours is worth the increased duration of the set ( therefore the increased expansion of the shaft).

I’ll probably have to figure this out by myself, nothing is set in stone..

As I said condom pumping prevented me from reaching my own usual erect size (yet I still felt a pull).

Have you chosen your cylinder yet?

Yeah it might work better for girth but pumping is for most more about girth.

I tried some long time pumping in one or two sets and the longer you do it the more it is edema.
The more edema the less real tissue expansion. Its superficial expansion and the more you have of that the less you have deep expansion it seems. The moment edema starts to be created you reach the point of dimishing returns.

Thats why I brought the extreme pumper example. These guys pump to huge sizes but do not neccesarily gain.

Regarding the cylinder hang, a scarf /belt or something similar worked for me around neck and pump.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Walter Im only experienced in waterpumping.
Im just stepping into “normal” pumping.

What I know is that edema will prevent your tissues like the smooth muscles to expand and the edema will fill the space instead.
Thats why many “show” pumpers with oversized tubes dont gain real size as they only pump edema.

But some then report they gain when they pack the tube.
This is cause the wall of the tube constricts the space where the edema can form.
Thus all the pull is on the penis tissue like the smooth muscles.
When you get edema you did enlarged something that isnt used to be enlarged…the skin.
Smooth muscles and the veins purpose is to expand so they are happily taking it.

So the thicker skin doesnt mean you will have that much inner pull. Its faux girth that expands nothing but skin.

So when you condom pump you might get less measurable expansion but the expansion you get is quality expansion.


That makes a lot of sense. Good food for thought.

Your idea on diminishing returns makes sense, it would still keep the tissues over expanded for longer but it doesn’t look worth it. I’ll give more time to condom pumping, as long as I don’t feel discomfort. Otherwise I will stop once I see edema starting to creep up the shaft (veins disappearing).

I smashed my pump twice on the floor and it’s still working like a charm :)

Originally Posted by Walter5169

I smashed my pump twice on the floor….

Now I don’t believe you wanted to do that!!!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Anger management program, Walter? :)

“Now I don’t believe you wanted to do that!!!”

I could have as I’m frustrated with libido and EQ, but no, just raw clumsiness. :)

“Anger management program, Walter? “

I’m already following one, I have to punch weaker people a few times a day. :)

I gave a go at water pumping and loved it! I’m convinced I had more expansion, obviously water changes the appearance of the shaft, but I couldn’t move it sideways . It felt much less strainful even when using higher hg than when I air pump.

It’s a bit of a hassle when you have no bathtub. I’m not sure I managed to keep a steady vacuum during the whole set, I think once I’ve pumped for a while it is better to disconnect the hose. .As no water is escaping, and the valve didn’t leak any water when I filled the cylinder, I assume the vacuum must stay at the same hg once the male connector is unplugged (or barely diminishes when I disconnect it).
The key is to have a proper seal at the base right from the start, as you can’t use the pump for ever or water creeps dangerously up in the cylinder.

If I can keep it disconnected and maintain the same vacuum for a while, I could even use my IR lamp and lay on a comfortable sofa , gently falling asleep while my penis turns black . :)

Not related but as I typed this I saw a light at the end of the tunnel and finally understood what male/female connectors are. Male connectors / plugs penetrates into female connectors / slots . :) It’s never too late Walter, never too late..

Interesting links
Water Pumping Basics
The physics of force transmission in air versus water pumping

Last edited by Walter5169 : 01-25-2015 at .

I forgot to say there was not a single drop of water in the reservoir!

Originally Posted by Walter5169
If I can keep it disconnected and maintain the same vacuum for a while, I could even use my IR lamp and lay on a comfortable sofa , gently falling asleep while my penis turns black . :)

I had a friend that was using a sunlamp above his bed for treatment of acne. Fell asleep with it on. Wasn’t pretty. Not sure what’s worse necrotic dick or lobster face.

Originally Posted by Walter5169
Not related but as I typed this I saw a light at the end of the tunnel and finally understood what male/female connectors are. Male connectors / plugs penetrates into female connectors / slots . :) It’s never too late Walter, never too late..

Welcome to the Brotherhood of the Male Connector, Walter!

Say, what reservoir and connectors are you using between the cylinder and pump?


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