On a side note; When I finally get to my ultimate goal of 9x6” I’ll come back here and tell you the sky’s the limit! That would be INSANE, no that WILL be insane!
This is coming from someone who once upon a time thought 7” BPEL was impossible. Please, take it as motivation because if I could do it I’m willing to bet everyone can do it as I’ve been a seriously hard gainer when starting out over 10 years ago.
Find what works for you and when the gains come to a hault then either increase time and/or reps or just switch it up to keep your unit guessing. And sometimes you’ll even need to take a break from it all to decondition, allowing for new and hopefully improved gains with your then worked up arsenal of new knowledge.
I for one am truly amazed in the capabilities of the human body to adapt and change when stressors are put upon it in the right way, and over time.
So less wondering and wishful thinking just get to it, the sooner you start the sooner you’ll gain and eventually reach your goals.
And all the knowledge you’ll ever need in this field is readily available on here, for free, with many, many more guys like me on here to cheer you on and do their very best to help keep you motivated. Do I really need to say anymore?