Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finding xeno: a penis tale

If xenolith were around I know exactly what he’d tell you: “Remember to rest.”

Also since he’s not around perhaps you could continue updating in a separate progress log since this thread is pure gold, but also already a long reading commitment. By now I’m sure all IPR practitioners are very interested in your progress. The force is strong in you.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
If xenolith were around I know exactly what he’d tell you: “Remember to rest.”

Also since he’s not around perhaps you could continue updating in a separate progress log since this thread is pure gold, but also already a long reading commitment. By now I’m sure all IPR practitioners are very interested in your progress. The force is strong in you.

Sure thing BD.

I didn’t really want to post on my own thread as I saw it better fit to post here since I’m using Xenos methods and having everything in one place and get opinions from people who are familiar with TT and TTr use can perhaps comment on my routine and perhaps give me advice. Also, I think that if everything relating to Xenos methods and IPR would be in one place, including results and whatnot, as long as it is relevant, would be better than everything all over the place. I like to think that all our combined insights can bring about the best way to do things. Like alchemy, we can boil down lead and insight into gold. What do you think about this? I didn’t see anyone post anything for about 4 months, so I didn’t think it would matter. And where is Xeno? Are you close with him? I wish he could give me some tips. I also understand it’s “Finding xeno: a penis tale”, so I’ll try to keep it to a minimum, so posts are not as long.

The last thing I’ll post is this, the TTr with the zip ties, now it’s really sturdy and can be even wielded with one hand without everything falling apart.


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Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

I agree your posts have been very relevant to the methods and equipment that xeno used.

I don’t know anything about xeno’s recent absence from the forum. Except that he likes taking long decon breaks, sometimes even longer breaks from the forum, and that he was on the verge of going into PE retirement and maintenance after far surpassing any initial goals he had. If he’s still around on this Earth I imagine he will check back on the seeds he’s planted on this forum from time to time.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

So long as you put “IPR” in the title of your thread, it will be easy for anyone searching to find. And then folks can compare your routine and schedule and results to others, as well as their own. Actually, I think that would be more easily accessible than sixty plus pages into another thread. If that makes sense.

That TTr mod looks freaking slick too. I don’t have one of those, but I do have a TT that I find hard to use. Tough to tighten the wing nuts without losing erection quality.

With the mod I’m able to maneuver it however I like. It takes seconds to compress. I can stay in the trap for about 1min and keep compressing as I lose erection until I can’t bear the pain anymore. But interestingly it’s quite pleasurable too.

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

Just remember to crank up intensity slowly - I think Xeno mentioned the last 60 secs or so being at max deformation. I’m still figuring out the best intensity level (btw, I’d sent you a PM about that to check on your experience…. can you check your messages).


Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

The best first post I could make is one thanking you, Xenolith. Your IPR theory and scientific approach (among many other contributions) have been invaluable.

A more effective TT design? Also I recently made one from narrow PVC pipe segments, feels effective - this thing is intense!

Here’s my PVC TT. For reference, the top pipes are 3/4” and the crossbars are 1/2”. Bolts are 1/4”

(65.0 KB, 149 views)

B: ~7.5 x 5.5 MSEG C: 8.25 x 6 MSEG . G: 9 x 6.5 MSEG

Currently developing a unified theory of PE

Hmm, interesting. Think the roundness of the PVC will be as effective as something with a harder edge?

(543.0 KB, 156 views)

I do - I think it would be just as effective, and less painful/damaging to the soft tissue, which should allow you to log more time using it. The goal is to plastically deform the fascia layers of your tunica, not to cause your dick to bleed, IMHO.

B: ~7.5 x 5.5 MSEG C: 8.25 x 6 MSEG . G: 9 x 6.5 MSEG

Currently developing a unified theory of PE

Xenolith preferred the cornered edge because of how quickly it caused the tissue damage he was seeking. Certainly not for everyone’s safety preferences. But very time efficient, at least for xeno.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Hey BD! Just wanted to say that you and Xeno have been a huge inspiration for me. You guys didn’t accept the status quo, did your own research and experimentation and in the process advanced the state of PE by leaps and bounds. I know it’s ambitious but hopefully one day I can do the same.

Do you use a TT or TTr at all? What do you think of the design I posted? In theory it seems like a better design, you can hit the shaft from all angles at the same time

B: ~7.5 x 5.5 MSEG C: 8.25 x 6 MSEG . G: 9 x 6.5 MSEG

Currently developing a unified theory of PE

Originally Posted by DexH
Hey BD! Just wanted to say that you and Xeno have been a huge inspiration for me. You guys didn’t accept the status quo, did your own research and experimentation and in the process advanced the state of PE by leaps and bounds. I know it’s ambitious but hopefully one day I can do the same.

Mostly xeno. I’m still hoping to get there too.

Originally Posted by DexH
Do you use a TT or TTr at all? What do you think of the design I posted? In theory it seems like a better design, you can hit the shaft from all angles at the same time

I’ve done a lot of manual squeezes while clamped, it’s a similar effect to any vice style clamped workout. My TTr consists of two pieces of molding that I manually compress on the shaft while clamped. I have used it on occasion but not often.

Your PVC design looks fine to me, it will be a similar effect, maybe slightly less compression and slightly more bending.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

No need to be humble, you’ve contributed a ton BD! The design I was referring to was the original one I posted, the bottle cutter - the brace pieces are elliptical, in theory you could apply pressure to the circumference of the shaft simultaneously (the engineer in me talking hehe).

In my first experiments with the TT, it’s intense! I’m not as conditioned as Xeno so perhaps we can consider this a starter TT hehe. I like that you can control the pressure - as effective as squeezes can be, there’s a limit to how hard you can squeeze, and how long you can hold that pressure.

B: ~7.5 x 5.5 MSEG C: 8.25 x 6 MSEG . G: 9 x 6.5 MSEG

Currently developing a unified theory of PE


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