Hello all this is my first post,
I have been a member of this community for a decent amount of time. If I had to estimate it was probably around 2 years ago that I joined and found Thunders palace 4 years ago. I’ve tried PE routines in the past but couldn’t stay consistent in high school and only gave it a shot one other time before giving up yet again. I was recently talking to my girl and she talks about size (usually about smaller men she has been with) and says that I am the 4th biggest she has been with and it didn’t sit right with me. So, here I am yet again but this time I would really like to buy into the routine and stay consistent. I’m doing this more for myself anyway because I’ve always been not very confident with my size and unsure if I have been lied to in the past so enough is enough this time we dive in and will give it my best shot. I will try to post more regularly maybe every 2 weeks or so with updates on measurements and such
My beginning stats are
Flaccid length: 3.85”
Flaccid girth: 3.9”
Erect Length: 5.85”
Erect girth(mid): 4.5”
Note that I took my measurements without pushing into the skin and measured length from the top of the penis.
Wish me luck
I forgot to mention that the first goals I’ve set are,
Erect length: 7.0”
Erect girth: 5.5”