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Girth Gains Temporary


Girth Gains Temporary

I have read across 4 PE forums, Thundersplace, PE gym, Cheeky Cherries, and Matters of Size and have found the same consistent result: girth gains disappear without maintenance.

I have seen cases, even on here, of people losing an inch or more of girth after a year or longer break. How is this possible? The clearest answer to me is that girth gains are due to primarily to edema and some minor temporary blood entrapment. Edema is not a good sign, it is an indicator of possible damage. If any of the more experienced veterans can refute this please do, I am very open and want to hear others’ opinions. If you have personal experience that counters what I have read please state the longest break you have taken and whether you were able to keep all of your girth gains without maintenance.

Originally Posted by johndough123
I have read across 4 PE forums, Thundersplace, PE gym, Cheeky Cherries, and Matters of Size and have found the same consistent result: girth gains disappear without maintenance.

I have seen cases, even on here, of people losing an inch or more of girth after a year or longer break. How is this possible? The clearest answer to me is that girth gains are due to primarily to edema and some minor temporary blood entrapment. Edema is not a good sign, it is an indicator of possible damage. If any of the more experienced veterans can refute this please do, I am very open and want to hear others’ opinions. If you have personal experience that counters what I have read please state the longest break you have taken and whether you were able to keep all of your girth gains without maintenance.

Well, from what I know, girth gains have an inverse proportionality relation: - gaining it´s (most of the times) harder and take a longer time than lenght gains, losing gains (after stoping PE) are easier and quicker than lenght gains.

But, I may be wrong!

Start: 07/09/08 - BPEL: 6.75"; NBPEL: 6.2"; EG: 4.75"; STOPED for several times.

----- Current/Restart: - BPEL: ~ 7"; NBPEL: ~ 6.4"; EG: 4.85";

Final Goal - NBPEL: ≥ 7.5"; EG: ≥ 5.5";

There was a period of time when I stopped all PE for over a year. I lost nothing at all. My growth is certainly not edema. I truly believe I have forever altered my penis.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

I notice that when I clamp there is edema swelling that lasts for a few hours after the session, and while I`ve not clamped for more than a week or so at a time, I would imagine the swelling would eventually have a lasting effect on the supporting tissues.

I have never focused on girth exercises, as I`ve only been interested in length gain, but after a period of clamping sessions I noticed a jump in length gain for some reason and this week have been clamping again to see if I could repeat the effect.

Hey a-unit, how long did you do these clamping sessions that resulted in length gains? Ie., sets per day/how many days?


My picture thread;

Geetarman's first pic

Any others have girth gains remain after an extended break?

I’ve been reading this forum for years, and have rarely read about disappearing girth gains in people who have consistently followed a routine, even if they take a long break. If someone was sporadic with their routine, it’s likely they would lose much of it with an extended break, but if they have been consistent, and the tissues have adapted to their new size, it should be minimal.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Firegoat, search Braindrain and Psychojitsu, they are perfect examples of what I am talking about. They both lost massive girth gains after a month or longer hiatus despite having very dedicated routines.

Ok, just searched Braindrain. Here are a couple of his posts, quite some time apart. braindrain - PE for Life. ” (02/05/10) “I have been doing around 10 minutes of Jelqing per day and some squeezes here and there… I had to come back. I haven't lost any size or anything. PE is somewhat of an addiction / stress reliever for me, so I have started to casually do it again. I’m hoping to reach 8.6” BPEL x 6.125” that will bring my gains to a nice 2” in length (BPEL) and 1.75” in girth. :) I don’t care if it takes a year to do… like I said, now its more of a stress reliever than anything.”

>>>>> NEW LIFE, NEW PE, NEW GOALS <<<<< “As far as progress, there has been nil since last measurement. Haven't lost much if anything in length or girth. So now its time to go from pretty big, to amazingly big.” (08/02/10)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by johndough123

Any others have girth gains remain after an extended break?


Firegoat, here is the link to Braindrain’s progress log. He made a month to month outline here are some quotes from it:

Month 18:
Lost all clamping girth gains from previous month

Month 27:
- Lost all my girth gains! Measured EG at 4.56”

The link is here PE for Life.

Psychojitsu lost over an inch after his break. I’m not saying you can’t get gains from PE, but it is whether the girth gains are truly permanent that I am questioning and whether they are primarily due to edema. Maintenance routines don’t make sense if the corpora cavernosa has been stretched beyond it’s capacity and healed to where they can accommodate more blood. If this were the case, maintenance would not be required as the tissue was already "set" in it’s new expanded state.

I’m not trying to challenge anyone, just want some feedback regarding both biological theory and if permanent girth gains are really possible. I haven’t seen much evidence for it and am open to listening to everyone’s opinion and experience.

Braindrain is pretty up front that Clamping never worked for him. Not every PE method works for everybody.

So you can’t really draw conclusions from him saying he lost clamping gains.

I don’t know if you have seen any recent pix of him, I think he is around 6” or so now. He credits his permanent gains from his jelqing. From that same post:

Originally Posted by braindrain

Perfect Jelqing
I believe jelqing is the most important part to any PE routine. I attribute most of my length gains and all of my girth gains to it (As you can see from the summary above, clamping only really gave me swollen gains and discolouration). All throughout the forum you will see me refer to ‘Perfect Jelqing’. In reality there is nothing special about perfect jelqing. It’s just jelqing… perfectly! Simply jelq as perfect as you can, taking nice long strokes, squeezing with good pressure for the most expansion possible. Focus on making every stroke perfect and focus on lots of expansion. Before you know it, 10 minutes of perfect jelqing will feel like an hour of jelqing your old way.

Really… all clamping has ever done for me is made me swollen (temporary gains) and given me discoloration. Maybe it works for others. But not my favorite PE method. I have never used an air clamp though, just the regular cable clamps.

A perfect example of an inconsistent routine. And still almost an inch of girth gains.

On the month 17/18 he (Braindrain) says:

“Ended the month at 4.875” EG – thats 0.375” gained in around 10 days…

Month 18:


Lost all clamping girth gains from previous month

If he gained 0.375” in 10 days, it was not a true gain, but edema and an increase in elastic content - little new collagen formed. If you ‘gain’ at that rate then take a month off, it’s not going to stay.

From month 18 to month 27, he didn’t do much in the way of consistent PE at all, so if the gain he had got up to then wasn’t true gain, it’s not surprising he lost it. After month 27, he doesn’t seem to have had more problems holding onto girth.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

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