Originally Posted by WannaBeLonger
Hello all, long time lurker. I have read that jelqing against the dorsal vein is bad and that more pressure should be placed on the sides of the shaft rather than on the top/bottom. This is fine except for what I have read about fixing curves. If I have a downward curve and want to fix it is, it alright to jelq SD while bending my wrist upward to fight it (with low erection level), or are flaccid V-stretches at the bend the safest/best way to fix the curve?
I too am working on straightening my cock from a downward curve. This is what I’m doing at the moment. It’s basically the newbie routine with emphasis on against the curve. 5 minute hot wrap, then a few stretches, not too aggresive and held for about 5 seconds, straight out, left, right and up, not down, I don’t want to stretch the topside of my penis(this may not happen but I omit this stretch). About 3 sets just to loosen it up. This is my main stretch, I’ll call it the elbow stretch, I grabbed this item from my garage, a 50mm PVC elbow at 90 degrees, I place it with open ends facing the ground sitting just above my cock, then I grab my head and pull it up and over onto the elbow. There are a couple grips I use, one is I place my thumbs together, fingernails touching with pads of thumbs placed on the frenulum, light pressure, the pipe grips the penis really well so not much pressure is needed on the frenulum, the rest of the fingers go inside the elbow. Now start turning the elbow up, just a little movement down or up to get it seated right at base of penis. Be careful with this, go softly, you could tear your dick off with the amount of leverage you can get out of the elbow. At the moment I hold for about 20 sec on this stretch, release, a little stretch left, right, out, up and little rub, then onto another elbow stretch. About 4 of these I do and then I move onto jelqing. Jelqing out and up with an upward curve trying to end up with penis eye looking at my belly button. End with a hot rap and that’s my routine at the moment. I have only been doing this for about a week so if I get positive results I will make sure I share the news.