Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Join the challenge! Porn detox!

Thanks guys. When it comes to kicking habits, I keep trying to remember what Eric Clapton said about drinking: (paraphrased) “I would only reminisce about good times had at the pub with friends, and not of the dark nights when I sat with a shotgun in my mouth, praying for the courage to end it all.”

Also, I can’t take all of the credit for the sex. I got at least one freebie because it was our anniversary, I think the others were connected to kicking the porn though; most of our recent anniversary celebrations have not involved 3 days of sex :) .

I can’t explain it. If I had to break it down, I would say that part of it is some sort of sexual energy that wasn’t there when I was jerking myself into submission with porn, and my girl can pick up on it. Conversely, my need for sexual release without porn to stimulate my brain means that I have to work that much harder to get my girl in the mood.

EL: 5.5 inches, (Updated: it turns out I have more fat pad than I thought) BPEL: 5.9 inches, MSEG: 4.75 inches. No PE since 2006. What can I say, I like the butt. :)

I haven’t been counting, but im guessing its been about 3 weeks or longer since Ive looked at porn. I stopped cold turkey and I honestly never even want to look at porn ever again. I abused it for about 6 years, and recently started getting into more and more types of hardcore porn.

Some days Id jerk off 3 times, a lot of the time twice a day, always before I went to bed every night. It made me not care about my girlfriend and I lost her, and it made me have weak erections, zero libido, zero confidence, and no drive to go out and get girls. I realize that now because before I would just rely on porn when I was horny, now when Im horny I feel like going pussy hunting. The other night for the first time in years I actually said to myself “fuck im horny, how am I going to get laid tonight”, before Id just jerk off to my favorite porn star. Just in general I feel like talking to more girls and flirting because I do not have my porn to fall back on. The first 2 weeks my libido was down but now Im real horny and my flaccid hang has been great, where as some points in the past few years it would stay cold and turtled most of the time.

I also haven’t ejaculated on my own this whole time, an ex slept over the other night and she slept naked in my bed and I woke up with a load of jizz in my briefs.

Sorry if these seems like a run on post but Ive been having erection problems the past few years and Im only 20, so its been REAL frustrating and I feel like I have so much to tell because I am actually seeing improvements in my sexual health.

I can definitely say though, I was addicted to hardcore porn and I am 99% sure it was messing with my sexual health, and overall general health.

^ Great job man! Your story sounds similar to mine in some aspects, particularly the age when you started. You’re also addressing the problem 6 years earlier than me. Stay strong!

EL: 5.5 inches, (Updated: it turns out I have more fat pad than I thought) BPEL: 5.9 inches, MSEG: 4.75 inches. No PE since 2006. What can I say, I like the butt. :)

Day 21 - still going; my status remains tenuous. It doesn’t help that I’ve been shut out of the happy palace (all doors) for the last two nights and this morning. (To her credit, I think she was sore two nights ago, and last night she was in a justifiably bad mood.) I’m thinking about throwing in a massage tonight to up the ante.

Again, I shouldn’t complain. I checked two items off of my sexual bucket list a couple nights ago thanks to her, and I credit it to the lack of porn.

EL: 5.5 inches, (Updated: it turns out I have more fat pad than I thought) BPEL: 5.9 inches, MSEG: 4.75 inches. No PE since 2006. What can I say, I like the butt. :)

Back to Day 0, but it’s for the greater good: I watched the White Tiger Tantra video with my girl last night. Since it had a naked woman orgasming in it, I figured its close enough to porn to count.

EL: 5.5 inches, (Updated: it turns out I have more fat pad than I thought) BPEL: 5.9 inches, MSEG: 4.75 inches. No PE since 2006. What can I say, I like the butt. :)

So…day 1. I’m currently out of town, away from my girl. Libido seems low, but I’m guessing that’s because there’s nothing to turn me on at the moment. It’s still tough figuring out where revved up porn libido ends and normal libido begins, in terms of baseline at least.

EL: 5.5 inches, (Updated: it turns out I have more fat pad than I thought) BPEL: 5.9 inches, MSEG: 4.75 inches. No PE since 2006. What can I say, I like the butt. :)

Also, watching “porn” for the first time in 3 weeks was surprisingly non-erotic. I think my brain is becoming conditioned to think of porn as something harmful and unnecessary instead of something desirable.

EL: 5.5 inches, (Updated: it turns out I have more fat pad than I thought) BPEL: 5.9 inches, MSEG: 4.75 inches. No PE since 2006. What can I say, I like the butt. :)

Day 7 of no porn, masturbation only once.

Benefits… EQ increased!!, my libido went higher, now I really enjoy watch asses walking around, my minds feel better and somehow phisically feel better too.

And its only day 7. I am feeling great it’s like my brain totally understand porn is not going to do any good to my sexual life and it has like a shield to refuse it once for all.

Your sucess is directly proportional to how bad you want something.

Inicio : 15cm x 12cm (standard)

Actualidad : 18cm x 13.5cm and still growing!

^ Good job man! Keep it up!

Day 5 (pt. 2) here. I think I’m doing pretty well; it’s hard to tell sometimes. I feel that seeing porn last week might have “reset” my baseline, in which case I might hit problems at around week 3 again. We’ll see.

I also had a strange experience talking to a friend a few days ago. We usually swap sex stories and bits of wisdom gained from sex with our long-term partners, and he also likes to rattle off his latest fantasies in great detail. However, this last time around felt *different*.

His fantasies have always been inspired by porn, but they seem more shocking now that I’m further removed from porn viewing. They revolve around things including: DPs, airtights, gangbangs, large toys, and seeing his long term partner with multiple guys while he participates and watches.

Also, my girl has never really been comfortable with me discussing our sex life even with a single close friend. Normally it doesn’t bother me and I do it anyway because I know my friend will never talk. This time around it hit me that I was sharing information that she considers to be private and would be mortified to learn that someone else knows. I’ve felt like a horrible person for most of today after coming to this realization. I want to limit my discussions with my friend to fantasy from now on, but I feel bad about scuttling our little ritual and not being able to “hold up” my end of the sharing.

EL: 5.5 inches, (Updated: it turns out I have more fat pad than I thought) BPEL: 5.9 inches, MSEG: 4.75 inches. No PE since 2006. What can I say, I like the butt. :)

That’s so strange man, because I feel the same thing happening to me.

I don’t know if it’s just because I’m getting older (24 now, wow, wtf) but I find myself becoming more … conservative. It’s strange. I still agree with things like Mill’s harm principle, but a lot of behavior I’d idolized & found funny before now seems kind of wrong (bragging about sex stories, lying & tricking girls to get laid, banging prostitutes, stories involving a small level of exploitation like drunken gangbangs etc).

I’m probably falsely correlating these beliefs with less porn when it’s more to do with being older & better educated. But thinking rationally about my porn use, & using less porn, did happen concurrently with a reconsideration’s of my values. Kind of makes me feel judgmental & a bit of a pussy considering what’s valued by young people, at least in my immediate circle, but I do think excess in casual, meaningless alcohol fueled sex (& of course porn) is bad for the mind. Never thought I’d say that 3 years ago.

Well okay I feel off the bandwagon again a few times. Tomorrow is a new day.

First time poster long time lurker!! But I’m joining the bandwagon, I watch porn only when doing some form of PE. I watch porn when I’m clamping and pumping. I need to learn to do PE without the assists of porn.

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
That’s so strange man, because I feel the same thing happening to me.

I don’t know if it’s just because I’m getting older (24 now, wow, wtf) but I find myself becoming more … conservative. It’s strange. I still agree with things like Mill’s harm principle, but a lot of behavior I’d idolized & found funny before now seems kind of wrong (bragging about sex stories, lying & tricking girls to get laid, banging prostitutes, stories involving a small level of exploitation like drunken gangbangs etc).

I’m probably falsely correlating these beliefs with less porn when it’s more to do with being older & better educated. But thinking rationally about my porn use, & using less porn, did happen concurrently with a reconsideration’s of my values. Kind of makes me feel judgmental & a bit of a pussy considering what’s valued by young people, at least in my immediate circle, but I do think excess in casual, meaningless alcohol fueled sex (& of course porn) is bad for the mind. Never thought I’d say that 3 years ago.

Yeah, wait till you start to realize every girl is SOMEONES daughter or sister, and they love them like you love your sister or Mom. Nothing fucks up using others like seeing them as human beings, damn!


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