Thunder's Place

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My routine. critique it

My routine. critique it

How often should I stretch my foreskin in preparation for manual stretches? I really want to prevent turkey necking. Can I expect to make say an inch in gains by September if I keep on this newbie routine? I’ve been upping the stretching time.and started slow on jelqs at like 25-50. Now I’m at 100.

During week 2 I did stretching for probably 10-20 minutes. I decided to up the time.because that’s what everyone suggests. Tailor your routine towards your goals.

ROUTINE (During week 3)
A. Lay in bathtub to warmup.
B. 25-35 minutes of stretching
C. 75-125 jelqs ( I usually do them with “fluffys” as one thundersmember liked to call it. My penis is soft but full of blood. I’d say it’s at a 40-50% erection level. If I get too hard I take a break until it softens.
D. Kegels throughout the day
E. Started implementing foreskin stretches. Usually when erect, I will put up the skin on my shaft while simultaneously keeping the skin at the bottom of my shaft from moving up. I do feel a slight burn.but I do not do it too hard. I do this at various points on my shaft to try and stretch it out. I don’t really keep a count on minutes.but I’d say about 5 minutes last night when I first tried it.

I don’t know if it was too much PE.but I felt a weird sharp pain in my urethra like an hour or two later. I don’t know which exercises I can attribute this problem to.

I vary my PE weekly. Sometimes I’ll do 2 or 3 days in a row. I never jelq 3 days in a row. If I do three days in a row of PE, I will not include jelqing unless my penis feels OK. Been going for about 3 weeks now. I started PE late December 2007 and continued on and off till beginning of February with no noticeable gains. Suggestions?

Starting size: 6NBP. 5.75 EG
Current goal: 7NBP. 5.75 EG

I’ll take any girth that comes my way,

Last edited by justlearning : 05-20-2008 at .

Does laying in bathtub help out a lot? I have been on a quest to find out a good warm up for me. Right now I just sit on the side of the tub and use a cup to warm up, then workout, then shower.

Invictus I got a good warmup this is what I do I heat up water in a pot and dip a towel and wring it out and watch tv. And your only on week 3 and do 25 to 30 min of streatching maybe I got to bump my routine up, ive been thinking of it but im on te 4th month and just do 10 15 min streatching but seen no gains DAMNIT.

The sense I’ve gotten from veteran members is that manual stretching for this much time isn’t really that big of a deal. Think about it.people are using ADS within the first and second month and see gains. What I would recommend is not overdoing jelqs. I made that mistake early on and paid the hurt. Work up jelqs slowly.

Well, JL, I think thant 30 minutes of stretching in the 2nd week of PE is pretty too much.
Yes, you have to progress in your work-load, but not doubling the work from a week to another: more like adding about 2 minutes every week or so.

And I suspect you are doing stretches with too much force, also.

You have to pull gently, for the first times, doing it hard will only make future gains less probable.

Do you have days off in your routine?

1” gain in six months is not usual. You’ll be lucky if you get 1/2” in six months. Sorry for the bad news.

Good gains, anyway :) .

Oh, I was forgetting: JL, could you read this:Forum Guidelines?

Thanks in advance :) .

Last edited by marinera : 05-20-2008 at .
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