Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finding xeno: a penis tale

Wonder where Xeno has been. I read the whole thread and took me a week. New btw. But been lurking around for a while.

Just want to say thanks Xeno for your contributions. I have hope now as I scarcely allowed myself to hope before in surpassing my newbie gains.

Here is my modified Ninja protocol:

Micro Phase I 1hr
BB 30secs
SS 30 secs
Electric moist heatpad 10min
Hardcore hanging 1” before head 20min
Apply heatpad while hanging
Hot tub warmup 5min
Muliclamping for headsize 5-10min
Clamping bends5-10
CCCC with multiple clamps
CC as much as possible rest of day
SS during day 1second pops
BB before sleep 1 second pops

Micro Phase P 1 day
BB 1s SS 1s
1 day CC all day
Multiple SS 1s
BB at night

Micro Phase R 1 day
1 second BB and SS

Macro Phase I (3-4weeks)
7 to 9 micro phase I sessions

Macro Phase P( 1month)
CC and BB/SS pops

Macro Phase R(1month)
BB/SS pops

Rinse wash and repeat. 4 cycles a year.

I’ll make the TT and TTr for next cycle.

At 3rd week of cycle. PIs sort of down, wondering if I should move onto Macro P phase. I think I killed my unit doing bath tub crushers (these are intense, at one point my units right CC was deformed protruding outwardly, I thought my dick had exploded) before stumbling upon IPR. That was 2 weeks ago. But decided to keep going with phase I despite low PIs. We’ll see.

Hope all is well with you Xeno.

Yeah hope xeno comes back good guy shared alotta knowledge .

Originally Posted by manko007
Wonder where Xeno has been. I read the whole thread and took me a week. New btw. But been lurking around for a while.

Just want to say thanks Xeno for your contributions. I have hope now as I scarcely allowed myself to hope before in surpassing my newbie gains.

Here is my modified Ninja protocol:

Micro Phase I 1hr
BB 30secs
SS 30 secs
Electric moist heatpad 10min
Hardcore hanging 1” before head 20min
Apply heatpad while hanging
Hot tub warmup 5min
Clamping bends5-10
CCCC with multiple clamps
CC as much as possible rest of day
SS during day 1second pops
BB before sleep 1 second pops

Micro Phase P 1 day
BB 1s SS 1s
1 day CC all day
Multiple SS 1s
BB at night

Micro Phase R 1 day
1 second BB and SS

Macro Phase I (3-4weeks)
7 to 9 micro phase I sessions

Macro Phase P( 1month)
CC and BB/SS pops

Macro Phase R(1month)
BB/SS pops

Rinse wash and repeat. 4 cycles a year.

I’ll make the TT and TTr for next cycle.

At 3rd week of cycle. PIs sort of down, wondering if I should move onto Macro P phase. I think I killed my unit doing bath tub crushers (these are intense, at one point my units right CC was deformed protruding outwardly, I thought my dick had exploded) before stumbling upon IPR. That was 2 weeks ago. But decided to keep going with phase I despite low PIs. We’ll see.

Hope all is well with you Xeno.

Have you had any gains with your routine manko

Originally Posted by WBW4life
Have you had any gains with your routine manko

Haven’t measured yet but the inflammation that was caused by bundled hanging plus TTr and TT I made plus the tub crusher jelqs and some pumping have yielded around 6” post session girth, I was at 5.20” before I started PE again after many years of no PE. I’ll post any gains I made May 21, end of R phase.

I’m in the proliferation stage right now. I’ve been reading a lot about wound healing and think that a shorter IPR protocol would work given the wounds inflicted are more closely related to primary intention imo and I have also been monitoring this cut I got on my thumb, making the TT, and watching it go through the phases. Basically I cut myself on the 9th and at 19th it was already on epitazialization, meaning the epidermis was over the cut, solid. A 1cm laceration approx. I’ll mark the date when it’s completely healed on the outside.

This made me think that small ruptures from the internal pressure in the penis are smaller than a cut, thus the P and R macro phases are too long, and apply in general for all wounds, even second intention wounds, which are quite severe, nothing like what we are doing with PE.

The I phase itself lasts 2 days for me. I can feel the swelling dissipate at the third day. It’s supposed to last 2-5 days for wounds in general. P phase lasts 2-3 weeks. Since it’s more like 2 days I for me, I did 2/5*3weeks to get 8.5 days proliferation, roughly the same as my thumb cut. R is 3weeks to 2 years, but I have a hard time thinking it takes 2 years to fully heal a thumb cut. So I am just taking the lower end 3 weeks. This makes for a macro total time of 2days I plus 8days P and 3 weeks R, for a total of 31 days or a month, before starting another cycle.

For the micro phases it would be 2 weeks, 4 hardcore sessions. Hardcore meaning you are doing some real penis deformation 4 times. This lands roughly in line with the end of a macro P phase, where fibroblasts start laying down the type III collagen more. So during this micro time the wounds over 4 sessions would be trying to heal and would build enough granulation tissue after each R micro phase to keep expanding the wound each session, this is just speculation, or by making new wounds in different sections of the penis not made in prior sessions, much like push pull leg routine, only this could be left CC, right CC, CS, etc.

This would mean each cycle would last 1.5 months. Giving you 8 cycles a year to work with. If you can gain .125 I girth per cycle, then you could gain an inch in a year.

If anyone has thoughts on this feel free to comment. Sorry for the typos.

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

Complete sound healing includes remodeling on the celluar level that is nigh continuous. Comparing it to a superficial dermis wound is apples and oranges. The reason xeno wrote the protocol the way he did was how gains typically chart over extended periods and to rule out temp gains. Shortening the cycle times and gaps would short-circuit the entire concept.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Complete sound healing includes remodeling on the celluar level that is nigh continuous. Comparing it to a superficial dermis wound is apples and oranges. The reason xeno wrote the protocol the way he did was how gains typically chart over extended periods and to rule out temp gains. Shortening the cycle times and gaps would short-circuit the entire concept.

There may be general cycle times that work for a majority of people. However, people vary. Their inflammatory response to stimuli varies. The speed at which their bodies go through the proliferation and remodeling phases varies.

If my wife sustains an impact, she will bruise more easily than I do. It will also take longer for her bruise to go away. If I sprain my ankle, I’m back to 100% much more quickly than someone ten years older.

Why are these two examples of healing any different from IPR in PE?

Sure, certain general timeframes have worked for Xeno, MX, Shiver, and others. However, as with a bruise or a sprained ankle, an individual’s response to inflammation during the inflammation phase and speed of healing during the proliferation and remodeling phases will vary as well.

If I got anything out of reading this thread start-to-finish (or much of what Xeno has written in other threads), it’s that one should experiment and find out what works for him. Xeno encouraged experimentation and exploration above all else.

I think Xeno’s timeframes are excellent guidelines that should be viewed as a starting point. However, one should feel free to explore, experiment, and find out what works for him.

Originally Posted by xenolith
Up to a point, yes, in my experience, it is easier to stretch longitudinal tissue; for reasons that I’ve described elsewhere, there is a point of diminishing returns that turns into a point of reinforcing no returns for stretching longitudinal tissues…simply put the tissues structurally and chemically strengthen. Conversely, my experience with girth work indicates to me that such is not (ever) the case for cross-sectional, or radial tissues, apparently they can expand ad-infinitum. To-wit; since 2009, I’ve LOST 0.125” of length with all sorts of hanging (including >100 lb. sets), while simple girth work has ADDED 0.375” of girth.

Every penis is different though…just telling you about mine.

As always, listen to YOUR body and do what works for YOU.


Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

Originally Posted by lifestyle
There may be general cycle times that work for a majority of people. However, people vary. Their inflammatory response to stimuli varies. The speed at which their bodies go through the proliferation and remodeling phases varies.

If my wife sustains an impact, she will bruise more easily than I do. It will also take longer for her bruise to go away. If I sprain my ankle, I’m back to 100% much more quickly than someone ten years older.

Why are these two examples of healing any different from IPR in PE?

Sure, certain general timeframes have worked for Xeno, MX, Shiver, and others. However, as with a bruise or a sprained ankle, an individual’s response to inflammation during the inflammation phase and speed of healing during the proliferation and remodeling phases will vary as well.

If I got anything out of reading this thread start-to-finish (or much of what Xeno has written in other threads), it’s that one should experiment and find out what works for him. Xeno encouraged experimentation and exploration above all else.

I think Xeno’s timeframes are excellent guidelines that should be viewed as a starting point. However, one should feel free to explore, experiment, and find out what works for him.

Couldn’t agree more

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Complete sound healing includes remodeling on the celluar level that is nigh continuous. Comparing it to a superficial dermis wound is apples and oranges. The reason xeno wrote the protocol the way he did was how gains typically chart over extended periods and to rule out temp gains. Shortening the cycle times and gaps would short-circuit the entire concept.

I beg to differ, all wounds generally undergo the same healing process, according to the literature, so it’s not apples and oranges. It’s more like lemons and limes IMO.

Upon analyzing Xenos gains on a spreadsheet, based on the gains reports over time he’s made in this thread, often citing when he’s begun and ended his cycles, that he’s reported on average 0.10” gains 30-35 days into P+R from the last day of a macro phase I, with various outliers all the wait up to 66 days, and excluding extreme data points where there has been an intermission in his PE career, say several years or more.

His initial IPR post, in which he explains how he plotted his gains, and came up with the time frames, is from 2006 if I remember correctly, but it does not include his gains since. During that time he was mostly hanging, 85% lenght and 15% girth work, with very long I phased, possibly leading to over conditioning, requiring longer R phases to decondition. Given that his most current PE approaches entail more girth work with the TT, TTr, pumping, CC, SS, and BB, and limiting conditioning at 2 weeks, as he explains in his turtle and armadillo analogy, which I highly recommend everyone reread that, an R phase that is shorter is perhaps ok, as not much deconditioning is necessary.

Also, of interest, is that about half of his reported gains, gains averaging 0.062”, are reported on average 18 days after restarting a cycle, IOW into post decon PE.

That is to say, on average, for Xeno, and as a proxy for others, that half of the gains can be revealed 18 days post decon into PE, and the balance, or some overlap perhaps, 30 days into decon, or P+R phase.

The data is probably biased and contains many errors such as lacking information in regards to the intensity of Xenos phase I, varying PE training methods used over time, mixing lenght and girth gains, missing data points, and the timeliness at which a gain is realized and when he reports it, and the accuracy of such.

I’ll keep mining the data and see what else I come up with.

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

Originally Posted by WBW4life
Have you had any gains with your routine manko

So it’s been 10 days since last day of Phase I and it looks like I’ve got gains, but I am hesitant to say they are permanent, as I have been deceived and dissapointed before, but I will post anyway because you asked. And I will post again at the end of my R phase to confirm them.

BPEL +0.18
MSG +0.315
TG +0.157 (more of a regain)
VOL +1.572

Pretty sweet. I am a firm believer in Xenos methods now, his gizmos, and IPR, and everyone who’s contributed, I can’t thank you enough.

I attribute this to the following PE routine:

1)warm up with electrical heating moist pad 10min

2)1 rep bundled BTC hanging (480 to 560 degrees) at 2.5 to 3.5lb weight for 20min

3)get in hot bath (112 degrees) warm up for 5min in water, massage dick

4)watch sexy girls on youtube for 100% erection and clamp

5)do bends, squeezes, etc, for 5-10min

6)unclamp and rest 5min in hot bath

7)repeat 4, clamp and do a crush with the TT, ~120 seconds, crush lasts as long as I can handle.

8)after TT, use TTr to deform, 4-6 compressions, each lasting 5-7 seconds, as much as I feel necessary to deform dick
Tip for #8: straddling the hot tub edge and sitting on it, placing TTr bottom half on edge, and placing dick, as if to roll with a rolling pin, really deforms width wise, as you are able to put a lot of weight on the top half of TTr and your penis is squashed, wish I could do laterally, but there is no way to with the same pressure

9)pump to max Hg for 15 seconds, then go down to 5-10gh for 30 seconds, 3 reps ( as Xeno describes)

10)repeat 7, 8, and 9, as much as necessary for tunica to be deformed to max deformation possible, usually 3 times does it

11)do a CCCC with 4-5 clamps to engorge head for TG gains, hold for 10min

12)finish with a cock ring at base, and do a tub crusher jelq arpox 2min, this really deforms uniformly and it ties the whole work out together nicely
If unfamiliar with #12: straddle bath tub edge, place dick as in BTC and sit on it, tilting hips and body forward initially so dick goes back behind cheeks (but soap on dick and edge to decrease friction, soap because its easy to clean afterwards) then sit and go back squeeze and crushing your dick with your pelvis and weight, forcing the blood into it, the cock ring retains the blood, do several back and forths, for no longer than 2min, start with less time, you can kill your EQ with this, but you will see a ballooning effect usually on the side CCs, never seen my dicks CCs this flat and to the sides, its creepy at first, but it feels like its really pushed the CCs limits


Haven’t used a CC this time, because I am not used to it. I can’t figure out how to keep it from chocking my dick all day. However my BPFSL is at 7” and BPEL is almost at 7”( this has never happened before, usually there is a 0.35” diff., but I believe I could have measured BPFSL wrong, as it is rather vague) so based on TGC theory, it appears my limiting factor is my tunica BPFSL-BPEL<0.5” so I need to wear this CC to expand the BPFSL for the BPEL to have space to grow, specially since I am at day 10 of the P phase, were the ECM is being replaced by the type 3 collagen at the highest rate. Based on my post above, gains post decon PE for Xeno have presented 30 days into P+R phase, thus I better keep BB and SS to release moorings every day + CC use.

Feeling optimistic though.

P.S. Thumb cut epithelial layer is at 0.5cm contracting, 17 days post cut of 1cm, laceration reduced by half.

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

Quick release TT and TTr

I wanted to contribute something to the TT and TTr that Xeno designed.

I’ve upgraded my TT and TTr with a pair of Yost 13006-HD 6” Bar Clamps from amazon, which apply 165lbs of pressure, picture attached.

This provides quick compression and quick release for the TT and TTr. For the TT the bolts act as guides, and for the TTr the clamps provide you the ability to tilt sideways, and compress up to 165lbs, which at most with bare hands would probably be much less; I always feel like I could do more pressure with the TTr but my hand strength is the limit.

I’ve secured the pads from the clamps onto the wood with VELCRO Brand Industrial Strength velcro strips, which I’ve tested holds ok, although I wish it was better, but it’s good enough. The velcro straps must be glued with epoxy, 5 minute is ok, for the velcro to stay stuck when the clamps are to be switched to and from the TT to the TTr, and when releasing, as it causes pulling of the velcro.

There are also 300lbs clamps from IRWIN, and also 100lb ones, not sure if there are some in between, but they have cams that slide better than the Yost, but at a much higher price.

The 6” width is perfect. And I chose 165lbs over 100lbs as when I do Tub Crusher Jelqs the pressure from by body weight is probably 100lbs or more, but not by full weight of 190lbs, so 165lbs seems like a good amount.

I think the addition of these to the TT in particular makes TT use much safer, with the quick release; time efficient, without having to tighten 4 wingnuts; and some would say less intimidating.

I highly recommend you make these upgrades. I have yet to try them as I am in R phase, but I have no doubt they will work.

Let me know what you guys think. Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

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Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

manko007, welcome to the forum. Very few big gainers have left a concise “road map” of how to gain like they did. You’re replicating xeno’s routine closer than anyone has and I’ll be following your results as I’m sure many will.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Manko007, welcome to the forum. Very few big gainers have left a concise “road map” of how to gain like they did. You’re replicating xeno’s routine closer than anyone has and I’ll be following your results as I’m sure many will.

Thanks BD! You’ve been around this thread for a while. I am happy to post my results if that helps somebody. It’s funny the thought crossed my mind, that I didn’t want to share my routine and results, because other guys would have comparable bigger penises than me, making mine statistically smaller over time, as people incorporate it.. What a selfish thought! Specially given that Xeno has shared this over 3 years+ or so. The mind and its greed never ceases to amaze me, it is without regard to others, it serves one master, itself. It’s like the gold rush, the bigger penis rush.

I got rid of the velcro for the TTr, and put bent electrical outlet covers on all 4 sides to secure the clamp pads when tilting sideways to be able to compress CCs sideways. The velcro was too weak when tilted sideways, and now it is perfectly stable, although sometimes, rarely, does a clamp pad come out of its hole, but it does the trick nicely.

Here are some pics.

Can’t wait to try this!

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(91.7 KB, 39 views)

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

Originally Posted by manko007
I have hope now as I scarcely allowed myself to hope before in surpassing my newbie gains.

How did you achieve your newbie gains, and how long did it take you? What did you try before moving to more extreme measures like the TTr?

This thread has some hardcore PE devices. I assume most exhaust all other options before moving to something like a TTr. I’m curious to hear your experience.

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

Originally Posted by manko007
I am happy to post my results if that helps somebody. It’s funny the thought crossed my mind, that I didn’t want to share my routine and results, because other guys would have comparable bigger penises than me, making mine statistically smaller over time, as people incorporate it.. What a selfish thought! Specially given that Xeno has shared this over 3 years+ or so. The mind and its greed never ceases to amaze me, it is without regard to others, it serves one master, itself. It’s like the gold rush, the bigger penis rush.

Paraphrasing something xeno once said (regarding SKF but applicable to PE as well) only 1 in 10 will learn of it, of them only 1 in 10 will try it, and of them only 1 in 10 will put in all time and effort necessary to succeed. It is 1 out of 1000 that truly uses the knowledge we share.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by lifestyle
How did you achieve your newbie gains, and how long did it take you? What did you try before moving to more extreme measures like the TTr?

This thread has some hardcore PE devices. I assume most exhaust all other options before moving to something like a TTr. I’m curious to hear your experience.

I started out like everyone else mostly jelqs and streches increasing the reps and intensity each session. Back then I had no idea this stuff actually worked. If I remember correctly I started after high school, that was 2005-2006. I can’t remember how long I did it for but it was less than a year. Then I stopped when the gains did. I think I gained half an inch lenght and some girth.

In 2014 I started hanging, with renewed hope that since it’s something more strainful, it would result it more gains. It did. I gained about half an inch lenght again or less. BG increased and some MEG. Did jeqs after hanging and bathmate. Never really worked as I expected. It was just trying things but there was no sense of how it all worked. Probably overconditioned a lot because I thought more is better. Got up to 25lbs maybe and gains stopped. Did many angles. BTC and fulcrum BTC are pretty much the only things that have me gains. Probably lig gains. My LOT decreased a lot.

Now its 2018 and restarted March 26 around. With IPR it all makes sense now. I am a firm believer in TGC theory as well. No sense in doing soft tissue work if your tunica is your limiting factor. Your wasting your time.

Man I wish I knew all these things when I started, but how could one know. And the holy grail of PE IMO is the elusive obvious IPR framework that xeno and others put out. It’s much more sensical and there is reason, cause and effect, not just shooting in the dark and wishing to hit.

I think exhausting options IMO is not necessary. The TTr, TT and all these "advanced tools" is just an efficient means of accomplishing deformation faster. No number of jelqs can probably accomplish what a TTr can for example. The same way a hand saw can’t accomplish what a chain saw can. A chain saw results in the same outcome but in much less time. Of course you need to know how to wield one. That is the key. Experience is whats necessary before you should move on to more advanced techniques, or tools. Not nececerally exhausting things, because you are doing the same thing, just much better.

Deformation is key to gains. I spent so many countless hours jelqing and stretching but never gaining. Because I wasn’t deforming. It wasn’t enough strain on the tissues. Specially once you are conditioned your unit is just rubber. Let it rest. Actually conditioning and not resting may be a form of tertiary intention wound were the wound never heals leading to fibrosis and excess collagen which hardens the wound area. Hence more and more difficult gains.

I see you are about 1 year in. If I were you right now I’d build these gizmos and get to some serious work, if you haven’ already. And apply IPR. You will not regret it. But always exercise caution and know your limits. But push these limits with wisdom you’ve gained from the feedback loop that is cause and effect on what you did before and how it responded, watching your PIs and EQ is important for this.

My EQ and PIs have never been so great since this last phase. It almost feels like veins that were damaged from my hanging without experience in 2014 have reopenned and blood circulation is improving. Feel like a 16 yo kid again. But better and bigger.

One last thing, and this may sound weird if you havent heard of it, but tape your mouth at night. If you are a mouth breather you won’t rest well at night which means you won’t heal as fast. Also 25% more nitric oxide is produced when breathing through your nose through your sinuses. NO is used in wound repair. Argenine increases NO and I think Xeno mentioned taking it. Taping your mouth will increase the oxygen delivered to your organs and such. You’ll feel great in the morning. Try it out. Here is more on this: … tter-sleep/amp/

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"


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