I’ve been free from porn for almost two months now. I’ve relapsed with two videos about a week ago, but I don’t plan on relapsing again. When I masturbate, I don’t have a death grip, I don’t go fast, and I don’t think of anything, I just focus on the physical sensation of masturbating.
I don’t know if it’s been posted in this forum or not, but those who have ED/watch porn regularly really need to check this website out:
Ever since quitting porn, my urge to have a real human connection, have sex, and get a girlfriend have completely skyrocketed, but I grew up with social anxiety, general anxiety, focusing on my imperfections, and I used to be obese (skinny and fit now) until a couple years ago so my anxiety prevents me from “getting some”.
If you have ED and you have a significant other, I would urge you to quit porn and masturbation for a while (at least two months) and have your partner support you.
If you’re someone who has ED but you don’t have a significant other and have too much anxiety like me to go out and be with a real woman, I would take the porn removal process slow because the withdrawal symptoms will be too great to handle. Just taper it off or stop completely, but regularly masturbate.
The guy on the site advocates quitting all sexual activity and porn for at least 2-3 months, but that only seems plausible for guys who have girlfriends/wives where they can easily have sex if their withdrawal is too great or they know they can get back into sex once their recovery has been fully realized. It’s tough to do that for people who don’t have any emotional and sexual support from a real person because quitting porn will shift your limbic system into wanting a real person BADLY and if you can’t get any (like me), you’ll be in this painful tug of war with your limbic system.