My experience with the All-Day-Cock Ring. (ADC)
I am no fan of all day constriction. I find the concept dangerous and of limited use. This makes it high risk and low reward comparably in my eyes. However comma there are specific instances that merit or at least have a use for a cock ring worn for an extended time.
In my middle PE years, say around ears 3 to 5, I was using the Hardwear system. I have a pic of my current ring attached. I can’t recall if I gleaned the idea or if I was dabbling in cock ring sex and backed off. But I found a way to use this in an ADC role that was quite safe.
I can’t link the way that I wore it or still wear it because that would make this a members-only report. I’ll update this entry with a link when I’m able to post the pictures on my photo log. In essence I wore the ring open as the picture shows even though the main allure of the Ring it’s supposed to be the way that it closes. I never wore this system closed for any reason.
I found that this system when worn open and adjusted to the size of my flaccid girth would encourage erections and the ring itself with stretch to accommodate the growing erection. This would prohibit excessive pressures however it would cause the ring to sometimes fall down my pants leg. During the course of a day when I was doing this ADC technique regularly I would get maybe four erections that would’t be strong enough to distend the ring fully so that when I got soft again it would fall off after being stretched by my erection.
I did not wear it with any particular wear times, durations, or instances in mind. On days that I felt I had a good hanging flaccid I would wear it until I got tired of it. Over the course of 9 to 12 months I felt significant changes in my flaccid size. During this time I used all three rings and another one that was an odd size that did not come in the set to size up and cotntinue to wear the ADC comfortably.
My reason for discontinuing wear was simple. The pewter metal of the rings got too thick and my erection wouldn’t stretch it naturally. Also a mix of the Ring fitting properly instead of undersize. I tried it the other night and I was able to stretch it a touch. I may start adding it back into my routine. Or making it a part of my daily wear when I’m not at work.
I mentioned this to another user who asked about the ADC system and I figured if I can share it with him then I can share with all of you. It’s nothing too special but it is something that I have done. Maybe, if you have some money to burn you can give it a shot.