On more than one occasion I have used that to defeat a behavior that was mad at me for not indulging in it. :thumbs: Especially if you are someone that enjoys reading.It is a win-win for someone that isn’t super used to reading a bunch. Even if they are “only” reading fiction is will improve their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking. And should they choose to delve into non fiction and education, all the better. And in order to read and comprehend, you need to be in a bit of a zone. So the very act forces you away from obsessive or addictive thinking.
For a skilled reader it is all of that and more. They have a bit of speed reading and know how to optimize the above. For someone like that, especially if they have not not been reading much recently, it is actually a treat.
Thread hi jacking in progress!
I can’t seem to break the habit of “only” reading fiction :( I do read Men’s Health when my issue comes in but for the most part I neglect non fiction and educational books! Ahhh there is so much more that I could read in the world!