Thunder's Place

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Thickwall cylinder + pump from amazon

Sounds like a charming combo :)

Those included in the pump wallet. It’s actually super easy to water pump, the annpying part is to stay erect enough while you connect the hose , start to pump while trying to make a decent seal against your pubic bone.

So I gave it an other, used my IR lamp, which makes it too much of a hassle. I discovred I had close to no vacuum once I disconnect the hose, I would probably need to pump quickly up to 10 hg to maintain some pressure in. This time I kept the pump connected and it felt great. I admit the IR lamp is a must while water pumping. Skin was a bit thicker but it was ok, 13 mn at 3-4 hg.

Originally Posted by Walter5169

I admit the IR lamp is a must while water pumping.

:eek2: Apart from the inherent dangers of mixing water and electricity, if you splash :water: on a very hot glass bulb, expect it to :bang:

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Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Haha I didn’t use it in my bathroom, it was on a table and I was lying on the floor. Ok I won’t do it anymore you scared me.
At mos they said bolts of electricity would help me gain . And it would keep things very warm too . :)
(I’m glad you told me, I didn’t know about the hot glass bulb stuff !!)

I guess I’ll have to maintain the cylinder over the gas stove .

Last edited by Walter5169 : 01-26-2015 at .

Originally Posted by Walter5169
Haha I didn’t use it in my bathroom, it was on a table and I was lying on the floor. Ok I won’t do it anymore you scared me.
At mos they said bolts of electricity would help me gain . And it would keep things very warm too . :)
(I’m glad you told me, I didn’t know about the hot glass bulb stuff !!)

I guess I’ll have to maintain the cylinder over the gas stove .

I’ve heard pumping with hydrogen is the best.

I did a superb set today, 30 mn at 3-4 hg, not even entered the bathroom for a second. Not a single drop of water wasted on the floor.

Three 20 min sets today. The last one felt really intense at 2 hg, no donut, skin was a bith thicker as usual . Yet this time I was almost completely packing the cylinder width wise. I love it, I hope gains are along the way! I’m convinced the compressing force of the cylinders wall will help prevent fluid build up. Too much of it would make me shorten my sets, so I don’t know, we’ll see.

By the way I still use my IR lamp from time to time, safely (at least I think it is).
—————————————:iws: ————————————————————————————————————————

I just had a thought which may be of interest for those who pump water, or are scared to do so. If you pour a decent amount of olive oil in your cylinder along with the water, enough to cover the surface of water with a thick layer of oil, you should avoid any effect of humidity creeping up the hose and the pump. Or am I way off the mark?

On my behalf I’m ready to pay 15 £ every two years (or even less) not to clean the cylinder a few times a day.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

What I know is that edema will prevent your tissues like the smooth muscles to expand and the edema will fill the space instead.
Thats why many “show” pumpers with oversized tubes dont gain real size as they only pump edema.

But some then report they gain when they pack the tube.
This is cause the wall of the tube constricts the space where the edema can form.
Thus all the pull is on the penis tissue like the smooth muscles.

Ok I read this a couple of days ago and my take away was I needed to buy a smaller cylinder less room for edema, but still room for some expansion, I have a 2inch thickwall so I ordered a 1 3/4 thickwall so much easier to pack I would assume, therefor the pull should be more on the smooth muscle in theory. Am I understanding this correctly?

Originally Posted by plaidshirt
Ok I read this a couple of days ago and my take away was I needed to buy a smaller cylinder less room for edema, but still room for some expansion, I have a 2inch thickwall so I ordered a 1 3/4 thickwall so much easier to pack I would assume, therefor the pull should be more on the smooth muscle in theory. Am I understanding this correctly?

You dont want it so tight that you have no expansion.
You can also pump so wisely that you get no edema while never packing the tube.
I have a too big one, for now, that I can still use without edema.

You can also solve the problem with condom or silicone sleeve pumping.(thread in the pumpers forum).

It seems that the moment you draw edema it gets more if you keep on pumping.
So most expansion is edema which is primarily in the skin tissue. And at this point pumping for PE makes no sense anymore. So you want to avoid it.

When packing the walls simply push the skin and the fluids in it “back”.
But of course there is then also a limit to the other tissue to expand. So theory is when you pack the tube it goes more into length as the vaccuum is then there. If you have a cylinder that you pack with your erect dick and then pump you can mostly only go up.

I think wise pumping timing and pressure handling is the way to go, as outlined by the TP vets in the pumping forum.

Having different cylinders is cool as you can have different modes of expansion.Like elliptical or tapered cylinders.

Thanks for your response Dick I am doing my best to avoid edema and I have had only very little so far, but there is a point that if I continue it will build up relatively fast , and I would like to stay in the tube longer mainly for oxygen reasons ,and of course some growth, and your comment really made sense to me , thanks again for your input.

I just might take a closer look into that dick, thanks for giving me a thumbs up on that.

Here is what I did the alst two days and it seemed to work much better. I stay at 1-2 hg most of the time, and every 5 mn or so I pump up to 8 hg very quickly, stay there 10-20 seconds, the shaft increases its length beyond BPEL, I then decrease the pressure back to 1-2 hg and repeat. After a few cycles I can stay at BPEL or beyond using 1-2 hg. Edema is minimal.

I wouldn’t buy a new cylinder to pack it, unless you don’t want girth and aim for length.


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