Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Can you share what you've gained from if you have?

How much did you gain ?

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

Originally Posted by Titleist
Yes. I gained a noticeable amount. When it stopped then I tried something new.

Titleist, I remember reading some of your posts and I thought I read some of your gains was from pumping, is that correct?

Originally Posted by alivegeta
The newbie routine did not work for me I did that for 2 1/2 months gained .1 girth . I got depressed like I will never gain and I stopped PE and moved on with my life ,then 4 months passed .One night I was thinking about my size and I was like let’s do this one more time then I got up started to search for people who didn’t gain from the newbie routine to my surprise I found lots of guys who didn’t gain from the newbie routine.
A guy wrote in his thread that he gained from A/V stretches then that is when I started ,now I have gained about an inch in 4 months . My routine in signature.

Did you do only A and V streches.for 4months and gained 1inch?? What about your girth. did you lost or kept the same girth?

Manual streches and Vet jelqing.


Gained abot half an inch in BP. NBP is almost the same but a little bigger.

may be repeating myself but about three inches in nearly as many years jelqing was the most beneficial stage but it was my first gain then extenders complimented and solidified that I went from 9.3 cm to 17.7cm in length circumference changed as well.

I am not a fan of records and do not keep records besides the size of a dick changes daily in accordance to you level of testosterone in quite a few days my dick records 1.5 cm change in erect length.

Blue eye, blonde latino

Has Anyone gained a nice amount of girth with just manuals?

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

Originally Posted by sricardo

may be repeating myself but about three inches in nearly as many years jelqing was the most beneficial stage but it was my first gain then extenders complimented and solidified that I went from 9.3 cm to 17.7cm in length circumference changed as well.

I am not a fan of records and do not keep records besides the size of a dick changes daily in accordance to you level of testosterone in quite a few days my dick records 1.5 cm change in erect length.

You gained three inches in three years from jelqing? How frequetly did you let it rest? I wish I knew when growth from jelqing and hanging occurred =[.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

I will be hitting the 6 month mark in a few days and looks like my length gains will be 1 1/8”. MEG has only been 1/8” but I have not been working for girth yet. Now BEG is about 3/8” gained but that is not what I count towards my gains.

I have mostly been doing ADS and hanging each day with a rest day every 10 - 15 days or so. I will be testing the more rest theory starting the 1st of May. Will also start doing some mechanical jelling twice a day for 10 mins each time.

Started: (NOV14) BPEL 5" MEG 4.75" BEG 4.75"

Current: BPEL 6.438 MEG 4.875" BEG 5.25"

Would you mind intricately detailing your routine? I’m wondering if i’d gain more under it whenever I start back hanging again.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

Originally Posted by Lovely007
Manual streches and Vet jelqing.
Gained abot half an inch in BP. NBP is almost the same but a little bigger.

My experience is similar, how are you doing now?
Me after almost 1 year not gaining I am taking some time off

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by q92
My experience is similar, how are you doing now?
Me after almost 1 year not gaining I am taking some time off

Pump with heat. I found pumping magnifies your gains. For some reason pumping makes my penis feel “more stretchy” when I do manual stretches. Hard to explain but penis feels like it can be stretched more and you get gains like this

Deadwood joined again after being banned. Here's his end as sven217. For some reason he delights in trolling this board.

Originally Posted by deadwood187
Pump with heat. I found pumping magnifies your gains. For some reason pumping makes my penis feel “more stretchy” when I do manual stretches. Hard to explain but penis feels like it can be stretched more and you get gains like this

I know exactly how you feel, it feels like a stretchy wet sponge after pumping. I pump before my routine now also because of that very reason.

Heheh, How about those pump pains huh…. Those randoms singes throughout the day. Out of pumping, jelqing, and hanging, the ones from pumping are the scariest, really. I feel like its so dangerous to pump lol.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

Originally Posted by TonyThaTyga
I know exactly how you feel, it feels like a stretchy wet sponge after pumping. I pump before my routine now also because of that very reason.

Heheh, How about those pump pains huh…. Those randoms singes throughout the day. Out of pumping, jelqing, and hanging, the ones from pumping are the scariest, really. I feel like its so dangerous to pump lol.

How extreme are you going? The only pain get from pumping is skin pain (which I take causes the discoloration) .I also find pumping increases my erections and semen out put dramatically. This is why I am going to hate stopping it but I have to . My penis looks like it belongs to a black man. I am lily white and my penis is pretty discolored.

Deadwood joined again after being banned. Here's his end as sven217. For some reason he delights in trolling this board.

Originally Posted by quest4size
Titleist, I remember reading some of your posts and I thought I read some of your gains was from pumping, is that correct?

Yes the bulk of my gains are from pumping.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


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