So after being overzealous yesterday I pulled back the rate of tension increases to baseline, to allow the stretch relaxation to occur between increments and was able to have a more productive session.
57% max tension @ 60 minutes
There is a sweet spot in terms of extender length, between too short and too long.
There is a sweet spot in terms of rate of incremental tension increases that the stress relaxation will allow.
There is a sweet spot in terms of the relation between the max tension of the session and the duration that it will allow for the session.
There is a sweet spot in terms of the session duration, between too short of a duration to be effective and too long in terms of over stressing the glans/attachment point, so that successive sessions remain productive.
It’s all about keeping it the sweet spot. I can’t speak to the margin where there are diminishing returns, but before that, a lack of progress from what I’ve experienced, really comes down to not getting the parameters right.
This process demands temperance!!!
Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.