EQ goes down whenever I start a routine!!
Hey guys,
I Haven’t done a PE routine in many, many months.
Currently at 7” BPEL and 5.5” Girth (5.7” on a good day).
I would REALLY like to get to 7” NBPEL and 6” girth by the end of this year (2012).
Anyways, I started a routine that consisted of just a warmup, 40 Jelqs and a warm down. I increased it to 50 Jelqs within 2 weeks. 2 Days on 1 day off.
My EQ went down soon into the routine, this was due to jelqing too hard I think. So I took off a few days, waited for my EQ to return and started a new routine.
This routine consisted of a warmup, 5 Min stretch (30s up, down, side, side, straight out X2), a re-warmup, 20 Jelqs and a warm down. Warm up/down all 5 mins+ with a hot cloth.
1 Day on, 1 Day off.
I would add 5 Jelqs each third workout. Stretches stayed at 5min. I would stretch lightly (almost a gentle tug) and Jelq very very lightly with an erection level of 0-50%.
My EQ went down again when I got to 30-35 Jelqs and now I’m at my wits end.
Can anyone offer advice ?
Also can masturbation impact a lot on PE ? Masturbate about 2-5 times a day.
Please help :P
I will start the same routine above in a week or 2, when my EQ returns.
Thank you