Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

JT's Progress Thread, from Day 1.

It has been a while but I am still at it. Just much more infrequently than I was before. I am hanging maybe 3 or 4 times a week, and filling in the blank days with AM. I do miss hanging more often but wow life is just so busy now. I have not measured in a while, and do not think I will be measuring for a while. The nice part is about cutting back is that my Member feels totally deconditioned to weight, and the workouts are intense once again. I probably won’t be posting here as much as I was for the first 3 months of the year, since I am busy now. I will check back August 1st with a BPEL measurement.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

Well I think my previous gains backed off a bit. I have to figure out how to get some hanging in on nights where my time is very limited.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

You might want to take a look at some of the vacuum extender devices. You already have the vacuum hanger bits; some of the vendors sell just the extender part so you can use the bell and sleeve you already have.

An extender can’t compete with hanging as far as tension, but unless you’re not getting home until bedtime, you could put it on then and get a few hours while cooking, cleaning, being online, etc.

If all it does is maintain the gains you got while hanging, it’s still a win. Though you may get gains from it too.

Unfortunately, that is not going to work for me. I did think about incorporating the extender but it just will not work in this situation. The only solution I have is to switch my training regimen to a higher volume, lower rest period type training session, to be in and out of the gym faster, and to the laptop with a bit more time to spare in the evenings. If I can pull this off, I should be good to go. I will be consulting with 2 competition level body builders over the next month or so to help me with a plan.

Business talk aside, how have you been Andy, how is life treating you these days?

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

That kind of schedule are you running at the gym?

Some guys only have two or three days a week they can do PE.

If time is too short for your hanging sessions or getting much extender time, how about pumping or clamping?

And don’t forget, there are “all-night stretchers” out there.

Business talk aside, how have you been Andy, how is life treating you these days?

Reasonably well. I’m slowly stretching out my workday as my mobility gets better.

I was running a very intense program and now I have dialed it back and I feel good about what is coming. So far for the past 3 nights I have gone to the gym, had a great workout, and then managed to get a full hanging session in after! So hopefully we will keep this up! I just want to continue hanging. It was working so god damn good.

Reasonably well is a good place to be in my opinion. I feel the same about my life right now too. That just means from here we most likely can only keep on moving upward :D

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

Seeking advice from the forum. I am going to increase my weight soon, I think it is time. Do you guys advise increasing the weight while under heat or increasing the weight only during cool down? And input is welcome.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

I am raising the weight today, It is time. PIs have been fantastic, but man my growth really stalled out. I had those great newbie gains and I was so excited, and I am now still at the same place as before. But the difference now is my post hanging state, it truly now feels like I am conditioned and ready for more weight. I will check back at the end of September with what I hope to be good news and more progress.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

Hi bro, fellow hanger here. What weight are you on and your starting weight, and you started hanging when? Cheers

2buck Fit Hanging

ReStart 8/2022 BPEL 5.5" EG 4.5" BPFSL 6.25"

12/2023 BPEL 5.63 EG 4.94 Goal 8 x 6

You can look back at the first couple pages of my log, I started earlier this year with low weights. I have been easing into it to make sure I do not do damage or toughen my unit too much, today after increasing the weight I am finishing my set with 6.61 pounds. I will use this weight and monitor PIs as usual.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

Originally Posted by Justatadmore

You can look back at the first couple pages of my log, I started earlier this year with low weights. I have been easing into it to make sure I do not do damage or toughen my unit too much, today after increasing the weight I am finishing my set with 6.61 pounds. I will use this weight and monitor PIs as usual.

Thank you bro. It helps me to understand how I’d try to progress myself, on ave looks like your just adding 1 lb per month. Im at 2.5 lbs I feel like I can handle heavier (because of my ego and my weightlifting background) but I’ve been reading that strengthening is not the end goal. So it just makes me wonder what’s the real upside of these guys doing heavy…just curious about the theory.

2buck Fit Hanging

ReStart 8/2022 BPEL 5.5" EG 4.5" BPFSL 6.25"

12/2023 BPEL 5.63 EG 4.94 Goal 8 x 6

I have been lifting weights for years so I can relate totally to what you’re saying. But this is different. Let your PIs guide the way brother.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

Well just after a few days of increasing the weight, my PIs and EQ are doing pretty good. Here is the current routine for anyone wondering, or any other beginners roughly following the 5.5 template.

Begin with taping and applying the vac cup, the wrapping with the TM heating pad for 10 to 15 mins.

4.49lbs 10 mins heated
5.05lbs 15 mins heated
5.55lbs 15mins heated
6.08lbs 15 mins heated
6.61lbs 15 mins pad removed cool down.

I am sometimes following this with the extender in very low tension. I believe I can get a MAX EQ measurement above 6.75” BPEL, but I will keep on waiting until I creep towards 7”. Here is hoping that the consistency and patience I have built so far take me to the next level. Also what is helping a lot lately, I am a mere few days away from being 30 days porn free. It feels really good and I am taking it one day at a time like everything else.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

Hello friends. Seeking advice about a decon. I have been going steady at it for a bit now, and my PIs are still really good, but my gut is telling me to take a break soon. But! That being said I do want it to be an active decon If I do decide to pull the trigger on that. I want to hit 7” BPEL by the end of the year which I do believe is doable with my current and hopefully continued level of consistency at this hobby. Has anyone done an active decon perhaps with light weight daily hangs or daily light extender use. Any comments or discussion is appreciated here fellas.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.


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