Reconstructing decon induced size loss in 60 days period
BPFSL 23 > 23.8 +0.8 cm
BPEL 21.6 > 22.2 +0.6 cm
MSEG* 14.73 > 15.03 +0.3 cm
Decon for 5 +1 months after the one and a half years run made me lose 0.9 cm on BPFSL, similarly on BPEL and almost 0.5 cm in mseg*.
I have described earlier the effect of EWST made me lose some more on BPFSL immediately after applying it in the middle of the decon, even the size had been stabilized on steady level prior the treatment. For me it was the sign of application working as it should, it is a powerful way to disrupt the homeostasis on collagenous tissue extracellular matrix.
I did some workout cycles after 5 months break but went back to sleepy mode for another month because other health concerning issues than PE.
Before I started this period I quickly realized that as this being a rescue operation of lost gains , there is no need for taking it as seriously as former periods.
I was convinced that lesser efforts should bring the size back not putting the tissues under such a stress level which would jeopardize coming campaigns to bring the penis size beyond former peak.
It turned out to be just like that, relying on tissue memory similar to seen in bodybuilding, athletes recovering the lost size during breaks ridiculously easily when coming back in form.
The protocol at the start was the established 30 minutes SO conditioning stretch with elastic band and digital scale as a phase 1.
Stress Relaxation was utilized locking the vacuum cup laying on the rubbery cushion after the load had been introduced. Every few minutes then reloaded.
Phase 2 was similarly familiar from earlier campaigns.
20 minutes ultrasound heated OTL stretching penis laying on the top of the quad slotted pretty much on the natural groove the towards the hip. Changing direction only during workout days not inside the exercise time.
Using two ultrasound transducers simultaneously the heat was up rather quickly giving uniform heat all along the shaft.
First I ran in trouble losing the second US PRO as it hit the floor one time too much. So after 20 days or so I was operating with one transducer only.
Another setback was the vacuum cup slippage issues due the on going pressure loss problems. I got frustrated on it and continued with the clamp type noose seen in the pictures of the extender modification.
Last part of the period I was using the extender setup in particular fashion.
For the conditioning phase the load was set ~ 1.2-1.5 kg extender pointing upwards. Then lowering it slowly to horizontal level the load increasing as a result of this to 2.3-2.5 kg. Then leaving it there letting the tissue relax, extender laying resting on the chair opposite the user.
Every time the load had reduced to 2 kg level as a result of stress relaxation the extender was turned vertical, reloaded and replicated the procedure. At 30 minutes point no more relaxation was seen at once.
Then for the Phase 2 ,setting the load slowly tightening at horizontal rest position until 3.3-3.5kg was reached. Heating below the shaft using a ultrasound gel pad at the top of the shaft mimicking soft tissue allowing the sound wavefront travel through the shaft without significant attenuation.
Feeling great level of heating with only one transducer in use. No temperature control other than the felt observations.
The stress relaxation was seen in the heated phase as well. During the 20 minutes heated stretch the load dropped to 3 kg 2-3 times and needed the reloading.
As a phase 3 , the extender was slowly let drop hanging downwards towards the floor for the cooldown stretch at fixed length. The initial load was limited to ~4.5 kg, peak load of 5.6kg reached somewhere during the exercises.
During the 10 minutes the load was climbing like in sinus waves up before dropping below the initial set load. Confirming what Tutt formerly detected in similar setup.
At ten minutes point it was already settled below 3.8 kg and the tissue had cooled down.
Last 10 days or so I had two working transducers and the synthetic medical grade gelatin made pad as ultrasound phantom medium instead of the disposal ultrasound pads.
This was a great discovery. I may need to run yet another heating experiment with the lab set up of thermocouple wires all over the dick to confirm the heating efficiency felt initially.
I am happy with the results as they came really easy way.
Taking in count there was no actual consistency, having two week-long breaks and one five days break during added with couple of failures with the set up and tools,
and more importantly I wasn´t even measuring or monitoring the temperatures, it was a success.
I have in mind to run some girth experiments before the Christmas before going for two months decon.