Ultrasound- Why it mattered.
The idea of me getting an ultrasound to prepare for penis surgery from a 3rd party doctor is prudent. It shows the caution of a man invested in the function of his penis. At the same time it is ludicrous to many, even on this forum, because I have at least 8” Non-Bone Pressed Erect Length and by no measurement standard is that inadequate. Combine that with 6” of girth at my thinnest point when fully erect and…it is a rather large penis. But…I want more so I wanted to be sure I was in good health for more. Let’s talk a bit about penile health though.
One of my concerns as a 10 year PE veteran as of last month was that the toll of time would tell on my penis. That all the squeezing, pulling, inflating and sticking of my penis with needles would tell on me. That maybe I had venuous leakage or some other condition that explained my rampantly bad EQ with my partners without an ED medicine. I wanted to know if I had damaged myself or if there was anything legitimately wrong with the inner workings of my penis. I had theorized I was in perfect health. That I had a penis so strong that maybe it would defy logic and all my problems were in my head. That I truly just needed confidence and comfort with my sexuality. Maybe the ultrasound would bear all of it out.
As it so happened, it did.
The results of my ultrasound were that my penis was in textbook working health. That my flow numbers were barely chartable they were so far outside of normal optimum ranges. That I needed multiple injections to get my penis down due to the incredible flow and the width of my penis. The doctor who performed my ultrasound somewhat touched on that, when putting the needle in all the way to the base each time. I had the penis that set the bar for penis health at least internally. This…has sat with me for almost 24 hours and now I’m writing on it.
I really am my own worst enemy. Though the involuntary ease of erection of good meds and how they raise my drive does help, it just speaks to the fact that I have a lot of sex left to have and I need to get on it and do it meds or not. It helped me understand that my fears, while founded in some logic, were ultimately baseless in reality. And yes, it is a green light for whatever procedure I want done to increase my size but it is also a green light for me to be happy with myself and maybe mend more of my sexual confidence. The ultrasound validated that my penis is big, strong and healthy. Which is all I ever wanted.
Sure, me going in on a ligament release and fat graft is “too much” and “impractical” but…this is where you have to remember you’re reading the local crackpot’s journal. It’s his penis and he’s perfectly happy aiming at and attaining outsized proportions. He also owes you no explanations but you seem to read a fair bit of them here so…maybe an ultrasound could be a watershed moment for you as well.
It was for me, regardless the direction I go with PE from here. And I wanted such a moment to pass to see how I would fare in the aftermath. I am happy with the result. The result is far more than the 7 pictures linked in the post above. So much more.