Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gaining volume with Kyrpa

Very interesting data Tutt, Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by Alhowaidi
Which is better, as a treatment specification,

SoundCare Plus Professional

Sonopulse 3 ibramed

https://manualz … e-compact-3-mhz

Soundcare has more more variations as it has both 1Mhz and 3MHz in it . ERA is perfect for our use, 5.0 cm^2 , BNR is tolerable at 5:1

Sonopulse has only 3 MHz ,the BNR is one of the best in the market at ~3:1 which means hgh quality.

Problem is that the 7 cm^2 ERA is huge it is 4,4 cm in diameter, so you need to have large flaccid penis because the transducer head has to be firmly in touch with the shaft. Ultrasound gelpad can help a little but some of the ERA is lost easily. Any portion of the ERA (Effective Radiating Area) can not be exposed in to air.
If used under water that is not a problem.

This is one of my favorite ones if I had the budged to by it .
1 Mhz & 3Mhz + Combined with the autosound applicator
Richmar TheraSound EVO Ultrasound Therapy

4 transducers in a row transmitting in cycles, each of them is active for 1 second at time.

4 transducers in a row, each of them active for 1 second at time.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Originally Posted by Tutt
Just FYI, here is the prototype device I referenced earlier in this thread. It allows for very precise strain adjustment and measurement. In the initial trials,
I’ve gone as high as 6lbs of load with no slippage at all. Measurements are highly repeatable.

There is a continuous readout of load +- 0.01lbs so it is very interesting to watch the load fluctuate in real time as the tissues relax and tighten.

Just as a point of reference, I deliberately have not done any type of PE for quite a long time to attempt to establish a neutral baseline. Given that this was the first strain in many months, Inwas able to achieve very high strain under heat with relatively minimal load; e.g. approx 9% strain from cold and approx 7% strain from the warm conditioned BPFSL to the final heated strain under a load of 4lbs.

Great that you have made it. I have been waiting for your input.
According to the huge strain percentages I wonder if your readings have been time or load axis related.
The resulting percentages are very different if the BPFSL has been measured with the contemporary load at any given time versus standard measuring load(4lsbs) at any given time stamp.

The latter is the way we have taken our (manko,longerstretch, docj, me,alex2.0) measures, measured the maximal BPFSL after each loading interval.

Originally Posted by Tutt
I originally used analogue. There are two reasons I switched. 1st, the analogue ones with enough precision were all quite large. 2nd, they were typically spring scales. I actually have one that can be swapped in with a couple screws if I wanted to convert over to a creep methodology. However given the considerable amount of research and analysis I’ve done, I strongly believe that a better result is possible utilizing a specific stress relaxation protocol. This is simply not possible with an analogue spring scale.

It actually took some time to locate a digital scale without a lockout feature. Almost all of them lock the reading after 5 seconds because they are primarily made for fishing at the more economical price point. This one is very easy to change the battery and doesn’t lock the reading. It is providing enormous value during the testing. For example, my protocol has an ambient temp cool down at full strain during each sub cycle. Most here recognize that if you lock the strain and remove the heat, the load increases, sometimes even to the point of extreme discomfort as the collagenous tissues contract. I now know precisely how much the load increases. I also now know that the tissue contraction is neither linear nor constant. Actually what happens every single time is that the load climbs with a sort of cyclical sigmoidal function. That is, the tissues contracts slowly at first despite the fact that heat loss is most rapid immediately after removing the heat source. There is an obvious toe of the curve where the tissue temp crosses a threshold and contraction accelerates rapidly. But instead of progressing smoothly to the decelerating and then deloading zone, the tissue autonomously cycles through a series of initially ascending peaks and valleys followed by a series of descending peaks and valleys.

This is very interesting and I need to give it a lot more thought. My first impression is that tissue contraction accelerates too quickly resulting in a stiffening of the viscoelastic tissue. As the load increases at fixed strain, stress relaxation accelerates and overwhelms the load increase driven by tissue contraction. Once the load has decreased enough, the tissue contraction accelerates again causing a stiffening, followed by another stress relaxation. This cycle repeats until the load decreases below 2lbs.

I imagine if I waited long enough, the stress relaxation process would reach a floor around 0.5lbs but I don’t see much benefit there. I allow for relaxation over a 5 minute period right now at which point I completely deload the device for 5 minutes and prep for the next heated strain.

As a side note, I get the feeling already that the rate of deloading during cool down is highly indicative of how much more strain is possible in a single workout. But it doesn’t really matter right now.

I would love to see the slopes in graphs. Hopefully you can process some of your findings soon.
The stiffening curves as a function of time and load would be great. And if it is not too much to ask then transformed in to pressure in MPa as well for the smallest cross-sectional area of the shaft during the stretch.
Those pressure results are highly comparable between us and gives more understandable parallels between us and the the scientific studies with connective tissue.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Last edited by Kyrpa : 05-28-2020 at .

Originally Posted by Tutt
Most here recognize that if you lock the strain and remove the heat, the load increases, sometimes even to the point of extreme discomfort as the collagenous tissues contract. I now know precisely how much the load increases. I also now know that the tissue contraction is neither linear nor constant. Actually what happens every single time is that the load climbs with a sort of cyclical sigmoidal function. That is, the tissues contracts slowly at first despite the fact that heat loss is most rapid immediately after removing the heat source. There is an obvious toe of the curve where the tissue temp crosses a threshold and contraction accelerates rapidly. But instead of progressing smoothly to the decelerating and then deloading zone, the tissue autonomously cycles through a series of initially ascending peaks and valleys followed by a series of descending peaks and valleys.

What you are describing here is the stress relaxation characteristics being elevated in high degree when being under therapeutic heat .
The slow contraction at the start may be a sign of these properties being still very pronounced for some time after the heat source has been removed .
Could it be that at certain threshold temperature the sigmoidal functions start to follow the exponential temperature decay slope?

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Originally Posted by Tutt
I now know precisely how much the load increases. I also now know that the tissue contraction is neither linear nor constant. Actually what happens every single time is that the load climbs with a sort of cyclical sigmoidal function.

As a side note, I get the feeling already that the rate of deloading during cool down is highly indicative of how much more strain is possible in a single workout. But it doesn’t really matter right now.

These exact notes are highly important for me and for all manual stretchers there are.
These findings can be used as a precise guide how to construct and perform cyclical stretching during the cooling down after the therapeutic heat.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

I’ve gotten requests to share the initial test results in more detail.

I’m trying to be a bit cautious initially on publishing results in the public forum because I am coming off a protracted rest period of around 2 years. Prior to that, I had already done some manual routines as well as ADS (Phallosan) routine. I should point out that I’m somewhat different from many here. This is just a scientific exercise for me. I found my way into PE as a sexual health tool after reading an article that indicated a huge proportion of men experience sexual disfunction after 40 years old and the stats on lost penile volume were staggering. I can go into more detail on that in a different post if anyone is interested. Nutshell… my research indicated that both the sexual disfunction and size loss related to aging could easily be prevented. Critically, I’m not huge but somewhat above average size and not looking to inflict pain on my wife purely for my own ego. Consequently, the previous manuals were intended to prevent age-related volume loss and maintain EQ which, admittedly, I’ve never had a problem with. One annoying thing for me has always been that I’m a grower and my pelvic floor muscles are evidently highly sensitive to adrenaline so I do turtle significantly during workouts. I’m circumcised and I literally turtle to the point of the shaft skin enveloping the glans as if I’m temporarily uncut. Not that I care whether anyone is cut or not, but rather that it creates an uncomfortable feeling when you are not used to it. Much like when your scrotum sticks to your legs. I experimented with the Phallosan to see if it could rectify the turtleing. For those curious, it did at least temporarily help with that, although even with something that stealthy, it is not convenient and I’ve since determined that it is highly counterproductive to anyone seeking increased size. But it works ok to train the pelvic floor muscles and ligs not to contract all the time.

Given my satisfactory size, and the inconvenience and inefficiency of traditional PE, I lost interest after about 6 months. Ultimately, I would research into a much more efficient and effective way to accomplish the desired effects that exited the ‘bro science’ realm and aligned with real science. The theories on this thread kept surfacing in alignment with my theories. Since I have no choice but to test theory on myself, I felt that the very long rest was absolutely critical in allowing all the previously altered tissue to return closer to baseline. That is, I needed to ensure that virtually all existing collagen had turned over. It has now been 2 years since I last performed any type of PE which should ensure all structures are fresh unstressed cells.

It is important to note that I had lost about 2/3 of the newbie gains from my first foray into PE, which I had already attributed mostly to lig stretch. I have now performed a single workout with the previously posted device. PLEASE TAKE THE FOLLOWING WITH A HUGE GRAIN OF SALT DUE TO PROBABLE RECOVERY OF PREVIOUS NEWBIE GAINS.

I would note that the US heat had an absolutely enormous effect on my measurements during this single workout. My BPFSL increased 15mm from the pre-workout baseline. The BPEL increased 14mm. Obviously, these ‘gains’ come with a huge caveat. Nearly 1/2 of it is likely a recovery of what was previously lost and likely has more to do with re-stretching ligs and loosening pelvic floor muscle fibers that had since contracted and become newly disorganized and tightly crimped.

Nonetheless, we can still safely assume that this rate of recovery wouldn’t have happened without the US heat. During the conditioning set to start the workout, I did make a short attempt at measuring the load strain curve before any type of heat or workout. There is simply no possible way that the strain levels I achieved would’ve been possible without the heat. After a brief 5 min conditioning stretch at 1kg load, I slowly increased to 2.5kg which started to get uncomfortable in a cold state. I was only able to get about 4mm of additional strain between 1-2.5kg. Even with 5 min of stress relaxation, the load only dropped to about 2.1kg. A couple years ago I had performed a few different experiments both cold as well as with rice sock heat. Even with near 4kg of load I was never able to get more than about 4mm temporary strain from baseline BPFSL. I have a significant steel cord that just hasn’t yielded at all over short timeframes. Even creep over hours in the Phallosan @ 2.5-3.5kg load didn’t yield more than 4mm and once resulted in blisters.

After preliminary testing the load-strain curve I manually tested the BPFSL again utilizing the Phallosan vacuum cup to ensure that I hadn’t altered the baseline state and it had only slightly increased from baseline about 1mm. I then did 3 heated sets.

SET 1……………..
Creep protocol with FIR lamp/pad heat for 20min @ 0.8kg load constant which achieved a 3mm strain from the baseline cold BPFSL. This adjusted the new baseline and eliminated the questions surrounding cold or contracted tissues. Everything from this point was warmed and loosened. You might say that from this point the penis is fully conditioned for a workout, but additional time under this load wouldn’t result in additional strain. Basically the internal tissues cannot stretch further without more heat and/or higher load. And for those curious, both of my heat sources for Set 1 are far-infrared and thus have a greater penetrating depth. One is an FIR heat lamp from above while the other is an FIR heat pad from below. The region gets very warm but the ligs and TA cannot get above 39C without skin burns. Also, for those not aware, prolonged exposure to high temps is harmful to skin even if those temps do not cause short term burns.

SET 2………..
The 2nd set used both FIR lamp above, FIR heat pad below, and US in a stress relaxation protocol. Using a 2cm US standoff gel pad with 9cm diameter, the core tissues are heated nicely just to the point of discomfort. It is actually quite painful to reach temps >43C, as proteins begin to denature, so that is a good indication that you’re going too far, but typically below 39C there is no discomfort but also no big effect to the collagen. So, you want to get just up to the point of discomfort and hold it. 5 minutes with all heat sources to get the core tissue temps up @ 1kg load initial with fixed strain. Once heated, strain increased 0.5% per minute from new baseline until load reaches 1.5kg. No strain discomfort at all despite the strain increasing another 5.5mm beyond the previous 3mm. Once target load reached, stress relax until load dropped to 0.8kg which took about 4 min with constant heat. After this, heat sources all removed for 5 min ambient cooldown still @ fixed strain. Then strain removed completely for 5 min.

SET 3……………………………
3rd set repeat of 2nd except that target load increased to 2kg. Another 7.5mm BPFSL achieved during this set beyond that achieved in the 2nd set. And notably, the previous max strain level was achieved during the heat up phase @ just 1kg load. This demonstrates that cyclic strain achieves higher strain levels at lower loads with each successive set. The cooldown for this set got a bit uncomfortable as the tissue cooled and load naturally increased to 2.2kg which evidentally is far less comfortable than the same load with warm tissues. Not necessarily because of the load, but rather because of the load while tissues are in a fixed strain well beyond their previous natural cold state.

At this point I was apprehensive about doing another set. I’m certain that more load and/or additional cycles would’ve achieved incrementally greater strain, but the heat was getting uncomfortable because as we know, 41-42C is not a comfortable temp for soft tissue over prolonged exposure. Also, I will not be experimenting with loads above 2.5kg until far down the road. The whole point of my protocol is to show whether it is most optimal long-term to keep loads as low as possible and instead use targeted heat, cyclic strain, and rest periods to achieve optimal efficiency.

The penis was allowed to completely cool for another 20 min and new measurements were taken matching the max length within the device. That is, the new cold rested BPFSL was identical to the peak heated strain inside the device. A new BPEL was taken and I was quite surprised that the new measurement was 14mm higher than the one from an hour earlier. I will likely be pursuing a mon & thurs workout schedule for a few weeks before taking a prolonged rest. We’ll see where I get over the next 21 days.

That was some interesting stuff to read. I’m looking forward to follow this. May I ask your age?

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

That is absolutely valuable information Tutt!! Thank you so much for your time and effort and for sharing that research. Certainly, your exercise pushes this science a little further towards perfection. You guys are way advanced in this, I have yet to start with initial experiments for my own.

Originally Posted by Patrik_16
That was some interesting stuff to read. I’m looking forward to follow this. May I ask your age?



What do you think about this device

1ميغاهيرتز - 3ميغاهيرتز , 3cm2 -7cm2

Originally Posted by Tutt

Welcome to the club LOL.
In my case PE has been a life long quest through… Always motivated by ancient knowledge of The Gods being the most important one in this field, my Lord Priapus.

Originally Posted by igigi
That is absolutely valuable information Tutt!! Thank you so much for your time and effort and for sharing that research. Certainly, your exercise pushes this science a little further towards perfection. You guys are way advanced in this, I have yet to start with initial experiments for my own.

You’re welcome. Happy to help where I can. Kyrpa and a few others have really sped the process along through their willingness to stick temp probes into their penis and define the boundaries of US heating. If not for that, I would’ve have to perform that groundwork myself.

Please note that my background is bio-engineering and I have nearly 20 years in advanced R&D for a Fortune 100 company. Consequently, I’m very well grounded in biology, physiology, anatomy, physics, etc. Because I’m restricted to self-experimentation and don’t have the luxury of large sample sets for proper controlled trials, it simply won’t be possible to control for some of the variables that would allow for optimization of protocol. For example, I only had one shot at that first workout and I will never be able to repeat it for similar results. The tissue is now changed. So I will have to use my background and lean on a larger amount of interpolation and extrapolation than I would ever be comfortable with in a less restricted setting.

If you are not quite familiar with these topics, please proceed cautiously and realize that some of us know where the limits are without having to tear a ligament to find them.

Also, I don’t have a lot of runway left for self experimentation. It is very possible that 2cm additional length would result in complaints from the Mrs. I already hit the cervix if I’m not careful. If the growth was slow enough, I might be able to push temporarily up into the 22cm+ BPEL realm but I have no doubt I would get complaints if I didn’t stop and allow things to revert back around 20cm.

I have some theories on girth work as well, but I’m quite unwilling to get above 14.5cm EG. So I’m not sure it’s even worth the effort to build the apparatus as I’d have to stop after just 0.5cm. Again, if it was slow, I could possibly do a full 1cm just to prove the concept and then allow for some reduction over time. We’ll see.

Originally Posted by Alhowaidi

What do you think about this device

1ميغاهيرتز - 3ميغاهيرتز , 3cm2 -7cm2

I like it in theory but haven’t used it. If you are looking to spend some $, I really like the idea of a hands-free device cycling through multiple transducers, but you’d be in uncharted waters.

Personally, I’m still very interested in experimenting with contactless radio frequency instead of ultrasound. I think it is quite possible that RF holds the key to girth gains.

It’s very expensive. AutoSound Hands-Free Ultrasound for Richmar Therasound is almost a device with the accessory costs $ 2,483.29 There are many devices I do not know what to choose my budget 1000 dollars


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