Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clamping Gains


Clamping Gains

I am 5 inch’s in erect girth and would like to be 6 to 6 1/2 inch’s in girth or even 7 how long does it usually take to gain and inch to and inch and a half of girth threw clamping if I did 3 10 min sets everyday? (With 10 min breaks in between)

What have you guys gained through clamping

What have you guys gained through clamping? How long did it take you all to reach your goals?

Last edited by RootCap : 12-26-2008 at .

Years, it will take time to gain that much. Start with the newbie routine for at least 3 months before you start clamping. You have only one dick and you don’t want to damage it. Please read as much as you can before you start with a advanced routine like clamping. Also make sure you look through the injury thread, many accidents have happened because people started doing advance stuff too early.


Since it’s only your second post I’ll be nice.

Please check the forum guidelines concerning spelling, chat speak, etc., and familiarize yourself with the search function.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

Do a newbie routine for at least three months. Like plein_lee says you can injure yourself with clamping if you start before you know more about your penis and how it responds to PE.

I would also say look at this thread:

Is starting out lesser necessarily better

BEST OF LUCK and welcome to Thunder’s!

OK. And although this is my first post of Thunder’s it’s my 7th month of PE, and I too would like to gain about 1inch in girth. I’ve gained .25 already mostly from high erection jelqs. Can you now answer his question from that of someone with my level of experience? How long would it take to gain an inch and on what regime? Preferably from someone who has gained an inch in girth. Ill try just about anything except pumping. Thank you

Haha sorry guys I meant to say that I’m not a newbie to pe I’ve been hanging for a while with the bib hanger so I think my penis is up to par and I have done jelqs before just clamping is new to me and I have actual done this newbie routine before I bought my bib starter so I think I’m ok but thank you for your concerns but would love to hear what yall have to say about clamping cause it seems lots of people do different things and different ways. So whats yalls experience on clamping? And I will read the injury thread that would deff be a big help! But would would I be looking at to gain an inch in girth? Since I’m 5 inch in eg?

nwa6, please familiarize yourself with the Forum Guidelines and the search function. :)


Is it just me or are the frequency of this type of post increasing?

I feel bad for the mods.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Maybe there are similar threads to this one, but that is only because their has no been a definitive answer to the question. And as you have noticed NWA6’s post too has gone unanswered. The only responses were telling him to do a newbie routine, although he is far from a newbie. So I am sure if someone could answer this question, you will not see this question posed numerous times. There are similar threads to this one, as I have seen using the search button, but none with a definitive answer. I would just like to know how typical growth occurs on a clamping regimen, what realistic goals are, etc.

Originally Posted by nwa6
I am 5 inch’s in erect girth and would like to be 6 to 6 1/2 inch’s in girth or even 7 how long does it usually take to gain and inch to and inch and a half of girth threw clamping if I did 3 10 min sets everyday? (With 10 min breaks in between)

Gaining an inch of EG through non-surgical PE techniques is an accomplishment that likely very few people can boast. I’ve been practicing PE for two years (clamping for ~16 months) with clamping and dry jelqs as my primary hope for EG gains. I’ve seen slightly more than 1/4 of an inch in EG increase.

I wish you the best of luck, but I wouldn’t bank on gaining an inch of girth in this lifetime. Others might disagree with me or my negativity, but I believe a true gain of 1 inch in EG to be extremely difficult or even impossible to obtain.

"Life's not a bitch. Life is a beautiful woman."

Grocery Store:

I don’t know that there is any such thing as ‘typical’ growth on a clamping routine.

As to realistic goals, here is a graph of girth increases over time based on data here:

It’s from the thread Size’s PE data analysis

And I generally agree with Girth and Greed, and I think the graph I linked to bears him out. A true one inch increase in girth is not common.

I’m moving this thread from Newbie to Main Member, as neither nwa6 or Grocery Store are newbies, and clamping is definitely not a newbie exercise.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Grocery Store
Maybe there are similar threads to this one, but that is only because their has no been a definitive answer to the question. And as you have noticed NWA6’s post too has gone unanswered.

I tried to read his posts, but the run on sentences made my brain explode.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by Grocery Store
Maybe there are similar threads to this one, but that is only because their has no been a definitive answer to the question. And as you have noticed NWA6’s post too has gone unanswered. The only responses were telling him to do a newbie routine, although he is far from a newbie. So I am sure if someone could answer this question, you will not see this question posed numerous times. There are similar threads to this one, as I have seen using the search button, but none with a definitive answer. I would just like to know how typical growth occurs on a clamping regimen, what realistic goals are, etc.

I think whiskey may have been referring to the run-on sentence that started the thread. If not, there are far too many people that don’t even take the time to glance at a thread or two before creating yet another post about rushing things.

We would all take a big dick tomorrow if we could accelerate things. Its just not going to happen. Every thread, new and old contains basically the same info: start out slow, don’t overdo it, gains take time, everyone is different gains-wise. Truth be told, you don’t even have to search for this info, it hits you right in the face the minute you click on the first thread of any board.

Girth gains are tough to get, and harder to maintain. If you want and inch and a half girth NWA, then be ready to commit to years of work. Best of luck to you. :D .

A year and a half of PE, and 8 months of that being serious, intelligent, and meticulous in my routine have resulted in improved vascularity, some length, and a couple of decimal points of girth.

Given that your not a newbie, and your already doing your clamping at a high intensity, you can likely expect to be constantly upgrading your routine, and the intensity level to see gains. Maybe try lowering the rest time between sets, and make sure to incorporate heat in your routine. As long as your getting great expansion, you should expect to grow into whatever your dick is expanding to in time. How much time is all a matter of whether your penis will cooperate with you, or not.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Last edited by hopeful2hanglow : 01-09-2009 at .
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