Newbie routine
Hey you guys, so recently I have started PE again and I am super excited because I’m seeing minor results in flacid hang/length, girth, and I’m starting to feel more confident, so here is my current routine:
Warm up
Put unit in hot water, massage, light stretch, really warm it up
Stretches in all directions for 30 seconds each, up, left, right, forwards and down
Once more put it in hot water, massage and strech more
Shake it off, helicopter
Do 100/200 jelqs
3 second each
Pump for 10 minutes
Take it out, put in hot water, massage, light stretch
Pump for more 15 minutes
Stretch, massage, under hot water
Do more 100 jelqs
Warm down
Put unit in hot water once more, massage and stretch again
Put cock ring on for 30/50 minutes, for the rest of the day light stretches, jelqs, and at night bed fowfers
Please feel free to give advice/ tips, you are more than welcome to